Sunday, December 31, 2006
A special thanks
Well, just wanted to say thanks for reading my blog in ‘06. I’m heading toward my third blogging year—we’ll see what ‘07 brings. I'm spending New Years eve tonight with a lot of other people from church, so no posts till much later tomorrow afternoon when I wake up :)
Friday, December 29, 2006
Travel skivvies

Saw these this morning while out doing some pre-ski trip shopping at a local store. There is so much I could say about this, but I won't.
Ok, yes. I will...
First of all, if you can afford to travel to 17 countries in 6 weeks, you sure as heck better be able to afford some space to carry around a few skivvies. I don't care how "breathable" they are! You wear those for that long, Malaria and Japanese Encephalitis will be the LAST of your worries! No shots to help with THAT!
I'm done.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
On my soapbox

When was the last time you told someone you would do something, and then not done it? Or you did it so poorly that you would both have been better off if you had said "no" to begin with?
If you don't care what people think of you, then maybe there's no reason to worry about it. After awhile, those who know you will just assume that you're not reliable, and they'll just stop asking you for commitments. Those who don't know you well enough to avoid asking you will find out soon enough, and they'll stop asking you too. After a while, the only people you'll need to worry about are the ones who either don't yet know you, or haven't yet asked you for anything.
If you have a great personality, or lots of money, or a wonderful spouse, you may not even notice the lack of esteem others have for you. They will continue to invite you to do things -- they just won't count on you. Whether you show up or not, no one will be inconvenienced anymore, because they're not expecting anything from you.
Even if you either don't care, or don't care enough to do something about it, if you are a Christian you have another problem. The Bible tells us to let our "yes be yes and our no be no". (Matt. 5:37). When we say yes and are consistently unreliable, we do more than damage our own reputation -- we damage God's reputation in the eyes of those who see Him through us. Not only do we discourage other Christians, but to those who do not know God, we provide a witness that they will likely have to overcome to even want to consider becoming Christians.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about the person who just occasionally doesn't live up to their commitments. We have all experienced that from time to time. No, I'm talking about the person who acquires a reputation for not being reliable.
I have two friends each of whom is unreliable. One is unreliable because they think they want the freedom of not being organized. The other friend is unreliable because they think they're better organized than they really are.
Both of my friends have the same problem: they both say yes when they should say no and vice-versa. The Bible tells us that our yes should be yes and our no should be no. It also tells us in Luke 16:20 that whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. Although the context has to do with money, the principle is universal. If we cannot be trusted to do what we say we'll do, neither God nor man will trust us to do greater things.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox now...thanks for indulging me...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Happy Belated Festivus!

How did December 23rd pass us by without us wishing one another a Happy Festivus?
I suppose this would serve as part of the "Airing of the grievances"... So Happy Festivus for the rest of us!
If you have no idea what I am talking about...then go here.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Un-used cell phone minutes

I remember my first cell phone. It was roughly the size of a cinder block, but less pleasing in appearance and function. I think my first cell contract was $30 for 30 minutes. I'm not kidding. And a portion of a minute rounded up. In other words, you could make fifteen 65 second calls and you were over your limit and getting jacked for about a buck a minute (or portion thereof).
Not so today. I have a cell phone plan that would allow me to call Buffalo NY for Time & Temperature as often as I wanted. I have more minutes than George Bush has backers right now. Nationwide. Plus free weekends, free evenings and free whenever minutes to T-mobile phones. All that to say, I never have an excuse to not make a call any more. Never...
In spite of easy access, I regularly wonder "What happened to..." and "Why haven't they called?"
It hit me the other day that if I really wanted to stay connected with people, I'd come home with a drained phone battery every day and use all my cell minutes. Instead, it's easier to not call. It's easier to not connect, easier to wonder why we disconnected, even though I have their number in my phone and could, at no cost, call them and find out.
I have moved all over the country. I've developed close relationships with people only to pack up and move on. Every time I've watched them grow small in the rearview mirror and told myself "but I'll stay connected to THEM. They're like family....". I must have eight or ten people like that, yet quickly, the calls stop (both ways) and we're both left wondering.
To be fair, relationship is anchored in two directions - a common history and a common future. That's what you do with friends. You reminisce and you scheme. You look back and you look forward. When you move away, you disconnect with the common future that you thought you might have had at one point...and conversations become a stilted rehash of the last time you got together. The only thing that's worse than not connecting is reconnecting and finding out that you don't have anything to say.
I have no resolve to this, except to say that I wonder what happened to you. Or me. I think of you often... with a bit of sadness in my heart because of the widening gap between my life and yours...and cell minutes left on my account at the end of the month.
How moronic is that??
Monday, December 25, 2006
Busy Christmas

