So I am laying in bed the other night trying to go to sleep while World War III is going on in my neighborhood! Seriously, I thought at any minute my house was going to get blown up.
Finally there was a lull in the explosions…and I began to drift off to sleep…and them BAM…it all cranked back up.
This happened until about 2:00 AM…I could not sleep, every time I tried fireworks were going off…I have to be honest, I was not a happy camper.
But this morning I started thinking about it…that is what God has called me (and you) to be…FIREWORKS…to go throughout the day making a series of small and large explosions that pull people out of their sleep and make them pay attention–to Jesus.
In my opinion…the church has been asleep for too long. We’ve sat around waiting on God to make a move–never considering His move He made 2,000 years ago when He sent His Son to earth.
We can’t afford to sit around and talk about issues such as choir robes and hymnals when people are going to hell around us. We’ve got to wake up and smell the Starbucks! The church was called to make noise (please read Acts two–a noise was heard and people came running from every direction! They were not concerned with having a “holy huddle” and keeping things small–they wanted to REACH people!)
Now God is waiting on us…we are called to go out into the world and reach people for Him…and we can’t do that if we remain in a state of slumber. We need to stop asking God to “empower us!” HE ALREADY HAS!!! We simply need to go out and use what we’ve been given.
So today look for an opportunity to make an explosion for God–how…invite someone to church–ask someone how you can pray for them–send someone an encouraging note–there a lots of ways…and make sure that whatever you do brings the attention back to Jesus.
Make some noise!
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