Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Time with God

The enemy tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink men's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God.

It has always fascinated me that those who speak so passionately about the differences in the Body of Christ would turn around and prescribe the same time and relationship with God to everyone. Could it be our best times with God come as unexpected experiences throughout our lives?

Don't hear me wrong here, I'm not saying avoid spending regular time with God - I'm just saying dump your agenda when you do - plan to take time, but don't plan what will happen during that time. I've found that, when I set aside this kind of unplanned time for God, He fills it differently - miraculously - every day.

Sometimes I spend long periods of time in the Bible - others I don't even touch it. Sometimes I pray and pray - others I just listen to the silence and open my spirit to His guidance. Regardless of what happens during this time, it focuses my soul for the day.

[Currently playing on my IPod: Wash Away by Vertical Horizon]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.... I have been trained the opposite i.e. got to accomplish these five things (praise, prayer, journaling, bible reading, and worship) during my quiet time...

I like your idea though!!!