Thursday, May 05, 2005

Nothing Says You Care Like Cheap Toilet Paper

Okay, I admit it. I'm from Texas and sarcasm is my preferred form of humor. But that is exactly what I thought when I went to my gym this morning and went into the bathroom. The toilet paper had definitley been downgraded by a bean counter who cared more about the money than the customer who might actually have to use the toilet paper he downgraded.

Now, trust me, I'm going somewhere with this. In the world of customer care, the quickest test of customer care in any establishment is . . . the bathroom/restroom facilities. Why? Because restooms are a cost center, not a revenue center. In other words, the only reason anyone would ever spend money on restoom facilities (other than having a basic toilet and sink combo) is because they actually care.

Don't believe me? Do your own investigation. Go to a nice restaurant, then a cheap one. Go to a nice hotel, then a cheap one. Go to a nice church, then a cheap one. It really doesn't matter. If someone is willing to spend money on nice bathroom fixtures, nice lighting, nice decorations and nice toilet paper, then they care about you—not just your wallet and their bottom line.

So, how about you? What do your bathroom facilities say about you or your church? Is it time to upgrade to a nicer toilet paper and to let your bean counter know that you won't sacrifice on your commitment to excellence? I hope so.

[Currently playing on my IPod: Galaxy Bounce by The Chemical Brothers]

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