A friend of mine said something yesterday that I thought was so quotable. He said, "I don't want to say yes just because it's hard to say no."
What a great rule of thumb.
Don't say yes to something because it's hard to say no :)
That's a great reminder for a "people pleaser" like me!
Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes."
I like the NLT translation: "Just say a simple, 'Yes, I will,' or 'No, I won't'."
What have you been saying "yes" to because it's hard to say "no" to?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Google Fight

Wanna fight? This is fun. That is, until you realize that you aren't nearly as popular as you thought. :) It's called Google Fight. You type in two search queries and GF will tell you which query is most popular. Here are a few that I tried:
Keith Hollaway VS. Juan Valdez = WINNER: Juan Valdez (but barely...)
Keith Hollaway VS. Howard Schultz (CEO, Starbucks) = WINNER: Keith Hollaway (can you say FREE COFFEE?!)
Keith HollawayVS. Bill Hybels = WINNER: Keith Hollaway (by a LONG shot mind you.)
Keith Hollaway VS. Rob Bell = WINNER: Rob Bell (ooooh....look at me! I know Hebrew!)
Keith HollawayVS. Tammy Faye Bakker = WINNER: Keith Hollaway (should this make me feel good?)
Here's the link:
Go ahead...try it...tell me how you did.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Monday, December 12, 2005
Circadian Rhythm

I don't know if anyone really cares about when I get up and go to sleep :-) But I thought I'd post about it anyway.
I've always been fascinated by circadian ryhthym. We all have an internal clock that determines how we tick throughout the day. For what it's worth, I believe in siesta legislation :-) I think the world would be a better place if everybody took a nap mat to work with them and took a ten minute cat nap each day :-) And eat some nilla wafers while we're at it :-)
Last January I started getting up at 6:00 AM. My most productive hours are before 9 AM. That's when I do my best thinking, writing, and praying.
I have a father who gets up before the roosters :-) And I see the way it helps him keep his spiritual edge. So I wanted to emulate that. I also see references to Jesus getting up while it was still dark. I think it was a pattern in his life.
Having said that let me say this. I think there are larks and owls. There are "morning people" and "nocturnal types." I think we've all got to find a ryhthym that works for us.
I've also discovered that I need to mix it up every once in a while. That's what I'm doing right now. I've felt really exhausted at the end of the day lately. And I have almost no creative energy in the afternoons :-) So I've switched things up from Thanksgiving till the New Year. It's hard to get up super early when the days are shorter and the weather is colder. So I'm sleeping in a little later these days. I'll go back to 6:00 AM in January, but my work day doesn't get started until 7 or 8 AM these days.
So why post about sleep patterns?
Because rythym is huge! One of the ten commandments is about resting on the seventh day. We've got to find a ryhthym between work and play. We've got to make sure we're re-creating. In fact, re-creation is the key to creation. I don't know that I've ever thought about sleep stewardship :-) But we've got to live somewhere in between sleep deprivation and laziness :-) We've got to push ourselves and take care of ourselves.
I'm not sure whether you're a lark or an owl, but here's a thought. If you're pursuing your God-given passions you'll have down days like everybody else. But most days that God-given passion will get you up early and keep you up late :-)
Nothing is as de-energizing as sin--living outside the will of God. And nothing is as energizing as pursuing a God-given passion--living inside the will of God.
Isn't that what Jesus said in John 4? His "food" was doing the will of the Father. Pursuing a God-given passion has caloric value!
Friday, December 09, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
Truck Ads

I did a post on sidewalk art a few months ago. These 3D truck ads are a-mazing! I love creative adversiting!
I'm always thinking and praying about new ways to communicate the gospel. Luke 14:23 tells us to "compel" them to come in. It means to demand attention. If we're really "about the Father's business" we've got to be compelling. I know there is a fine line where a sacred message can be turned into a gimmick that does more harm than good. But the greatest message deserves the most compelling marketing!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Narnia on it's way

I am fascinated by the etymology of ideas.
I'm getting fired up about The Chronicles of Narnia movie coming out and I'm prepping myself to see it, so I'm doing some research and reading. Just thought I'd share some Narnia etymology.
C.S. Lewis traced the idea for Narnia back to a picture he saw when he was sixteen years old. He once wrote an essay titled "It All Began with a Picture." He explained "the lion all began with a picture of a Faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture has been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself: 'Let's try to make a story about it'."
It started with a paragraph on a scrap of paper in September of 1939. It wasn't till almost a decade later that the first book: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, was written.
All the ideas and characters in the book have an etymology. Lewis said he made Aslan a lion because Jesus was called the Lion of Judah. And he had been dreaming about lions when he started writing the story.
For what it's worth, Lewis sent a draft of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe to Owen Barfield and his wife Maud read it. She was concerned that kids would read the book, walk into the closet, and accidentally lock themselves in. Lewis added five warnings in the book about not closing and locking a wardrobe door. One little boy in Oxford did take a hatchet and chop a hole in the back of the family wardrobe hoping to find Narnia :)
One more idea etymology. Lewis got the name Aslan from The Thousand and One Nights. Aslan is turkish for lion. He saw the word in a footnote of Edward William Lane's classic 1840 translation.
It took Lewis more than four decades to turn an idea from a picture into a series of books that have sold 85 million copies!
The etymology of ideas is an amazing thing!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Nice crib for sale

If you're interested in buying a home, a great place in Downtown Boston has just come on the market. Just blocks away from Fenway Park, Manny Ramirez, Boston Red Sox leftfielder and 2004 World Series MVP has decided to sell his crib. It's a 4,500 SF penthouse pad atop of the Boston Ritz-Carlton hotel. Asking price: $6,900,000. You can see the place here http://re.boston.com/+Comshare/VUListing.asp?Lid=1750-1 and get a virtual tour. So this is what $20 million a year buys you.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Too much Chinese

Is it a good thing or a bad thing when you ring up the local Chinese restaurant and the guy knows your name as soon as he hears your voice? As soon as I started giving my order last night the young guy on the phone said "Is that Keith?" and when I said yes he replied "Thought so." Wonder if his memory is that good for all his customers, or perhaps it's just that we eat far too much Chinese take-away.
Criticize by Creating
Permission to speak frankly?
One of the things that drives me crazy is people who criticize by criticizing :) Don't point out a problem unless you're willing to be part of the solution! You know what I'm saying? The Pharisees criticized by criticizing! There was nothing redemptive or constructive about it. Jesus was a truth-teller and grace-giver.
I'm just not into boycotting--a form of criticizing by criticizing. Paul could have boycotted the aeropagus because they were worshipping false gods. But he decided to compete for the truth. I'm not saying there isn't a time and place to boycott things, but I think the church is called to present better alternatives across the board.
I can't believe I've never read this before as much as I read, but I just came across a Michelangelo quote. But it's more than a quote. It was Michelangelo's modus operandi. He said, "Criticize by creating." I love that. Alot.
That gets so close to the heart of what I believe. I think God wants to redeem and sanctify our competitive streak just like he wants to redeem and sanctify every other part of us. We're called to compete for the truth! The church ought to be the most creative place on the planet.
Let's not just curse the darkness. Let's light a candle.
Let's not just criticize. Let's create.
One of the things that drives me crazy is people who criticize by criticizing :) Don't point out a problem unless you're willing to be part of the solution! You know what I'm saying? The Pharisees criticized by criticizing! There was nothing redemptive or constructive about it. Jesus was a truth-teller and grace-giver.
I'm just not into boycotting--a form of criticizing by criticizing. Paul could have boycotted the aeropagus because they were worshipping false gods. But he decided to compete for the truth. I'm not saying there isn't a time and place to boycott things, but I think the church is called to present better alternatives across the board.
I can't believe I've never read this before as much as I read, but I just came across a Michelangelo quote. But it's more than a quote. It was Michelangelo's modus operandi. He said, "Criticize by creating." I love that. Alot.
That gets so close to the heart of what I believe. I think God wants to redeem and sanctify our competitive streak just like he wants to redeem and sanctify every other part of us. We're called to compete for the truth! The church ought to be the most creative place on the planet.
Let's not just curse the darkness. Let's light a candle.
Let's not just criticize. Let's create.
Friday, November 18, 2005
The Roof is on Fire!