It was a very long day.
Began the morning at my friend Brian's house for breakfast and exchanged gifts, then made my way to my grandparent's for lunch and the annual lottery ticket scratch-0ff....jetted over and opened gifts at my parent's house for dinner...then moseyed over to my friend Darren's place and watched a little James Bond to wind I've finally made it home. WHEW!
"And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight...'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!' ".
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Well, sort of.
It's raining outside, and it's cooooold. Not cold enough to freeze mind you (this is Texas ya know?) but just enough bite in the air to make you wanna sit by the fire with a nice caramel apple cider from Starbucks :)
Got Christmas Eve services tonight at church, then the eating shall commence tomorrow!
Stay warm and dry kiddos!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Random thoughts at 10pm on a Saturday
Sometimes, when I’m driving and listening to the music of someone like Led Zepplin, The Doobie Brothers, U2, etc., I picture myself as a character in an independent film in one of those long driving scenes.
When men over thirty wear shirts or sweatshirts with more than one Disney character on them, it creeps me out.
When I go into a public restroom to wash my hands and someone rustles in the stall like they’re just about done and ready to reveal themselves, I frantically try and get out before they do. It’s kind of like a little contest, if I see them, I lose. I hate losing.
If I don’t practice remembering the books of the Bible in order, I get them mixed up. And, for some reason, in my head, I always feel like I’m going to get caught and someone will say, “Wow, you’re a Christian and you don’t even know the books of the Bible,” to which my clever reply will be, “No, no I don’t.”
My oldest neice is pumped for Christmas. She loves to count down the days. The only problem is that she won’t really be home on Christmas so it screws up the whole Santa deal. Now, we talk about the meaning of Christmas a lot–so the whole Santa thing is a sideshow, for sure. Last night she asked me again, “how’s this going to work with us not being at our house and Santa coming…” And, everything inside me wanted to free her from his boxed up Santa-prison and yell out, “It’s all a LIE... the reindeer, the elves, the whole sordid milk-and-cookies-chimney-sliding-fat-man-story…” but, instead, just another clever response–”Uhmm, how many days till Christmas?”
When men over thirty wear shirts or sweatshirts with more than one Disney character on them, it creeps me out.
When I go into a public restroom to wash my hands and someone rustles in the stall like they’re just about done and ready to reveal themselves, I frantically try and get out before they do. It’s kind of like a little contest, if I see them, I lose. I hate losing.
If I don’t practice remembering the books of the Bible in order, I get them mixed up. And, for some reason, in my head, I always feel like I’m going to get caught and someone will say, “Wow, you’re a Christian and you don’t even know the books of the Bible,” to which my clever reply will be, “No, no I don’t.”
My oldest neice is pumped for Christmas. She loves to count down the days. The only problem is that she won’t really be home on Christmas so it screws up the whole Santa deal. Now, we talk about the meaning of Christmas a lot–so the whole Santa thing is a sideshow, for sure. Last night she asked me again, “how’s this going to work with us not being at our house and Santa coming…” And, everything inside me wanted to free her from his boxed up Santa-prison and yell out, “It’s all a LIE... the reindeer, the elves, the whole sordid milk-and-cookies-chimney-sliding-fat-man-story…” but, instead, just another clever response–”Uhmm, how many days till Christmas?”
Friday, December 22, 2006
Can I sleep in or play Atari?

Times have changed for me.
I'm growing older and am becoming separated from my youth. Though these differences are prevalent on a daily basis, they come to the forefront around Christmas.
When I was younger all I wanted for Christmas was everything in the JC Penney's catalog. Now I can't come up with enough things I want to give each family member one suggestion.
When I was younger all I wanted was to get up and catch Santa climbing up the chimney. Now I want to sleep until around 9:30, shower, shave and eat breakfast before I think about gifts.
When I was younger, I could have cared less about the big meal and just wanted to play with my toys. Now that I'm older all I think about is how many calories are in those candied yams.
When I was younger I loved playing video games on my Atari 2600 or Commodore 64. I would pack my games up and take them to grandma's house and play until my eyes were bloodshot. Now that I'm older... wait, I still want to play video games.
In fact I'm going to the livingroom to finish my game of Frogger on PS2. At least somethings will never change.
I'm growing older and am becoming separated from my youth. Though these differences are prevalent on a daily basis, they come to the forefront around Christmas.
When I was younger all I wanted for Christmas was everything in the JC Penney's catalog. Now I can't come up with enough things I want to give each family member one suggestion.
When I was younger all I wanted was to get up and catch Santa climbing up the chimney. Now I want to sleep until around 9:30, shower, shave and eat breakfast before I think about gifts.
When I was younger, I could have cared less about the big meal and just wanted to play with my toys. Now that I'm older all I think about is how many calories are in those candied yams.
When I was younger I loved playing video games on my Atari 2600 or Commodore 64. I would pack my games up and take them to grandma's house and play until my eyes were bloodshot. Now that I'm older... wait, I still want to play video games.
In fact I'm going to the livingroom to finish my game of Frogger on PS2. At least somethings will never change.
Mission accomplished!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Waiting until the last possible moment!

