Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The new era begins

I apologize for not blogging in a week. I spent this past weekend moving into my new house, so since then my life has been a little hectic.

I missed the satellite guys on Sunday by 10 minutes (church got out late) and had to re-schedule the installation for tomorrow morning. My DSL line was supposed to be turned on yesterday, but lo and behold when I tried to get online last night, there was no connection. I called this morning and SBC/AT&T said they mis-ordered it. This is extremely frustrating since this happened the last time I moved. Why can't SBC ever get this right? On the bright side, my DSL, home phone, and sattelite combined will be less than $100/month. WOO HOO!

Lots to do at the new house. I'm trying to attack one room at a time. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow. I'm already planning to re-tile my master bath!

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