Being the good brother that I am, I took my brother to lunch this week because that's what good brothers should do....
After stopping by Colters BBQ and finding out that they were out of the BBQ spare ribs, I decided to take him by probably the best Szechuan restaurant in the DFW metroplex are called Lao Sze Chuan where I ordered my favorite Szechuan dish called Chef's Special Dry Chili Chicken.
Take a look at this dish ( but BEWARE - you'll feel the heat just looking at it!):
Isn't that just absolutely evil? Oh man. I ate leftovers for lunch yesterday and my mouth was ON FIRE.
Dry Chili Chicken is made of small bits of chicken lightly dusted with flour and other spices, fresh garlic and ginger slices and then stir fried with a LOT (and I mean A LOT) of red chili peppers. This one will definately make you slap your grandma! WOW.
Gotta go...need a drink!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Empty Inbox
Is there any better feeling on a Friday than an empty inbox?
It's literally been weeks since my email inbox has gotten down to zero! But it just happened. Well, almost...I'm down to 1 (thanks for the email Melissa!) Man, it feels good. It feels like the occasion should be celebrated.
You know how there are dog people and cat people? I think there are phone people and email people. I'm definitely an email person. I love it. But sometimes there is this internal angst because there is almost always an email in my inbox.
So I'm enjoying the moment until my inbox informs me "You've got mail."
Thursday, November 10, 2005
No Tengo Dinero

Had a funny experience yesterday afternoon :)
A few months ago I bought a shirt that said No Tengo Dinero. For all the non-Spanish speakers out there that means "I have no money." I bought the shirt because my brother Lance and I have this longstanding joke about how poor my Spanish is. But I claim to be his "Spanish mentor." So I bought the shirt to flaunt my Spanish skilzs.
I went over to the bank yesterday, and I was wearing that shirt. It was totally unplanned. I've only worn the shirt twice. But it dawned on me as I was walking in to the door: I'm going into the bank wearing a shirt that says "I have no money."
It cracked me up!
Fortunately, I don't think any of the bankers spoke Spanish!
Hasta Luego!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Mercy to worship
Romans 12:1 says, "In view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices."
It doesn't say "In view of your righteousness." It doesn't say, "In view of your brilliant mind or witty sense of humor." It doesn't say, "In view of your impressive spiritual resume."
It says, "In view of God's mercy."
The prerequisite to worship is mercy. And the prerequisite to mercy is doing something wrong. So if you've done something wrong you qualify for mercy. And if you qualify for mercy you qualify for worship.
Here's my point: don't let what's wrong with you keep you from worshipping what's right with God.
Here's the challenge. I came across some research last week that suggests that we talk to ourselves 50,000 times a day. And studies have found that, on average, 80% of self-talk is negative. "I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. And, doggone it, people don't like me."
One of the enemy's tactics is to get you to focus on what's wrong with you. Why? Because you'll get so fixated on your problems that you'll totally forget how good and how great God is. We need to stop focusing on what's wrong with us constantly and start focusing on what's right with God. I honestly think that is the key to worship!
I like the way The Message says it, "Embracing what God has done for you is the best thing you can do for Him."
Here's the difference between religion and Christianity. Religion is focused on what we can do for God. Christianity is focused on what God has done for us.
It doesn't say "In view of your righteousness." It doesn't say, "In view of your brilliant mind or witty sense of humor." It doesn't say, "In view of your impressive spiritual resume."
It says, "In view of God's mercy."
The prerequisite to worship is mercy. And the prerequisite to mercy is doing something wrong. So if you've done something wrong you qualify for mercy. And if you qualify for mercy you qualify for worship.
Here's my point: don't let what's wrong with you keep you from worshipping what's right with God.
Here's the challenge. I came across some research last week that suggests that we talk to ourselves 50,000 times a day. And studies have found that, on average, 80% of self-talk is negative. "I'm not good enough. I'm not smart enough. And, doggone it, people don't like me."
One of the enemy's tactics is to get you to focus on what's wrong with you. Why? Because you'll get so fixated on your problems that you'll totally forget how good and how great God is. We need to stop focusing on what's wrong with us constantly and start focusing on what's right with God. I honestly think that is the key to worship!
I like the way The Message says it, "Embracing what God has done for you is the best thing you can do for Him."
Here's the difference between religion and Christianity. Religion is focused on what we can do for God. Christianity is focused on what God has done for us.
It's for the kids

Every once in a while I'm impulsively goofy. Alright, pretty frequently :)
When I paid for breakfast yesterday I got three pennies in change and I threw them on the floor of Chick-fila. One of my co-workers looked a little bewildered like "Why did you do that?" I impulsively responded, "It's for the kids."
I know that throwing change on the ground seems like poor stewardship, but finding pennies on the ground can make a kid's day. I loved finding change as a kid! That totally made my day!
So all day long I decided to throw my change on the ground and say "It's for the kids." Try it out.
It's for the kids!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Ephesians 2:8 says, "God saved you by His special favor when you believed. And you can't take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so that none of us can boast about it."
A few weeks ago I had a thought: without God we're Jack Squat. I had a similar thought this week: we don't deserve diddly-squat. That's my spiritual starting point.
A sense of entitlement is the beginning of the end spiritually. Repentance is coming to a point where we recognize that we don't deserve diddly-squat. When you start there then you recognize the reality of James 1:17--"whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above."
Here's the bottom line: It's not about what you can do for God. It's about what God has done for you.
Every time we kneel at the foot of the cross we are reaffirming that truth. We go back to where it all began. We go back to the place where our sin met its match-the grace of God. And we discovered that "where sin abounds, grace does much more abound."
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of His grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. Every day should be a day of relating to God on the basis of His grace alone.
A few weeks ago I had a thought: without God we're Jack Squat. I had a similar thought this week: we don't deserve diddly-squat. That's my spiritual starting point.
A sense of entitlement is the beginning of the end spiritually. Repentance is coming to a point where we recognize that we don't deserve diddly-squat. When you start there then you recognize the reality of James 1:17--"whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above."
Here's the bottom line: It's not about what you can do for God. It's about what God has done for you.
Every time we kneel at the foot of the cross we are reaffirming that truth. We go back to where it all began. We go back to the place where our sin met its match-the grace of God. And we discovered that "where sin abounds, grace does much more abound."
Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of His grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. Every day should be a day of relating to God on the basis of His grace alone.
Human Billboard

I know this is "old news" but I just read about Andrew Fischer in the November issue of Entrepreneur magazine.
He is the founder of humanadspace.com . He got a great idea for a business venture earlier this year. He decided to rent his forehead as advertising space. He went on ebay and auctioned it off. A pharmaceutical company won with a bid of $37,375. That's one expensive noggin!
For what it's worth, I'll rent out my forehead to any blog readers for half-off! $18,687.50 and my forehead is yours for a month!!
Monday, November 07, 2005