First of all, I want to give a shout out to my brother Colby...thanks for reading my ramblings bro :)
I've learned that I am way behind in the modern marvel of Christmas shopping. I've discovered that "sensible" people have it all done by the 18th of December.
Why? Because there aren't any good sales this time of year.
But, I'm not in it for the sales. I'm in it for the holiday spirit and reviving the memories of being a kid and walking in the shopping mall with my mom and dad surrounded by people carrying shopping bags and listening to Christmas music being piped in every store you walk into.
Should I mention that I haven't even bought one single Christmas gift yet? So is it just a guy thing to wait this late??
What do you think?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I had the worst case of hiccups I can remember in while for almost an hour tonight.
It got to the point to where they actually hurt. Finally, after holding my breath for what seemed like an eternity, they subsided.
On a lighter note, we went to Six Flags tonight for their Holiday thingy. The place was packed, but the kettle corn was worth it :)
It got to the point to where they actually hurt. Finally, after holding my breath for what seemed like an eternity, they subsided.
On a lighter note, we went to Six Flags tonight for their Holiday thingy. The place was packed, but the kettle corn was worth it :)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hi-Tech at the AAC

Went to see the Stars get beat by the NY Rangers last night at the American Airlines Center here in Dallas (or was we like to call it...the AAC).
Getting to see Jagr play for the first time was off the chain. The man has some serious skills...
On the walk up through the entrance pavilion, we came upon these GIGANTO screens. They were Hi-def, completely digital, and man-oh-man, could these things pop with color! They were also some kind of motor/pulley system, and slid the entire length of the pavilion (which was 100 yards) in all different directions. What's more, these split up into 4 separate screens while shifting. They had 8 in all...
Hi-tech has definitely arrived at the AAC.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thanks Adam!!!

When I got home this afternoon, I found a package on my doorstep.
I rarely ever receive packages at home, so I was a little curious as to what it was.
Turns out it was a 1999 Dallas Stars Stanley Cup t-shirt, sent to me from someone in Buffalo. That someone happens to be my best friend Adam.
Adam and I have known each other since we were 12 year-old punk kids in Jr High.
We reconnected after 17 years apart back in 2002. Seeing him at the airport in Buffalo 4 years ago for the first time, was one of the single greatest moments in my life...period.
Thanks for the gift Adam, you know me well :)
Let's go skiing!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Oakley stylin'

I have a friend from church who is able get these for me at cost. These are the same exact pair worn by Cyclops in X-Men III (well... not the exact one's he wore, but the same know what I mean).
Is that cool, or what?
That's about a $300 savings!!!
So this upcoming ski season I will be sporting these bad boys. Not on the slopes of course. I'll have the goggles on for that. Knowing me, if I was to wear the glasses on the slopes, I'd break 'em quicker than you could say snow-plow.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Birdie birdie, in the sky....
Yes, I got nailed as I was walking out of Target at lunch today.
Crazy pigeons roosting in the Target sign right over the exit door.
Luckily it only hit my jacket...I guess this means it's been a crappy day? :)
Crazy pigeons roosting in the Target sign right over the exit door.
Luckily it only hit my jacket...I guess this means it's been a crappy day? :)
34 days until 24
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Last Night

