Just got tagged by a friend of mine. I guess there is a blog virus going around called "Four Things Memo." Far be it from me to stop spreading a virus! Cough... Cough...
Four Jobs I've Had-Camp counselor/Lifeguard (a tough job, but somebody's got to do it!).
-Marine Biologist (yes...I'm serious on this one. I do have a degree in it).
-Account Manager/Telemarketer (you've probably hung up on me!).
-National Gasoline Mgr (I am the one responsible for your high gas prices!).
Four Places I Have Lived-Denton, TX (hometown sweet hometown)
-Galveston, TX (mosquito paradise)
-Plano, TX (hated every second of it)
-Grapevine, TX (notice all of these are in Texas?)
Four Movies I Can Watch Over & Over-Field of Dreams (possibly the greatest movie ever)
-So I Married an Axe Murderer (Mike Myers best..."HEAD...MOVE!!!!")
-The Fifth Element (Chris Tucker at his funniest)
-Matrix: Reloaded (it sounds great on my Bose system at home!)
Four Shows I Like To Watch-Seinfeld
-Boston Legal
-Amazing Race (I love to travel!)
Four Foods That I Like-Anything from Mi Cozuelas in East Dallas (you'd better speak Spanish)
-Po' Melvins (the best home cooking...besides Mom...in DFW)
-Babe's Chicken (the BEST all-you-can-eat chicken fried steak!)
-BD's Burgers (a small joint in Utah that I found a couple weeks ago...awesome!! Must return).
** all of these are small-hole-in-the-wall places...in my opinon the best!