Call me crazy, but some of the most enlightening and inspiring parts of the Bible are in the appendix. Turn to the back of your Bible and look at a map of Paul's missionary journeys. Malta is in the southwest corner. It was a detour. Malta wasn't on Paul's itinerary. It took a shipwreck to get Paul to Malta. But sometimes it takes a shipwreck to keep you on course. Sometimes it takes a shipwreck and a snakebite to get you where God wants you to go!
I'm not suggesting we sabotage ourselves. Don't put a hole in the bottom of your boat. Don't play with poisonous snakes. But God is in the business of strategically positioning us in the right place at the right time. It often seems like the wrong place at the wrong time! But give it some time. See what happens. God may use this delay or this detour in ways you never imagined. That is really the story of Scripture.
The prison sure seemed like a detour to Joseph. But God used it to position Joseph as prime minister of Egypt. The lion's den sure seemed like a detour to Daniel. But God used it to position Daniel as Prime Minister of Babylon.
For that matter, the cross seemed like a detour. The Via Dolorosa seemed like a wrong turn for three days. But God turned that detour into the road to salvation.
Gotta try this!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Stars tonight

I'm going to see the Dallas Stars play the Chicago Blackhawks tonight here at the American Airlines Center in Dallas with my brother and some friends from church. I got my Stars jersey on as I type this (the green one, and not that nasty looking 3rd jersey they have now with bull on the front...what does that have to do with stars???).
I was watching ESPN last night to catch some of the NHL highlights, and couldn't believe how high the goal scoring has been. I know it's all due to the recent rule changes, but who would believe you'd see a score of 8-7 in an NHL regular season game....KA-RAZY!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I've been thinking a lot about Kyle Lake and his family this morning. My heart goes out to his family and church right now. In a way, we can all relate (to some degree) to what UBC is going through right now.
So all of this got me thinking about journaling - which is a discipline that I've recently begun with greater consistency. That is part of the reason I've decided to focus in more on journaling.
Don't get me wrong, I don't write anything profound or earth shattering - just what I feel like God is saying to me right now in my life, events going on and then of course, things that I can't necessarily blog about.
Probably more than anything, it's a great way for me to look back and realize that God is indeed at work in my life. In fact, just recently, I pulled out a journal from a few years ago and I was amazed at how many of the "concepts" and ideas have become a reality in my life since then. Things that were blurry and not too clear back then are now a part of my life. It blows my mind. I'm thankful.
So.......here is a picture of the journal I now use. It's a Moleskine journal which interestingly enough was recently written up in Fast Company magazine as being the "new" PDA. Anyway, it's a great journal and one that I would recommend. It's slim and not to big - so I can carry it with me in my backpack or laptop bag.
One of the things that I stay very intentional about is not pressuring myself to journal everyday or when I DO journal, I constantly remind myself that I don't have to write a novel. There are days that I write down a quick prayer or just a couple of thoughts.
Do you journal? What have you learned by doing it?
Monday, October 31, 2005
Make Today COUNT!!!

Make Today COUNT!!!
I was full of energy and excitement as I sat down at my computer a few minutes ago. I have this routine that I go through nearly every morning...I get a bagel and a glass of milk, drive to work (usually listening to FOX news), check my e-mail and then start to work.
But this morning my plans changed...I am stunned...I am numb...I can't believe what I have read.
Maybe you have heard about the story--maybe not--but Kyle Lake, the pastor of University Baptist Church in Waco, TX (the one where the David Crowder Band leads worship) died yesterday during a worship service. He was only 33, and left behind a wife and 3 small children. Apparently he was preparing to baptize someone and, while standing in the water, grabbed the microphone--something that he had apparently done many times. However, yesterday something apparently went MAJORLY wrong.
My heart goes out to this church--to this mans family--to the people he had the privilege of teaching and leading. I can't believe it! In fact, when I first read the story I thought, "This is a sick joke--a REALLY sick joke." However, the story is true...and my heart is broken.
Let me make you a promise--Kyle did not get up yesterday morning planning to step into eternity, but apparently it was his time...I believe that--I believe that God reigns, He is Sovereign, and that He has a reason for everything that happens.
In Scripture we are promised a lot of things--but we are never promised a tomorrow. My question to you is this, if you knew you had six months to live--what changes would you make? How would you treat your wife? Your children? Your friends? How would that affect your relationship with Christ?
My challenge is to answer those questions--and then begin to implement the changes. WE DO NOT KNOW how much time we have on this big ball of dirt called earth--we need to make our lives count.
Please pray for Kyle's family and his church as they go through this time. And as far as you and I--we are still here--God still has a purpose--let's live life to the fullest.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Caffeinated Caption
Thursday, October 20, 2005
World Series Predictions
It's down to 2 teams: The Astros and the White Sox.
So here's my question: Who is going to win it all this year? Post your prediction...The winner and in how many games.
My prediction: The White Sox win in 6 games...(Sorry Astros fans. But they aren't going to score any runs against the White sox starting pitching)
So here's my question: Who is going to win it all this year? Post your prediction...The winner and in how many games.
My prediction: The White Sox win in 6 games...(Sorry Astros fans. But they aren't going to score any runs against the White sox starting pitching)
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Sometimes you have to laugh

Whether you like it or not--you will offend someone. No matter who you are or what you do...for some reason there is a person or group of people who will get mad. You don't even have to try to be offensive...trust me, I learned this on Monday morning upon arriving at work.
Let me set this up--I drive a new 4Runner that has one of those remote thingys that you can lock your door with. (I remember the first car I had with one of these...I would stand and lock and unlock the door just because I could!). When you lock the car it makes a "beep." (I know, some go "beep beep;" however, mine is just one "beep" to lock & "beep beep" to unlock).
So I get out of my car, lock it while I am on the way in with my remote...and I see this older guy walking in...and he's giving me a really dirty look. So I smiled at him (not the wise thing to do--I found this out later) and said, "Good morning--how are you?" (Once again--not the wise thing to do).
This dude nearly melted down! He went off on me by saying, "I'm not good at all...these stupid people with these new cars...they are too gosh darn lazy (his exact words) to lock their stupid car...all they have to do is run their finger over a button--but NO, they have to blow their stupid horn and scare people half to death--there's just no sense in that".
Keep in mind that this was Monday morning...I had just spent all morning leading worship at church the day before, and most of that evening at The Afters concert, and was still sort of out of it...so I didn't realize at first that he was talking about me--so I kept smiling at him and said, "Man--that's awful".
Then he gave me a look that told me I should go to somewhere I can't go because I am a Christian and walked in the door ahead of me.
Then it hit me, "He's talking about me!" I realized that I must have scared this dude when I locked my door and that he was going off not on some random person--but me!!!
I stopped in my tracks...and then I just started laughing...I could not help it, I tried not to--I guess if I had been godlier I would have felt sorry for this guy--but I could not get the picture of what it must have looked like when I locked my car out of my mind.
Trust me--I didn't mean to offend this dude. I didn't sit in my car and scope him out and then blow the horn...I had no idea that this would even remotely affect anyone in a negative way. But nonetheless...he was ticked.
So what should my response have been? Maybe I should have apologized. Maybe I should not use my remote thingy anymore. Maybe I should just not lock my car! I am not sure what the Biblical thing to do was--but I could not help but laugh.
Like I said--sometimes you will offend people without even trying...and if you take the time to run around and apologize for every misconception or misunderstanding that you are involved in then...well...let's just say you are going to live a miserable life.
I had a friend tell me once, "words don't have meanings...people have meanings". And that is so true--people hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. Our job as followers of Jesus is to live a life that is above reproach...realizing that sometimes people will get offended without our knowledge...and we have to live with that. I suppose from time to time an apology might be necessary--but I didn't feel that doing the "beep beep" thing with my remote was a clear violation of Scripture.
So how has this altered my life? Well...not really at all. I will continue to use my remote...I do not feel that repentance is in order here--but I will try to make sure when I use it that this dude isn't even in the parking lot (unless I am feeling mischievious!).
Have an awesome day--and remember that our job is the relentless pursuit of who Christ called us to be--anything else is sin.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Playoff controversy