My Stars lost last night to the Oilers. Could've been because Modano, Lindross, and Morrow were all on the DL, but who knows?
Our seats were pretty good. Lower lever, about 15 or so rows back. Any closer to the glass, you can't see the action at the other end of the ice very well. That didn't seem to matter since the score was 2-ZIP.
I realized one thing though, they are definitely keeping the arena a lot colder these days!! Must be prepping for the All-Star game here.
Anyway, it was a very enjoyable evening with an awesome friend. Here's a couple pics...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
When is enough, enough?
I spent a couple hours today at a local coffee shop... pretty normal Thursday afternoon. Except that across the coffee shop parking lot, a man walked with a young boy.
As I watched, the boy dropped a package he had obviously been entrusted to carry - right in a big puddle of mud. The man exploded in a tirade at this 10-12 year old boy... yelling at him in what was, from my vantage point, the ugliest silent-move I have ever seen. Then he slapped this kid upside the head.
I watched, from about 100 feet away, as several men walked by this scene...watching but doing nothing. The boy started to cry and something inside me snapped. I got up, closed my laptop, and walked across the parking lot. I walked up to the bully and told him to step away, that he was not to touch this kid again, and then I called the police. I stood there between the man and the boy until the police came and handled the situation. Then I returned inside. I heard from several men as I retook my seat, "I was going to go out there...", and "I am glad you went, because I was about to...". Yeah, right.
I am not a hero. I am not even particularly brave. But I have to ask - why are most people afraid to interact?
The guys in the parking lot were all at least as big as the bully. Why did all those men walk by a young boy who was obviously being victimized? Because they didn't want to get involved... fear of lawsuit, fear of confrontation, fear, who knows...
Are we are so afraid of being accused of doing wrong, of "getting involved" or confrontation, that we don't DO anything? Maybe we all need to get a little less civilized, and a little more righteously indignant.
I agree with Edmund Burke - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing."
As I watched, the boy dropped a package he had obviously been entrusted to carry - right in a big puddle of mud. The man exploded in a tirade at this 10-12 year old boy... yelling at him in what was, from my vantage point, the ugliest silent-move I have ever seen. Then he slapped this kid upside the head.
I watched, from about 100 feet away, as several men walked by this scene...watching but doing nothing. The boy started to cry and something inside me snapped. I got up, closed my laptop, and walked across the parking lot. I walked up to the bully and told him to step away, that he was not to touch this kid again, and then I called the police. I stood there between the man and the boy until the police came and handled the situation. Then I returned inside. I heard from several men as I retook my seat, "I was going to go out there...", and "I am glad you went, because I was about to...". Yeah, right.
I am not a hero. I am not even particularly brave. But I have to ask - why are most people afraid to interact?
The guys in the parking lot were all at least as big as the bully. Why did all those men walk by a young boy who was obviously being victimized? Because they didn't want to get involved... fear of lawsuit, fear of confrontation, fear, who knows...
Are we are so afraid of being accused of doing wrong, of "getting involved" or confrontation, that we don't DO anything? Maybe we all need to get a little less civilized, and a little more righteously indignant.
I agree with Edmund Burke - "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing."
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Seeing Stars
Monday, December 04, 2006
Riddle me this
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Relational math
Saturday, December 02, 2006
I want to ride my bicycle

Today I scored big. I was able to get this $500 dollar, never used, mountain bike for free...nada...el zippo...zilch!!!
Can you say KA-CHING?!?!?!?!?!
I haven't ridden a bike since I was 14. That is a very long time ago. Now I guess I'll see if I can prove the old saying about never forgetting how to ride one.
Hope I don't break anything :)
Friday, December 01, 2006
If the question
If the question is "Can a guy use a bottle of White Out to hammer a nail into the wall far enough to hang a picture?"...
then the answer is "Yes! Yes, he can!"
then the answer is "Yes! Yes, he can!"
Dorito Beach

A cargo container that apparently fell from a ship washed up on the Outer Banks of North Carolina on Thursday and spilled thousands of bags of Doritos brand tortilla chips on the beach.
People collected the chips, which were apparently still fresh due to their airtight packaging. It was unknown which ship had lost the cargo or to what port it was bound.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
It's a winter wonderland

Or about as close to winter wonderland as you can get here in Texas.
I snapped this shot of my house just a couple minutes ago. Most of the highways here are starting to freeze, and we all know how well iced-over bridges and Texas drivers mix together...which is why I left the office around lunch.
Adam, I know this doesn't compare to Buffalo, so don't laugh too hard :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Cool sunset
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
The lights are on the house!

And just in the nick of time too. A winter storm with freezing rain, sleet, and snow, is on it's way. Supposed to hit here Thursday. I just spoke with my friend Scott who lives in Utah, and he said it's snowing big time there. And that is the stuff that's headed this way.
I put these lights up on my house in about an hour...that's got to be a record somewhere!
My apologies for the blurry photo. I have a new Sony digital camera that I'm still trying to figure out.
BTW, it was 80 degrees here today....supposed to get down to 25 by Thursday....SHEEZ!!!!!
If I was a MLB Hall of Fame voter

