Monday, February 21, 2005


I rather enjoy my twice daily train ride into the City. Its a time to talk to new people, and sometimes reaquaint with old friends that you have not seen in the best part of a decade.

But most of all its a place to think, read and reflect.

This is time, precious time that can be used to grow. Interestingly, the majority of Sojourners aboard the train will fill their minds with lessons on 'how NOT to do life' from the tabloids. I hope they are learning too.

Oftimes, the train is so full that I don't get to read. This morning was one of those mornings. So today, I was a more than a little presumptious and could not but help but read from the pages of a book of a young lady seated near me. (I still fell guilty, - hearing my mother's voice echo in my ears "reading over anothers shoulder is the height of rudeness").

But it was the pull quote that caught my eye:

"If we live in the light of eternity, we cannot help but live with a different set of values".

It's funny, that this one sentence has being playing on my mind all day.

And this thought has been hung, drawn and quartered by other things that I have seen and heard. Including the lyrics of a Robbie Williams number "I want to live before I die" amongst other things. (Does God speak through these things I wonder or is it just the strange and random musings of a distracted mind??).

As trivial as it all is, I just wanted to capture the thought here.

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