The absurdity of the call will renew cries for instant replay in Major League Baseball, but the entire incident never would have occurred if the umpires had simply ruled that Angels catcher Josh Paul had caught the ball. If plate umpire Doug Eddings didn't see that, then one of the base umpires should have stepped in to ensure that the ruling was correct. Sure, replay could help fix such mistakes, but it also would create other issues, lengthening games that many fans already believe are too long. The vast majority of the time, the umpires get it right. This time, they did not.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Late Night Tuesday
Monday, October 10, 2005
I did something
I went out this past Saturday to go casually looking at new cars, and I ended up coming home with one!
It was time, really. My car was a 1997 Toyota Camry with 163,000 miles on it. I traded it in on a beautiful Toyota 4Runner. Believe me, this was a total God thing. The deal I got was amazing (turns out the finance manager recognized me from church and is a believer...cool!).
I know what some of you may be thinking...the gas prices will kill you. Well, for those who know me, you know that won't be the case for me. But I can't tell you why on this blog.
I'll post some pics later.
It was time, really. My car was a 1997 Toyota Camry with 163,000 miles on it. I traded it in on a beautiful Toyota 4Runner. Believe me, this was a total God thing. The deal I got was amazing (turns out the finance manager recognized me from church and is a believer...cool!).
I know what some of you may be thinking...the gas prices will kill you. Well, for those who know me, you know that won't be the case for me. But I can't tell you why on this blog.
I'll post some pics later.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Be Still

Confession time...I have to do this--I have heard that it is good.
Somewhere in the Bible, ok, in Psalm 46:10, is that familiar verse that leader types like me can quote all day long BUT have a really hard time following, you know, "Be still and know that I am God..."
What? Is God joking? Be still? In today's society? I am sure that might have worked back in the days that this was written...but these people didn't have to face what we face did they? Seriously, we have schedules to keep, soccer practice for the kids, meetings during work, meetings after work, meetings about having too many meetings. Those people didn't have that type of lifestyle did they?
Uh, yep, I am afraid they did. God's word shatters all boundaries. Including the one of time--and if what was written was true a few thousand years ago...then it works today.
"Be still and know that I am God."
Easy to memorize--hard to apply. I think that is the reason that many of us walk around wondering why can't we see the Lord, why can't we hear the voice of Jesus. Simple--many of us are in too big of a hurry. Take the following test to see if this is you. (By the way--I FAILED this test with flying colors!!!)
When you come to a stoplight...and there are two cars in front of you, one in either lane...do you attempt to get in the lane behind the car that you think will go faster? You rationalize it this way, "I can get behind this car and then when we pass the other car I can get in the other lane and pass the car directly in front of me now." How did we do here?
"Be still and know that I am God..."
Or how about this--you are at the grocery store...two lines are open and they look to be equal in length. Do you begin to size up the cashiers to see how fast they are getting the customers through? Do you begin to count the items in the cart of the people in front of you before making your decision? Do you, after choosing a line, watch the other line to see if you had chosen that line if you would have made it out faster. Uh, yeah--I didn't do so well here.
"Be still and know that I am God..."
How about when you get in the car and are either heading to work or are on the way home. Do you begin to scan through your cell phone to see who you can call? Do you call people just to talk, not having any reason to call them...and if you would have had the option of calling that person or doing something else then that person would have lost hands down?
We are all guilty--we attempt to go at the speed of light--and we burn out.
"Be still and know that I God..."
My problem is that I hate being still! It's not fun--there is no rush--no one has ever been awarded for being the most "still" person...our society does not recognize people being still--but God does. Why? I think it's because it's during those times that He can communicate to us on the deepest level...and I want that.
So the rest is up to me. I must be intentional about making time to be still--not to be in such a hurry. I will continue to push hard, to do my job to the best of my abilities--but on the way to work tomorrow...I think I am cutting my cell phone off and not turning the radio on--that's a HUGE step for me. What about you? Are you in a hurry...or are you practicing the art of being still.
"Be still and know that I am God..."
Ice Ice Baby
My brother and I were driving home from dinner last night. (we had the top down and the windows open since it was a cool evening). Anyway, on the radio station we were listening to, they had an "all request" night...and someone requested, "Ice Ice Baby."
I was so excited! I know this is going to ruin the view that some of you have of me--but I love that song. And if you are anywhere around my age--there was a time that you loved it too. In fact, you still know the words, "Rollin' in my five point O with my rag top down so my hair can blow..." Go ahead, finish it--you know you want to!
So here we are, jammin' to this song--and we pull up to a stoplight. Do you know what my first reaction was? You guessed it--I reached and turned the radio down...I didn't want anyone to actually see me enjoying that song. But then I sat there and thought, "Wait a minute--I like this song--I don't even know the people in the cars around me...and I am letting what they might think about me control my behavior--NO WAY!"
So I cranked it back up, "I grabbed my nine all I heard were shells--fallin' on the concrete real fast, jumped in the car, slammed on the gas..." (I know you hate me right now--that song is stuck in your head--it's going to be there all day long--there's nothing you can do about it!)
So what in the world does that have to do with my faith, the Bible, Jesus, God, church--anything remotely close to some type of religious experience? I am glad you asked...
For a moment I was consumed with what others thought about me--and it was to the point where I let people that I didn't even know--and a fear of what they might think about me--actually alter my behavior. I see this as being a MAJOR problem among people who claim they are Christians.
For example--we gather at church, or go to home group, or youth group--whatever, and we sing songs to Jesus, listen to stories about Jesus, talk to Jesus--in that context it isn't hard to be a follower of Jesus--when everyone around you is doing it then it is easy to simply fall in line.
But what about at work? At school? At the game? Have you ever let your fear of what people may think about you cause you to slip into covert Christianity and back away from doing or saying something that will totally honor Jesus? I have--I think we all have--it's natural to want to back away--but it's just not right.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER--please understand, I am NOT saying that you need to be weird...and this is NOT permission to be stupid--let me explain.
I am NOT saying to go and get your Bible, walk into work, stand on top of your desk, and announce to everyone that they are going to hell. That's not taking a stand for Christ--that's causing people to think you are quite possibly a loon!
So how do we take a stand? How do we become "salt and light" like Jesus challenged us to become? Simple--it's in the little things.
For example--when you go out to lunch with some co-workers and your meal comes--PRAY. And don't do one of those things where you act like you are wiping your nose--seriously, bow and thank God for your food. Or better yet--ask the group if they minded if you prayed & thanked God for the food. I know what some are thinking, "But I might offend..." That is the problem--you are letting the possibility of someone not approving of your actions dictate how you act.
Or how about this--take a shot at inviting someone to church, and then offer to have them over to your home for a meal afterwards. Trust me--people are CRAVING community...and many will jump at the chance.
Or when you notice that someone is going through a tough time...tell them you are praying for them (and then actually do it)--trust me, that comment will mean more than you know.
Christ asked us to be loud--and not to turn down the volume when we get around people who might not like His music. So let's crank it up and live the life He's called us to live, and reach the people He's called us to reach!
"Yo, word to ya mother..."
I was so excited! I know this is going to ruin the view that some of you have of me--but I love that song. And if you are anywhere around my age--there was a time that you loved it too. In fact, you still know the words, "Rollin' in my five point O with my rag top down so my hair can blow..." Go ahead, finish it--you know you want to!
So here we are, jammin' to this song--and we pull up to a stoplight. Do you know what my first reaction was? You guessed it--I reached and turned the radio down...I didn't want anyone to actually see me enjoying that song. But then I sat there and thought, "Wait a minute--I like this song--I don't even know the people in the cars around me...and I am letting what they might think about me control my behavior--NO WAY!"
So I cranked it back up, "I grabbed my nine all I heard were shells--fallin' on the concrete real fast, jumped in the car, slammed on the gas..." (I know you hate me right now--that song is stuck in your head--it's going to be there all day long--there's nothing you can do about it!)
So what in the world does that have to do with my faith, the Bible, Jesus, God, church--anything remotely close to some type of religious experience? I am glad you asked...
For a moment I was consumed with what others thought about me--and it was to the point where I let people that I didn't even know--and a fear of what they might think about me--actually alter my behavior. I see this as being a MAJOR problem among people who claim they are Christians.
For example--we gather at church, or go to home group, or youth group--whatever, and we sing songs to Jesus, listen to stories about Jesus, talk to Jesus--in that context it isn't hard to be a follower of Jesus--when everyone around you is doing it then it is easy to simply fall in line.
But what about at work? At school? At the game? Have you ever let your fear of what people may think about you cause you to slip into covert Christianity and back away from doing or saying something that will totally honor Jesus? I have--I think we all have--it's natural to want to back away--but it's just not right.
MAJOR DISCLAIMER--please understand, I am NOT saying that you need to be weird...and this is NOT permission to be stupid--let me explain.
I am NOT saying to go and get your Bible, walk into work, stand on top of your desk, and announce to everyone that they are going to hell. That's not taking a stand for Christ--that's causing people to think you are quite possibly a loon!
So how do we take a stand? How do we become "salt and light" like Jesus challenged us to become? Simple--it's in the little things.
For example--when you go out to lunch with some co-workers and your meal comes--PRAY. And don't do one of those things where you act like you are wiping your nose--seriously, bow and thank God for your food. Or better yet--ask the group if they minded if you prayed & thanked God for the food. I know what some are thinking, "But I might offend..." That is the problem--you are letting the possibility of someone not approving of your actions dictate how you act.
Or how about this--take a shot at inviting someone to church, and then offer to have them over to your home for a meal afterwards. Trust me--people are CRAVING community...and many will jump at the chance.
Or when you notice that someone is going through a tough time...tell them you are praying for them (and then actually do it)--trust me, that comment will mean more than you know.
Christ asked us to be loud--and not to turn down the volume when we get around people who might not like His music. So let's crank it up and live the life He's called us to live, and reach the people He's called us to reach!
"Yo, word to ya mother..."
Monday, October 03, 2005
Baseball Post-Season Begins!