Mark McGwire, Tony Gwynn, and Cal Ripken Jr headline the first-time candidates on the 2007 baseball writers Hall of Fame ballot released yesterday.
Jose Canseco is also on the ballot for the first time. Canseco said he used steroids along with McGwire when they were teammates in Oakland. At least Canseco was honest. McGwire denied using illegal performance-enhancing substances, but when he appeared before a congressional committee, he evaded questions. "I'm not here to talk about the past," was his repeated response.
There is a clause on the Hall of Fame ballot indicating that character should be considered, and after his non-performance at the congressional hearings, his character certainly DOES come into play.
If I was a Hall of Fame voter, this would be my stance:
McGwire doesn't want to talk about the past? Then I don't want to consider his past.
My friend Darren caused me to have a different view on you punish the player, or punish the era??
Friday, November 24, 2006
The tree is up

This year I decided to purchase a brand new Christmas tree to go along with the new house. So I made the trek to Gardenridge yesterday with my mom and sister-in-law, and got a super great deal on a 7-foot Sierra pine, pre-lit tree. Apparently someone forgot to tell Gardenridge it was Thanksgiving...but I digress.
Yes, it's artificial (my allergies would hate me). I decided to go with new ornaments as well. I'm part of the angel faction (sorry to the star faction), so I found a new angel for the top of the tree also.
I ended up getting the multi-colored light tree. I've always liked them better than just plain clear lights. Anywhoooo...after 3 hours of decorating it, I think it turned out pretty nice.
What do you think?
The High Stakes World of Competitive Eating

I've been tuning in to competitive eating for the last couple of years when I caught a Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest on ESPN in which Kobayashi cleaned house and ate 59 dogs!
This evening, I turned on ESPN only to find that today was the Krystal hamburger eating contest. This was 60 minutes of great TV! How we haven't thought of filming people while they eat and giving them money and trophies is sheer lunacy! Needless to say, Kobayashi won by eating 97 Krystal hamburgers. Yes, you read that correctly...97 burgers. It was impressive to say the least.
What felt weird was eating a grilled cheese and some sopa de pollo (chicken soup) while watching the competition. The funny part was when my brother said, "I would never let you get into this!" How well he knows me :) I think I could do some damage in a Krispy Kreme donut eating competition. I guess we'll never know...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Pinch me again!! This is off the hook!!

Remember how I was saying earlier this morning how I desperately need to rake/blow all of the leaves from my front yard again?
Well, I was in the shower this morning when I heard what sounded like blowers outside...I thought to myself, it must be the neighbors mowing. I looked out the window, and lawn care folks are in my yard...I thought..."what the...???"
I walked out to the head landscaper and asked him if they were at the correct address.
They said "Yup." I wanted confirmation, so they showed me the paperwork.
Some "anonymous" person sent them out! Can you believe it!!!!
The pic from the entry just before this is the "before" picture, and the pic on this entry is the "after" picture.
Someone must have been reading my blog....that's off the hook!!!!
Whoever you are, my sore arms and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!! I greatly appreciate your kind and generous heart...WooHoo!!!
Pinch Me

As I sit and type this from my study here at the house, I'm looking out at my front yard, and the leaves are falling like snow.
Sometimes I have to sit and pinch myself just to make sure that I actually live in such a nice neighborhood and house. I have definitely been blessed, even though I know I deserve much less.
My yard is full of leaves again. About every 2 or 3 minutes, a gust of wind will come thru and knock a few hundred more to the ground. I took the pic above on Friday, but trust me, there's a million more leaves on the ground this morning.
At least I don't have the snow to deal with like my best friend Adam does. But he lives in Buffalo. Adam, the one bad thing about living here in Dallas, is that your not...
I have a feeling I am going to have 20 inch biceps by the end of the day after my battle with the leaves...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Things I'm not blogging about
OK, sometimes there seems to be an excess of ideas, experiences, and books that I want to blog about … and then there are times when I have a lot of things to write about but I just don’t feel it.
So, this post is about what I’m not blogging about:
So, this post is about what I’m not blogging about:
I’m not going to blog about my haphazard stacks of books that sit strategically around the house, waiting for me to walk by and pick one of them up.
I’m not going to post my Jeff Foxworthy take on, “You know you’re a Dallas Stars fan if…” because, well, after letting it sit in the que for a day it just doesn’t seem as funny. It happens. Many posts don’t make it to the blog for one reason or another.
I’m not going to blog about how I wore a white button-down shirt with my jeans today, eventhough I never do that, and it kind of felt good. Untucked, of course :)
I’m not going to blog about my dreams of being a self-supported musician … not right now, at least.
I’m not going to blog about dealing with difficult people…although, it’s tempting.
I’m not going to blog about the fact that I watched “Nacho Libre” again today and that I think Luchadores are like Mexican ninjas.
I’m not going to blog about my fascination with the string theory, because I don’t know anything about it really.
I’m not going to blog about the fact that, at one time, I applied for an MFA at one of the best schools for creative writing and didn’t get in. It would be a good post, though, trust me.
I’m not going to blog about my three attempts at writing a novel. They’re all hidden somewhere on my hard drive, along with really bad poetry, though.
I’m not going to blog about my search to find a cool winter hat today. Although the one with the fur and the ear-flaps was hip in a very I-don’t-want-to-be-hip way.
No, these are all things I’m not going to blog about. At least, not today anyway.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I was on the phone with my brother last night and he replied to something I said with these words: "That's neat."
Now, is it just me or does "neat" seem like the type of response you would give to someone who shows you what they believe to be the COOLEST thing in the world, when in reality it's about as cool as my friend who tried wearing "man" capri-pants a few summers ago?
And think about what the word does to your facial expression. Go ahead - say it. "Neat." Notice how your face contorts like you've just smelled the armpits of a junior high kids after gym class?
Monday, November 13, 2006
Turning over an old leaf

