Many things about God are a mystery to me. One of the mysteries I love the most is how I hear from Him through the Word - the scriptures.
Sometimes when I need direction, God talks to me through a teacher, mentor, or friend. Sometimes through impressions - the world just seems to fit this way or that (of course, these always have to align with scripture). But He also talks to me by directing me to His Word. I query God and I read a piece of scripture that seems tailor made to my question. The mysterious part is how that all happens... sometimes I pray for an answer and I barely have the question formed in my mind and - BAM - I have found the answer. This is not how it goes most often, however.
Usually I wait, and pray, and wait, and look, and ask, and search, and question, and wait... and then when I least suspect it, I find what I am looking for. That very thing happened to me today - I have been on my feet, face, and knees asking God a particular question for weeks. I couldn't sleep last night - I was exhausted, but just couldn't sleep - and so I opened my Bible. At 3:00 this morning, I got my response from God. In a text that I know I've read before, but I SWEAR I've never seen... God addressed my particular circumstance perfectly. I don't know everything about how God talks, and I am frankly a little suspicious of people who ALWAYS seem to hear from Him clearly and immediately, but I do know He does talk. And I keep learning how to listen.
Friday, May 11, 2007

I discovered something at Starbucks today that will most certainly make you slap your grandma....
The Marble Loaf.
But not just the Marble Loaf... It's the Marble Loaf TOASTED. Heated. Warmed.
Holy smokes. Sweet Moses..... REALLY, really good. It's like toast with blueberries and other types of goodness.
Crunchy on the outside, Pentecostal revival on the inside...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Mr. Roboto

Ever since moving into my new house last summer, for the very first time in my life, I decided I would be the one doing all my own yard work. Let me tell you, this spring with all the rains we've been having, my yard has needed cutting at least twice a week. Mind you, I only cut it once a week though...I do have a social life, you know?
Say hello to the LawnBot
If the makers of the LawnBot have their way, teenagers everywhere will soon be scrambling to find a new means of extortion employment. The LawnBott is an environmentally-friendly electronic mower that runs for up to 4 hours on a single charge. It can mow through over 33,000 square feet of sod in the process. Owners are free to let the LawnBot mow on its own, navigating the treacherous outdoors by way of a number of sensors that detect grass height, moisture, and more. The mower also comes with a remote control for those power-hungry landscapers among us.
And why will I not be running out to get this thing you ask??? The LawnBott will cost anywhere between $1,749 - $2,899, with the top of the line model featuring the ability to universally control it from any Bluetooth-equipped device.
A little too steep for a mower...besides, how will I be able to workout every week if I'm not pushing my trusty lawnmower??
Monday, May 07, 2007
Say hello to the Pearl
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