Well, I made my predictions a few months ago about which teams would be in the post season. So I thought I'd share who made it compared to who picked:
AL East: (I picked) Boston (Actually won it) NY Yankees
AL Central: (I picked) Chicago (Actually won it) Chicago
AL West: (I picked) Los Angeles (Actually won it) Los Angeles
AL Wild Card: (I picked) NY Yankees (Actually won it) Boston
NL East: (I picked) Florida (Actually won it) Atlanta
NL Central: (I picked) St. Louis (Actually won it) St. Louis
NL West: (I picked) LA Dodgers (Actually won it) San Diego
NL Wild Card: (I picked) Philadelphia (Actually won it) Houston
What does all of this mean? It means I don't follow the National League that much. I love this time of year! Go Sox!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Slow Down!
I know...it's been a week since I've had a blog entry. I apologize. Life has been busy.
I saw a wreck yesterday AND I almost saw a wreck this morning. (In both cases I yelled "whoa" in my car--totally expecting the people to hear me.)
The one I almost witnessed this morning was a sight to see. I was at an extremely busy four way intersection...every road had a line of cars with the exception of the one to my right. Everyone was being nice and obeying the traffic laws...until this little old lady came tearing down the road (the one without a line of cars) and blew right through the stop sign. (I am completely sure that no curse words were uttered in any of the cars that were nearly obliterated because we were near a church.) :-)
I guess in a way I was a little happy...no one was hurt (the little old lady is still probably tearing down the road somewhere--she was clueless.) I was also happy that this was not one of those little old ladies I would have to worry about getting behind riding down the road...trust me, if you are following this woman...you are making some great time.
BUT the fact is that she ran a stop sign...never even hit her brakes. And I know the stop sign has always been there--I travel that road nearly every single day.
I was thinking about this when I got to the office when it hit me, "That is the way things are with me and the Lord sometimes. I am traveling through life so fast that I never take time to notice the obvious."
Anyone out there guilty of that?
We have our schedules, our deadlines, our meetings, kid's soccer practice...all of the things we feel like we have to do in order to be a decent citizen...and we accomplish great things--yet we blow right by opportunities to see Jesus at work around us everyday AND to thank Him for all that He has done.
So try to slow down today...and be thankful. Instead of screaming at the person who pulled out in front of you--thank God that you are still alive. Instead of complaining about how high gas prices are going to be--thank God that you have a car. Instead of worrying about how high natural gas prices are going to be this winter--thank God that you have a home, there are many that do not.
Scripture says that we need to be still and know that He is God. (That is so hard for someone like me with A-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D...sorry!) But I have learned that the more I pause during the day...the more I can hear His voice...and the more I am able to experience His presence.
I saw a wreck yesterday AND I almost saw a wreck this morning. (In both cases I yelled "whoa" in my car--totally expecting the people to hear me.)
The one I almost witnessed this morning was a sight to see. I was at an extremely busy four way intersection...every road had a line of cars with the exception of the one to my right. Everyone was being nice and obeying the traffic laws...until this little old lady came tearing down the road (the one without a line of cars) and blew right through the stop sign. (I am completely sure that no curse words were uttered in any of the cars that were nearly obliterated because we were near a church.) :-)
I guess in a way I was a little happy...no one was hurt (the little old lady is still probably tearing down the road somewhere--she was clueless.) I was also happy that this was not one of those little old ladies I would have to worry about getting behind riding down the road...trust me, if you are following this woman...you are making some great time.
BUT the fact is that she ran a stop sign...never even hit her brakes. And I know the stop sign has always been there--I travel that road nearly every single day.
I was thinking about this when I got to the office when it hit me, "That is the way things are with me and the Lord sometimes. I am traveling through life so fast that I never take time to notice the obvious."
Anyone out there guilty of that?
We have our schedules, our deadlines, our meetings, kid's soccer practice...all of the things we feel like we have to do in order to be a decent citizen...and we accomplish great things--yet we blow right by opportunities to see Jesus at work around us everyday AND to thank Him for all that He has done.
So try to slow down today...and be thankful. Instead of screaming at the person who pulled out in front of you--thank God that you are still alive. Instead of complaining about how high gas prices are going to be--thank God that you have a car. Instead of worrying about how high natural gas prices are going to be this winter--thank God that you have a home, there are many that do not.
Scripture says that we need to be still and know that He is God. (That is so hard for someone like me with A-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D...sorry!) But I have learned that the more I pause during the day...the more I can hear His voice...and the more I am able to experience His presence.
Friday, September 23, 2005
What do you believe?