This past Saturday, the battle began in earnest. The battle of course, is not against flesh and blood but rather every decaying leaf descending upon my front yard, now numbering in the gazillions.
I started the day by climbing up on my roof and blowing out the gutters with 280 mph of Black and Decker ramjet air. After climbing down, I blew leaves from the house towards the street. I say 'towards' the street because about halfway to the street I ran out of cord and my 280 mph of Black and Decker ramjet air went silent. I called my brother who was at Walmart - 'bring another cord'.
While waiting, I grabbed a rake and went after it the old fashioned way. By the time my brother got to the house, my two lines of leaves had met in a Great Leaf Convergence in the middle of the yard. They formed a sort of a botanical Maginot Line defending my house from the occassional dog walker or jogger wandering down the street.
Next, I swapped the blower parts out to make it a mulcher and mulch I did. And mulch. And mulch. I condensed 42,000lbs of leaves into 10 biodegradable bags and stacked them at the back alley curb for the city to come pick up on this morning.
During the mulching, I had repeated problems with it jamming...I ended up modifying the intake to allow it to munch mulch at a monsterous rate. It's the American Male Way - we can make anything go faster or work better. Next weekend I think I'll tweak the engine and try and coax it to 300 MPH of ram jet air :)
The repetitive motion of the blower, the mulcher, the rake and the bagging have torn the living snot out of my right arm, which is more accustom to a point-and-click workout than actual labor. Now I'll feel like an injured pitcher, sitting in the dugout while my team plays without me because of rotator cuff problems.
Did I mention the yard is almost full of leaves again this morning?
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Clash is calling
I am sitting right now in a coffee shop, one that I normally don't hang out in. It is near a ritzy resort here in town, and what I have discovered is that they are playing music that seems to cater to the resort folks like Sade singing "Smooth Operator". I found myself being agitated and not being able to concentrate to be writing here. I know music is very subjective, but I am not personally in harmonic resonation with Sade and the other pop "easy listening" type of music coming from the stereo in here.
So, I finally grabbed my Ipod and listened to The Clash - and within merely moments, I breathed easier, my pulse slowed down and began to be able to concentrate again.
As I listened to The Clash with relief, I couldn't help but wonder - has there been any great and truly meaningful and of substance rock or punk bands since them? I think U2, may be one of course (the only one I could think of). But since then, what bands have really been in any comparison to The Clash and all they stood for, what their songs were lyrically, what they created musically, and were just plain one of the coolest bands in music history in my subjective opinion. They had songs with angst, yet hope - were original, yet also blended other genres of music - they were fashionable, yet not fake or silly - they took strong stands on issues, yet didn't mock others or fans for not agreeing with them.
I love The Ramones, but I can honestly admit their musical writing ability is nothing in comparison to The Clash. Social Distortion is a really good band, even a great band - but seems to fall way short of who The Clash were. Green Day and Rancid are sort of third generational expressions of The Clash in many ways so I don't see them in the same category.
Did rock and punk music died with The Clash? I just cannot think of any band who is in that particular league of both influence and what they created musically since them. Maybe the Sade music (and the band The Eagles have also been playing as I typed this) are clouding my objective thinking. But I am not sure I can think of any band to compare The Clash to since they were around.
That is my wondering of a not very important question as I sit here and now I think I hear a Celene Dion beginning to play in the background.
So, I finally grabbed my Ipod and listened to The Clash - and within merely moments, I breathed easier, my pulse slowed down and began to be able to concentrate again.
As I listened to The Clash with relief, I couldn't help but wonder - has there been any great and truly meaningful and of substance rock or punk bands since them? I think U2, may be one of course (the only one I could think of). But since then, what bands have really been in any comparison to The Clash and all they stood for, what their songs were lyrically, what they created musically, and were just plain one of the coolest bands in music history in my subjective opinion. They had songs with angst, yet hope - were original, yet also blended other genres of music - they were fashionable, yet not fake or silly - they took strong stands on issues, yet didn't mock others or fans for not agreeing with them.
I love The Ramones, but I can honestly admit their musical writing ability is nothing in comparison to The Clash. Social Distortion is a really good band, even a great band - but seems to fall way short of who The Clash were. Green Day and Rancid are sort of third generational expressions of The Clash in many ways so I don't see them in the same category.
Did rock and punk music died with The Clash? I just cannot think of any band who is in that particular league of both influence and what they created musically since them. Maybe the Sade music (and the band The Eagles have also been playing as I typed this) are clouding my objective thinking. But I am not sure I can think of any band to compare The Clash to since they were around.
That is my wondering of a not very important question as I sit here and now I think I hear a Celene Dion beginning to play in the background.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
It's Red Again

