Monday, March 07, 2005

Why I am a Christian

1). Because everyone is a believer in something. (Or else they are a complete ignoramus).

Just last night I was watching an interview with the author Bill Bryson (author of a short history of nearly everything). By his own admission, he is not a Spiritual man - but God he stated, is equally a plausible reason for the existence of every thing as any scientific explanation. To prove something scientifically, one must by definition provide irrefutable evidence that is observable, measurable and repeatable. The evolutionist and non-believer alike place their faith in their assumptions. Evolution by default is a faith. The odds of creating life and in particular humankind are extremely remote - even by the standards of an evolutionist. It takes faith to believe. It takes faith to disbelieve.

2) The Historical Evidence:

The Dead Sea Scrolls, and the number and consistency of the number of (historicity) of manuscripts close to the source and time of there authorship, provides me with a strong indication that the scriptures existed from the beginning of the early Church and that they have been transcribed accurately. Entire books have been written on this topic such as "Evidence That demands a Verdict" by Josh Mc Dowell.

3) Because of the human condition it makes sense.

The message of the Bible makes sense. I am fallible. I aspire to perfection and an "ideal me" but my own lack of discipline, imperfections, selfishness (sin) prevents me from being who I am called to be. I know I need a Saviour. Because all of us are the same, no matter how good we are - the world is in a mess. We need a Savior - a superhero (so to speak) to save us form ourselves. One author put it this way: "If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator; If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist; If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist; If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer; But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior." No other religion I know of offers this.

4) Because "Grace Works" - it makes sense.

"Grace overpowers karma. Grace rewards where rewards are not justified." - Bono (U2), 2000

Our natural instinct when we are wronged is for justice or revenge. That sits right with us. We naturally believe in 'Karma', or 'we believe we sow what we reap'. That is natural justice but, that is never enough. It never satisfies.We long for something more - forgiveness. But faced with hurt, we naturally don't want to forgive, we demand justice. That's why (as Phillip Yancey termed it), to exercise Grace and forgive or give without merit - is supernatural. Grace is what would solve the problems in the middle - east. People laying down their 'rights' to justice and to revenge - and totally forgiving. Grace.

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