Have you ever asked yourself if you really believe that what you believe is really real? For example, you say you believe in God. You believe that God is. What do you mean when you say you believe God is? Do you believe that God is actively at work in the world He created, meaning He is actively involved in your life, or do you believe that God created the world and then backed away as a passive observer leaving everything, including you, to function according to natural laws? There is a difference! What do you really believe?
Let’s build on the belief that God is. If you really believe that God is, that God created the world, and that God is active in the world in which you live, how do you explain the presence of evil? You say that you believe that evil exists because of sin. In other words the real problem with our world is the fact that human beings are sinners. Do you really believe that to be true? Do you believe that pain and suffering, disease and death are really the result of a power called sin that works in the heart of man, or do you believe that humans are intrinsically good and that under the right social conditions, their good nature will emerge? What do you really believe?
If you believe that sin is real, what do you believe is the solution to fix the problems that sin working in the hearts of man has created? How do you fix mankind? What is the antidote to sin? You say you believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the answer to humanity’s problem. If men would confess their sin and receive Christ into their hearts as savior and Lord, the problem of sin would be fixed. Do you really believe that to be true? What do you really believe?
I raise these questions because what you believe is really real is important. Why? Your beliefs are your personal GPS that direct your daily decisions and actions. What you believe to be really real determines how you live your life. So what do you really believe is really real?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Big Mistake
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
We all struggle with making decisions, do we not? I saw some people outside church last night having the struggle that has ended friendships & caused family quarrels that have yet to be resolved, "Hey guys--where do you want to eat?"
We all want to make good decisions. No one woke up this morning and said, "Dear Lord, I want to be stupid today." I don't know about you--but I don't need to pray for His assistance in that area--I do a fine job all by myself!!!
So how do we make good decisions, decisions that are not going to result in intense amounts of pain & frustration? Let me give you some things that I do...some questions that I ask...maybe this will help, maybe it won't--but it might be worth a shot.
#1 - What Does Scripture Say About The Situation?
Many have different views on the Bible--my view is that it is the totally inspired, infallible word of God. It is God's instruction book (and love letter) to mankind...and I have NEVER made a bad decision when I follow its council.
For example, if you are someone who is considering living with someone before you get married & you are wondering if this is the right decision...the Bible says "no," that we should refrain from sexual immorality.
If you are considering making a purchase...and you can't really afford it...the Bible says that we should not spend more than we make.
Following Scripture will not mess you up!
#2 - What Would __________ Do In This Situation?
I try my best to surround myself with people that are smarter than me. (It's really not that hard to meet people with those qualifications!) And when I run into a situation that is beyond my scope of wisdom or experience...I ask them what they would do.
For example, when it comes to my finances, I have two or three people who are very wise financially, who have made incredibly wise decisions and are NOT in debt up to their eyeballs, and so I ask them. I have learned that God often uses other people to communicate incredible amounts of wisdom.
When it comes to leadership...I have several men and women in my life that I run decisions by, just to make sure that my thinking is in line with Scripture AND that I am being rational.
In fact, when it comes to major decisions...I NEVER make them without consulting someone who I consider to be wiser than me...in doing so I have been protected from a lot of things that could have gone wrong.
#3 - Will This Decision Make Everyone Happy?
The bottom line is this--whatever decision that you may wrestle with...you cannot make everyone happy. I promise, someone will get mad. However, don't worry about that...the book of Proverbs says that fear of man is the snare of death. One of my prayers has always been to ask God to give me the wisdom to know what's right & the courage to do what's right...even when it's hard.
#4 - Can I Face The People Who Love Me The Most After This Decision Has Been Made?
WOW--that's challenging. This one is deeply personal. I realize as a decision maker that I am going to have to face my loved ones and answer for decisions that I have made...and I always want to be able to face my family with a clear conscience, knowing I have done my best to keep their interest in mind.
Those are some things that have helped me...I promise that I don't always get things right...but when I adhere to the list that I just gave...well...then I do get things right, most of the time.
We all want to make good decisions. No one woke up this morning and said, "Dear Lord, I want to be stupid today." I don't know about you--but I don't need to pray for His assistance in that area--I do a fine job all by myself!!!
So how do we make good decisions, decisions that are not going to result in intense amounts of pain & frustration? Let me give you some things that I do...some questions that I ask...maybe this will help, maybe it won't--but it might be worth a shot.
#1 - What Does Scripture Say About The Situation?
Many have different views on the Bible--my view is that it is the totally inspired, infallible word of God. It is God's instruction book (and love letter) to mankind...and I have NEVER made a bad decision when I follow its council.
For example, if you are someone who is considering living with someone before you get married & you are wondering if this is the right decision...the Bible says "no," that we should refrain from sexual immorality.
If you are considering making a purchase...and you can't really afford it...the Bible says that we should not spend more than we make.
Following Scripture will not mess you up!
#2 - What Would __________ Do In This Situation?
I try my best to surround myself with people that are smarter than me. (It's really not that hard to meet people with those qualifications!) And when I run into a situation that is beyond my scope of wisdom or experience...I ask them what they would do.
For example, when it comes to my finances, I have two or three people who are very wise financially, who have made incredibly wise decisions and are NOT in debt up to their eyeballs, and so I ask them. I have learned that God often uses other people to communicate incredible amounts of wisdom.
When it comes to leadership...I have several men and women in my life that I run decisions by, just to make sure that my thinking is in line with Scripture AND that I am being rational.
In fact, when it comes to major decisions...I NEVER make them without consulting someone who I consider to be wiser than me...in doing so I have been protected from a lot of things that could have gone wrong.
#3 - Will This Decision Make Everyone Happy?
The bottom line is this--whatever decision that you may wrestle with...you cannot make everyone happy. I promise, someone will get mad. However, don't worry about that...the book of Proverbs says that fear of man is the snare of death. One of my prayers has always been to ask God to give me the wisdom to know what's right & the courage to do what's right...even when it's hard.
#4 - Can I Face The People Who Love Me The Most After This Decision Has Been Made?
WOW--that's challenging. This one is deeply personal. I realize as a decision maker that I am going to have to face my loved ones and answer for decisions that I have made...and I always want to be able to face my family with a clear conscience, knowing I have done my best to keep their interest in mind.
Those are some things that have helped me...I promise that I don't always get things right...but when I adhere to the list that I just gave...well...then I do get things right, most of the time.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
What? Another new cell phone???

And the answer to that questions would be a gigantic...YES!!!
I have been waiting for the folks at Nokia to finally get their act together and come out with a flip phone that had everything that I look for (and need) from my cell phone.
Well they did it at last. It just came out yesterday.
I picked up the Nokia 6101 this morning and think I have finally found a phone I will keep for a long time. It has speakerphone, camera, video & audio recording, picture caller ID, an FM radio, and much much more.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Starfish & Shells

Rob Bell, of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, MI tells the story of his young son who has just waded into the water after collecting two handfuls of smashed sea shells.
Now these shells were the type that are all over the beach. Thousands upon thousands have washed up and been trampled upon. The child decides to wade into the water with shell fragments in hands. After a while his father notices a beautiful starfish floating on top of the water within reach of his son. Rob yells to his son to pick up the starfish.
Anxiously the boy looks at the starfish and then looks at his fists, full of broken shells. And then back to the starfish and then again, back to his hands. Suddenly he bursts into loud sobs. Rob shouts out, "What wrong, buddy? Just pick up the starfish!" To this the son blurts out through his tears, "But then I'll have to drop these shells!"
Isn't that the case we often find ourselves in? We want the broken shells that are in our hands when our Father wants to give us the coolest starfish in the ocean! We'd rather hold on to what is comfortable or what we know, rather than give up control and allow God to bless us beyond what our human minds can fathom.
I learned that lesson this weekend. God blessed me beyond my imagination by taking away something that I thought I wanted. For this lesson and for the blessing, I am eternally grateful.
May we all trust God - the giver of every good and perfect gift.
The Doers, the Dreamers, and Me

One of my favorite movies is the original, "Muppet Movie". No, not the highly lame, "Muppets in Space" or "Muppet Treasure Island" - uh, definitely not. We're talking where it all started. The movie begins with a wide angle pan shot of the Florida Everglades. We gradually focus in on a log with a frog, or a frog with a log, whichever you prefer. My favorite childhood green buddy, Kermit busts into "The Rainbow Connection". The final line being, "The lovers, the dreamers and me."
Kermit has a dream - to go to California and make a movie. The tension throughout the rest of the show is between how some characters believe in this dream and that others don't.I think we all live in this tension.
Each of us has "dreams" we would like to fulfill and each of us has stuff that we simply need to "do". The problem is that I often find myself dreaming and then feeling guilty that I haven't gotten things DONE. Or I find myself in this frantic state of doing, so much that my soul starts to wither because it hasn't DREAMED in days.
Rarely, if ever am I in a state of balance. So I guess I'm either a frustrated dreamer or an exhausted doer. I think I'd rather be the former and dream with a little guilt. It is here that I find fulfillment, even if just for a time. Even if the dream never really results in anything tangible.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, "Better to have dreamed in vain, than never to have dreamed at all."
"The Muppet Movie" ends with Kermit and the gang finally getting the chance to make a movie and yet somehow Animal destroys the entire set. Even through this seemingly disastrous ending Kermit still holds onto "The Rainbow Connection" - the dream. Something about human... err... frog souls - we've gotta keep dreaming the dream.
My Big Ball
Did you laugh your head off watching Napoleon Dynamitee and Dodge Balll? Then you've gotta check out:
"The true adventures of Chad, the guy who was so into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe that he decided to live in a ball."
The Swim Meet episode made my sides hurt!
Here's the link: http://mybigball.com/
"The true adventures of Chad, the guy who was so into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe that he decided to live in a ball."
The Swim Meet episode made my sides hurt!
Here's the link: http://mybigball.com/
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Check it out!