It's officially begun...
I took these pics at Starbucks about 20 minutes ago...
Adam, you better have snow in Buffalo already...because the Starbucks here in Dallas says it's a winter wonderland now.
More Nacho

Last night some friends—you know who you are—gave me a priceless gift.
Yes, it’s a Nacho Libre talking pen. It does seven lines from the movie, count ‘em, seven. My favorite line, which I've been repeating like crazy in the office, made it to the pen, so we were all thrilled. It’s the line:
“Chancho, I need to borrow some suedes.”
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Oooops...She did it again...

Another one bites the dust. Can't say I'm surprised about this, but I do find it interesting that a trimmed down Britney made a surprise visit on Letterman this week. My bet is that she's getting ready to tour and didn't want to support the very talented K-Fed any longer...I'm being sarcastic of course.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Potty talk

Two times today I walked into public bathrooms and somebody was sitting in the stall. That is not that unusual. And that is definitely not worth blogging about.
But this was unusual - two times today I walked into public bathrooms and somebody is sitting in the stall and I can hear them talking on their cell phone. This is obviously a sign of something.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Some house pics
Friday, November 03, 2006
Man in the mirror
Like many of you I heard about the allegations against Ted Haggard yesterday. I usually don't post on these kinds of things, but I have one thought: look in the mirror.
I think there is a tendency to let your mind run wild when you hear something like this. And you know the media is going to have a feeding frenzy. But whether the allegations are true or false, and I sure hope they are false, I honestly think the most biblical response is a little personal reflection and lots of gratitude for the grace of God. But for the grace of God...
One last piece of advice. Instead of talking about it I'd recommend praying about it.
I think there is a tendency to let your mind run wild when you hear something like this. And you know the media is going to have a feeding frenzy. But whether the allegations are true or false, and I sure hope they are false, I honestly think the most biblical response is a little personal reflection and lots of gratitude for the grace of God. But for the grace of God...
One last piece of advice. Instead of talking about it I'd recommend praying about it.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Fun in the neighborhood
I am so going to need a healthy dose of Pepto-Bismol today after the insanity that was Halloween in my neighborhood last night! My neighbors didn't disappoint. People were out in full force and they went all out. Brach's candy was like the creatures that lived in the woods in "The Village". It was "They who's name is never to be mentioned".
The candy dispensing was off the hook! Some people were giving out whole candy bars! Not the mini size, not the bite size... whole candy bars. It was glorious!
I introduced my neighbors son to the joy of mixing Pixie Stix and soda. That's what it's all about. He was so happy as he explained the chemical explosion that his taste buds experienced.
Strangely missing from tonight's festivities: Hershey's Kisses, Bit-O-Honey (The most underrated Candy in America), and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (I was the only house on the block giving them out - The Hollaway house doesn't disappoint!).
The candy dispensing was off the hook! Some people were giving out whole candy bars! Not the mini size, not the bite size... whole candy bars. It was glorious!
I introduced my neighbors son to the joy of mixing Pixie Stix and soda. That's what it's all about. He was so happy as he explained the chemical explosion that his taste buds experienced.
Strangely missing from tonight's festivities: Hershey's Kisses, Bit-O-Honey (The most underrated Candy in America), and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (I was the only house on the block giving them out - The Hollaway house doesn't disappoint!).
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Halloween Thoughts