Apple unveilved its new IPod Nano today. This thing is teeny tiny. I thought my IPod mini was small, but this thing borders on the ridiculous. It's about a quarter of an inch thick, 3.5 inches long, and 1.5 inches wide, and holds about 1,000 songs.
Instead using a hard drive for storage like the mini's do, it uses flash memory chips. Not sure if I like that or not. No word on battery life yet. It'd have to beat the 26 hours that my Ipod mini gets for me to consider purchasing one.
I wonder how the public will react?
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A couple of weeks ago was at Ikea with a good friend looking for things for my house. Walking into the store, I immediately saw a piece of furniture that was exactly what I was looking for. To make matters even better this particular piece was marked down 75%.
Needless to say, I purchased the piece. As I was leaving the store, my friend turned to me with a big smile and said, "Keith, this is your lucky day!"
Lucky is not a word I use except when talking about the jeans I wear. I do not consider myself a lucky person. I do not wish people good luck. My life is not about luck. Why?
The word luck means an unpredictable factor influencing events or circumstances for good or ill. The unpredictable factor in this definition means impersonal chance. To say I am having a lucky day is to say that my life is like the roll of dice. I am at the mercy of a force that is random without purpose or meaning. I don't believe that for a moment.
My life is not a craps game.
So what do I believe? I believe that God made the world and everything in it and that He is the Lord of heaven and earth. The Bible tells me that that "from one man God made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth." The Bible goes on to say that God "determines the times set for men and the exact places where they should live ... for in Him we live and move and have our being."
This is hardly the stuff of luck. This is the truth that there is a God who governs my life. This is the truth about my Heavenly Father who is not only sovereign over the world He created, but most importantly the one who governs my life.
Lucky? No, blessed! I am blessed by God and thankful.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Friday thoughts
It feels like my mind has been consumed by the destruction and crisis in New Orleans and other areas of the south. It just blows my mind that while I'm sitting here on my couch in my air conditioned home with a fridge full of food and very few material worries, that there are people who have no where to go or any idea what to do as they recover from this horrible tragedy. For me, this is somewhat of a reminder of the suffering that is going on all over the world all the time. It might be new to America, but it's not new to the world.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
I Love Technology...maybe

Technology is not a bad thing; in fact, I love it! I love the fact that my home has an air conditioner. I love the fact that I can talk on the phone anywhere I want (sometimes!!!) I love the fact that I can listen to hundreds of songs that seem to all fit in this little thingy called an I-pod.
BUT--yesterday I realized how much I depend on technology by the fact that I was frustrated because the computer would not work right. As many of you know--I am A-D-D, and a person like me cannot focus too well on things, unless it is a problem--and then we tend to hyper-focus. I guess I must have tried to figure out the problem about 15-20 times...and that is funny to me since I know nothing about computers.
I finally went home so I could send out some e-mails and check a few things...and there was instant relief. Technology was once again a part of my life and I could rejoice.
So I had a thought this morning...and I am pretty sure it was from God, "Hey Keith, what if you depended on the Lord the way you depended on technology yesterday?"
What if I were to be that dependant upon God? How would that look? I know that He is the Vine and I am a branch--but I was challenged to continually surrender every single minute of my day and depend on Him more than my computer or cell phone--WOW--that could relieve some major frustration!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Hurricane Katrina tragedy

I can hardly believe the images showing up on Foxnews and other networks. 80% of New Orleans is underwater, a city-wide avacuation is in effect and massive rescue efforts are underway.
I received an email from a good friend whose family has lost their home and business down in Mississippi. It's horrific.
I'm asking myself how I can and should personally respond to this - as well as how our church community should respond. It seems that responding is always better than reacting - so it's probably best to wait and find out what and where the greatest needs are.
What are your thoughts on how the church (nationally) or individuals can and should respond to this?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Google Talk

Well.....they've done it again. Google Talk. It's the latest application out by the creative folks at Google.
They say talk is cheap. Google thinks it should be free. Google Talk enables you to call or send instant messages to your friends for free–anytime, anywhere in the world. I just downloaded it but haven't tried it out yet. SO...try it and IM me!
I'll have a screen name for it shortly.
Already have it? What do you think?
Here's the link: http://www.google.com/talk/
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Mark and Darlene Zschech of Hillsong Church are sponsoring a large scale relief effort next year in Rwanda. It's being called Hope Rwanda: 100 Days of Hope.
Mark and Darlene, the worship pastors at Hillsong, are outstanding people, and they are being joined by Bill Hybels, Joyce Meyer and others, along with their home church in Australia pastored by Brian Houston. I attended the Hillsong Conference in Sydney last year, where he explained his vision to bring hope to the suffering people of Rwanda and let them know that in spite of our deaf ears during the genocide of 1994, the world has not forgotten them. I was moved and want to do what I can to help.
You can help by spreading the word and by registering at the Hope Rwanda web site. My hope is that Americans and especially American churches of all denominations will get involved - massively.
Here's the link to the website where you can register to help: http://www.hoperwanda.org/
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I came, I saw, IKEA

If you have not heard that Ikea opened in Frisco, you must not care about furniture.
Ikea is a 300,000sq/ft monstrosity of low priced, yet supposed high quality furniture. My Mom has been pumped about the grand opening for weeks so she has been waiting for my day off so I could escort her.
The parking lot is HUGE and it was completely full. We were directed by parkers to a spot in a nearby parking lot. We joined a stream of people filing into the store at 11:00 in the morning. The process reminded me of showing up early in the morning and heading into Six Flags.
The store itself is massive. They have about anything furniture related you could want. Ikea had a lot of unique pieces and designs that you will not find at Rooms to Go or a Roomstore, so I give them props for that. We were not in need of any particular piece of furniture so we made it out empty handed, but we were in the minority.
My mom has already planned a trip back (with my Dad...Lord bless him!) if you were curious about her perspective.
As for me, I thought it illustrated the American “bigger is better” attitude (although it is Swedish furniture). They had some cool stuff, and if I am looking for a particular piece I will probably go back. I guess I would sum it up as Ikea was two hours of my life I can never have back… Just kidding, it was not that bad.
By the way...I ran into Pastor Tommy there. He had his Bluetooth on and looked lost...Happy Trails, to you…
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Have you ever noticed that we tend to strive to create routines in life? There is something about having better control of our lives if we can just set up a system of routines.
It can be as simple as your morning routine to get ready for work. You go through the same processes every morning. Even your job probably has routines that you have built into it. Routines aren't necessarily bad. They help us accomplish many things while on automatic pilot. But there is a great need for breaks from routines.
In a way, I think this is one reason why God created for six days and rested on the seventh. To show the need to break from routine. Why do we look forward to the weekends? We know we can break the routines in life. And those times are refreshing to us. They are a much needed part of our lives.
But here is what happens to so many of us, whatever our careers may be. We never break out of our routines and keep doing the same things over and over and over again. Things become stagnant and we get bored or tired of doing what we are doing. Why? We were once excited about the things we were doing. So what has changed?
Every time we create a routine, what we are really doing is creating a process that disengages our minds. And that is never good in the long run. So we have to step back and keep creating new ways of doing things. Creating engages the mind and keeps us sharp. It keeps us excited about what we are doing.
So I am just reminded today that it is a good thing to step back, rest and create new ways of doing things - breaking routines, getting out of the ruts. I know that I will only create new routines, but my goal is to break them in the future too. Routines have a place in our lives, but they should never become our lives. For some of us, that is what is causing us to be so dissatisfied with our lives. So lets throw of the noose that is killing us and create new ways of doing things!
It can be as simple as your morning routine to get ready for work. You go through the same processes every morning. Even your job probably has routines that you have built into it. Routines aren't necessarily bad. They help us accomplish many things while on automatic pilot. But there is a great need for breaks from routines.
In a way, I think this is one reason why God created for six days and rested on the seventh. To show the need to break from routine. Why do we look forward to the weekends? We know we can break the routines in life. And those times are refreshing to us. They are a much needed part of our lives.
But here is what happens to so many of us, whatever our careers may be. We never break out of our routines and keep doing the same things over and over and over again. Things become stagnant and we get bored or tired of doing what we are doing. Why? We were once excited about the things we were doing. So what has changed?
Every time we create a routine, what we are really doing is creating a process that disengages our minds. And that is never good in the long run. So we have to step back and keep creating new ways of doing things. Creating engages the mind and keeps us sharp. It keeps us excited about what we are doing.
So I am just reminded today that it is a good thing to step back, rest and create new ways of doing things - breaking routines, getting out of the ruts. I know that I will only create new routines, but my goal is to break them in the future too. Routines have a place in our lives, but they should never become our lives. For some of us, that is what is causing us to be so dissatisfied with our lives. So lets throw of the noose that is killing us and create new ways of doing things!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Purpose Driven Rwanda

Rick Warren is not just "selling" the Purpose Driven Life, but he's also trying to make it a reality for......are you ready?
The entire nation of Rwanda.
Great job to Rick Warren for putting action behind his message of reaching around the world.
Check out the article here: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1093746,00.html
Friday, August 19, 2005
Things I'm learning

Sometimes I am amazed at all that God teaches me. I don't say that to be arrogant. I really say that because I find out every day how much I don't know. There are things that I should know by now that I am just discovering.
Things like how to pray and really connect with God. Things like what it means to know that God is with me all the time or even more by adding to it that He also knows everything about me. I am living different in light of this reality. And then there is God's power. So great to know that not only does God know me, is there with me, but also that He has the power to change me.
Today I was talking with a guy who just so happened to ask me a great question. He asked me why it would matter in heaven to hang out with God if He already knows everything about us. I thought for a moment and answered with this.
Think of the person that you know the most. Does the fact that you know so much about them deter you from wanting to hang out with them. I doubt it. In fact, it is probably the person we hang out with the most. Add to that the fact that even though God knows all about us, we don't have a very large understanding of Him. Heaven will be full of growing in our understanding of God and that will be like discovering new things about those you are closest to.
What a great question and what a great thought to think about the relationship we are invited to be a part of with God!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I had to share this joke!!
The Pope dies and, naturally, goes to heaven. He's met by the reception committee and, after a whirlwind tour is told that he can enjoy any of the myriad recreations available.
He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original text of the Holy Scriptures, and spends the next eon or so learning the languages.
After becoming a linguistics master, he sits down in the library and begins to pore over every version of the Bible, working back from the most recent "Easy Reading" to the original script.All of a sudden there is a scream in the library.
The angels come running to him, only to find the Pope huddled in a chair, crying to himself, and muttering, "An 'R'! They left out the 'R'”.God takes him aside, offering comfort and asks him what the problem is. After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "It's the letter 'R'... the word was supposed to be CELEBRATE"
He decides that he wants to read all of the ancient original text of the Holy Scriptures, and spends the next eon or so learning the languages.
After becoming a linguistics master, he sits down in the library and begins to pore over every version of the Bible, working back from the most recent "Easy Reading" to the original script.All of a sudden there is a scream in the library.
The angels come running to him, only to find the Pope huddled in a chair, crying to himself, and muttering, "An 'R'! They left out the 'R'”.God takes him aside, offering comfort and asks him what the problem is. After collecting his wits, the Pope sobs again, "It's the letter 'R'... the word was supposed to be CELEBRATE"
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
IPod Queen

So I just read that the Queen of England just bought an IPod. A silver 6 Gig IPod mini. What does this mean for everyone else in the world? It means that if you don't have an IPod, then the 75 year old head of England's royal family is more technologically advanced than you. And that isn't cool! So throw your 8-track player out and go buy one!
Here's my other thought: What songs do you think she's purchased from itunes?
Here are my guesses:
"Kings and Queens" by Aerosmith
"God save the Queen" by the Sex Pistols
Queens Greatest Hits
The enture Queen Latifa Catalogue (I decided to throw in a little British spelling just to add a bit of colour).
What songs do you think she bought?
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Benefits of good ol' H20

Most people who know me are aware that I gave up soft drinks (even my beloved DrPepper) back on May 8th of this year. To date, I have lost 12lbs alone just from doing that. I came across an article today on CNN that had some interesting stats about water consumption here in the US. Here's the main bullet points...
1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.
3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.
4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger-pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.
5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.
8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily, decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.
Now, the question is, would you like a soda or a glass of water??
Top 5 baseball movies of all time!

I have a theory...that there has never been a bad baseball movie. So I decided to share my top 5 favorite baseball movies of all-time:
#5 - The Rookie (The final scene was filmed here at Ameriquest Field!)
#4 - Major League (How can you not love Willie Mays Hayes and crew?)
#3 - The Natural (It's hard to put this movie at number 3 because Roy Hobbs is one of the best movie characters of all time)
#2 - The Sandlot (Hands down, the funniest baseball kid movie ever!) You're killing me Smalls!
And #1 - Field of Dreams ("If you build it, he will come" - One of the most classic movie lines ever! I've never been able to watch this movie without getting choked up at the end. Any true fan of baseball must watch this film.)
-What are your favorite baseball movies??
Monday, August 15, 2005
Pimp my M&M's

The mega M&M's are 55% bigger than the originals and come in 6 "adult" colors.
This will be an interesting campaign to follow. Will it be a disaster like New Coke? A big success like Reese's Pieces? Or just a ho-hum? You prophets of markets may enter your predictions by clicking the comment link below.
My prediction is for a ho-hum. I don't believe what their focus groups said, adults want to revisit the M&M experience from their childhoods. They don't want adult colors. They want the look and feel they knew as children. I think when you chuck one of the new mega M&M's into your mouth, your right brain will tell you it's an imposter.
Let's see what happens.
If anyone out there tries them, since I don't eat chocolate, let me know your impression.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Wonka on marriage

I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory recently. I've always been a big fan of Tim Burton movies, and loved the original version of this film as a kid. The movie was incredible, and I was blown away by the visual effects, and Johnny Depp's charcater development and on screen personality.
I was reading an interview with Depp last night on CNN. Overall, it was interesting to read what he had to say - but the best answer came at the end of the interview, after Depp had just finished talking about his wife and children. He was asked, Is marriage an option? What does it mean to you? And his answer is quite revealing:
Marriage can be whatever you define it as. For example, I don't feel like i need a piece off paper that says I own her and she owns me. I think signing a piece of paper doesn't mean anything in the eyes of God or in the eyes of people. The thing is, if you are together and you love each other and are good to each other, make babies and all that, for all intents and purposes you are married.
Now, before we throw any stones - his answer gave me a lot of insight into a fairly common view in our culture. While I completely disagree with his statement, instead of being negative, I think our desire should be to help people unlock the greater promise of marriage the way God designed it.
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