Every year I get asked if our church is going to do something for Halloween. Usually that's code for "How do we deal with the Devil's version of Christmas?"
Here's my thoughts on the subject (feel free to disagree, but also feel free to not send me links to sites about witchcraft and/or the winter solstice):
#1 - This is a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors.
#2 - This is the one day a year everyone in your neighborhood is going to knock on your door.
#3 - Christians should have the best candy on the block. Brach's candy is for the elderly. If I find out anyone in our church handed out pennies, I'm going to egg your house myself :)
#4 - Halloween has bad roots, but I doubt that the 7 year old at your door dressed like Anakin Skywalker is actually a devil worshipper. He's heard that the people in his neighborhood are giving out candy.
#5 - Halloween is not a day for Christians to hide out at church. It's a day to be light and salt.
#6 - Once your kids get all the candy they can carry, this is a great opportunity to teach your kids about tithing. You get to be God :)
Happy Halloween, Charlie Brown!
Monday, October 30, 2006
DST Ends
Friday, October 20, 2006
Forced to get a new cell phone

I accidentally dropped my cell phone last week while working in the garage, so I had to get a new one Sunday afternoon.
I decided to go against the flow and get a slider phone this time. It's extremely thin (which seems to be the trend nowadays) has an MP3 player, expandable memory slot (MicroSD card) and the most amazing screen on a phone I have ever seen. It's like watching TV.'s a pic...
Off early
I always love it when I can leave the office early on a Friday. It just feels good to get to the house with no traffic.
Today, however, I am leaving early to meet foundation repair people at the house for an estimate. Not to worry though. It was part of my original contract. Here in Texas, if there's any foundation repairs needed to a house, it's best to fix them in the fall, since it's not as dry.
Today, however, I am leaving early to meet foundation repair people at the house for an estimate. Not to worry though. It was part of my original contract. Here in Texas, if there's any foundation repairs needed to a house, it's best to fix them in the fall, since it's not as dry.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Maybe this is why the Rangers and Yankees can't win
With the hiring of Piniella, it is understood that the Cubs will expand their payroll, which was close to $100 million in 2006. Depending on how much they want to spend, the Cubs are one of the few teams capable of taking on (Alex) Rodriguez's salary. He is owed $95 million for the remaining four years of the landmark 10-year, $252 million deal, he signed with Texas. The Yankees are responsible for paying $66.6 million; the Rangers are paying the other $28.4 million.
Need I say more?
Need I say more?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
State Fair
Thursday, October 05, 2006
What Do I Want?
You can tell a lot about a person by listening to them talk about what they want. AND…coincidently, people can tell a lot about you just by listening to you talk–because what you want comes out…it’s like a fire inside of you that you just can’t hide.
I began thinking about this during my quiet time this morning, “What do I want–REALLY want?” I thought I would start a list this morning…and I challenge you to do the same. (I know some might not because this will be painful and/or challenging). Here is the first thing on my list:
#1 - I REALLY Want To Hear God’s Voice
Never in my life have I experienced the blessings that I am experiencing right now…and never in my life have I felt the pressure and challenges that come along with those blessings. And so…with this in mind…I am more desperate for God’s wisdom and direction than I have ever been! My consistent prayer is, “God–please don’t let me screw things up!” So far He’s been faithful…and I pray that continues.
So what about you–what do you want? Go ahead–make a list…it will reveal a lot about who you are.
I began thinking about this during my quiet time this morning, “What do I want–REALLY want?” I thought I would start a list this morning…and I challenge you to do the same. (I know some might not because this will be painful and/or challenging). Here is the first thing on my list:
#1 - I REALLY Want To Hear God’s Voice
Never in my life have I experienced the blessings that I am experiencing right now…and never in my life have I felt the pressure and challenges that come along with those blessings. And so…with this in mind…I am more desperate for God’s wisdom and direction than I have ever been! My consistent prayer is, “God–please don’t let me screw things up!” So far He’s been faithful…and I pray that continues.
So what about you–what do you want? Go ahead–make a list…it will reveal a lot about who you are.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The MLB Postseason
Today the MLB post-season begins. I'm still getting over the absolute collapse that was the Texas Rangers second half this season.
Anyway, here's how it's lining up for the divisional series:
American League
Tigers vs. Yankees
A's vs. Twins
National League
Padres vs. Cardinals
Mets vs. Dodgers
So what's your prediction? Who's going to the League Championship Series?
Here's my prediction: Twins vs. Yankees. Twins win in 6 games
Padres vs. Dodgers. Dodgers win in 5 games.
Anyway, here's how it's lining up for the divisional series:
American League
Tigers vs. Yankees
A's vs. Twins
National League
Padres vs. Cardinals
Mets vs. Dodgers
So what's your prediction? Who's going to the League Championship Series?
Here's my prediction: Twins vs. Yankees. Twins win in 6 games
Padres vs. Dodgers. Dodgers win in 5 games.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Left Behind
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