Have you ever messed up royally? I did today. I was supposed to stay and help pack up after our extension service was over, but left right afterwards because I was supposed to meet up with a friend to handle some business before they left town.
Dummy me, I completely forgot to tell my friend and was reminded that I had forgotten about an hour later. I felt horrible. In fact, I still do. Even though I've called and left a vmail to apologize, I still feel crummy about it.
So Lukey, in case you read this, I'm sorry I let you down bubba. I was wrong and messed up. I truly feel bad about it and wish I could push the rewind button.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Powerful Words
All too often I think we go throughout the day and do not consider what we say to other people...or HOW we say things to other people. Both are important! Let me share with you what I consider to be some of the most powerful words on earth.
#1 - I Love You - DUH!!! You knew those three were going to be on the list, didn't you? I believe that people can't hear these words enough! One of the greatest desires of the human heart is to be loved...and people don't know that they are loved unless it is both spoken and demonstrated.
I NEVER leave my parents house without telling them that I love them. Years ago I realized that I can check out of planet earth at any time God says my stay is over...and if I leave this planet before my family does then I want the last words that they ever hear me say to be, "I love you!" But I don't just say it to my family...
When my best friend & I talk we always end our conversations with, "Hey man, you know what? I love ya!" And no--this is not an attempt for us to get in touch with our female side--it is one Christian man speaking the truth to another. Why are we so afraid to say these words? Don't get me wrong--I don't walk up to random strangers and say this--that is a recipe for a full blown freak out...but I believe that people need to know...and the way that this is best communicated is through the spoken word!
#2 - Thank You! My Mom taught me this! I remember I asked once for her to bring me a glass of water, and after she did she just sort of stood there and looked at me. I have to admit that this was a little weird...I had no idea what she was doing. I had always thought she was a stable individual...but now she's just standing there--staring at me with some sort of look of expectation on her face. What did she want? A tip? So I asked her, "What's wrong?" and she said two words, "Thank you!"
It was then that I realized that she didn't mind bringing me the water--but she wanted to feel appreciated...and "thank you" was the best way to accomplish that. And not just a regular old "thank you," but a sincere thank you. So now I say these words a lot--I say them to the server who refills my glass of Dr.Pepper (the drink of angels), I say it to my staff at work when they do things that I request of them. People want to feel appreciated--period. And two words, spoken with a sincere heart can accomplish that--thank you!
#3 - "Will You Come To Church With Me On Sunday?" Just thought I would throw this one in! :-) Seriously, these are powerful words...and if you are in or near the DFW area, then I hope you will be at Calvary Christian Center this weekend...and that you will say those words to at least 10 people. If you will get them to church this Sunday then I promise they will hear one of the most creative and relevant presentations of the Gospel ever! One more thought... And finally, some of my favorite words ever...
#4 - "Hey Keith, you want' to go to lunch--I'm BUYING!!!"
#1 - I Love You - DUH!!! You knew those three were going to be on the list, didn't you? I believe that people can't hear these words enough! One of the greatest desires of the human heart is to be loved...and people don't know that they are loved unless it is both spoken and demonstrated.
I NEVER leave my parents house without telling them that I love them. Years ago I realized that I can check out of planet earth at any time God says my stay is over...and if I leave this planet before my family does then I want the last words that they ever hear me say to be, "I love you!" But I don't just say it to my family...
When my best friend & I talk we always end our conversations with, "Hey man, you know what? I love ya!" And no--this is not an attempt for us to get in touch with our female side--it is one Christian man speaking the truth to another. Why are we so afraid to say these words? Don't get me wrong--I don't walk up to random strangers and say this--that is a recipe for a full blown freak out...but I believe that people need to know...and the way that this is best communicated is through the spoken word!
#2 - Thank You! My Mom taught me this! I remember I asked once for her to bring me a glass of water, and after she did she just sort of stood there and looked at me. I have to admit that this was a little weird...I had no idea what she was doing. I had always thought she was a stable individual...but now she's just standing there--staring at me with some sort of look of expectation on her face. What did she want? A tip? So I asked her, "What's wrong?" and she said two words, "Thank you!"
It was then that I realized that she didn't mind bringing me the water--but she wanted to feel appreciated...and "thank you" was the best way to accomplish that. And not just a regular old "thank you," but a sincere thank you. So now I say these words a lot--I say them to the server who refills my glass of Dr.Pepper (the drink of angels), I say it to my staff at work when they do things that I request of them. People want to feel appreciated--period. And two words, spoken with a sincere heart can accomplish that--thank you!
#3 - "Will You Come To Church With Me On Sunday?" Just thought I would throw this one in! :-) Seriously, these are powerful words...and if you are in or near the DFW area, then I hope you will be at Calvary Christian Center this weekend...and that you will say those words to at least 10 people. If you will get them to church this Sunday then I promise they will hear one of the most creative and relevant presentations of the Gospel ever! One more thought... And finally, some of my favorite words ever...
#4 - "Hey Keith, you want' to go to lunch--I'm BUYING!!!"
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Coward of the County

Kenny Rogers' appeal of a 20-game suspension and $50,000 fine for shoving two TV camermen on June 29 was rejected today.
And rightly so. The punishment should be more severe than what he's been given in my opinion.
Commissioner Bud Selig ordered Rogers' suspension to begin with today's game in Baltimore, but it is likely the players union will file a grievance. I'll be hacked if that happens. Rogers may get to keep pitching for the next several weeks, when he should have been benched weeks ago.
I was having breakfast with a good friend of mine this past Saturday, and the topic shifted towards God's odd ways. We were talking about how God is in the interruptions of our lives. And, how God was in the interruptions in Jesus' life.
We know He (Jesus that is) was preaching about something (when He was interrupted by men sawing through the ceiling so they could lower a crippled man for Jesus to heal) but we don't know what. There isn't a record of His sermon, but there is a Biblical record of the healing.
And, we know He was interrupted by His mother and brothers wanting to speak with Him, and we know He responding to that interruption by asking, "Who is my mother? Who is my brother or sister? It is those who do the will of my Father in Heaven." But, nobody bothered to write down His sermon outline. I guess it wasn't important.
But, God was in the interruptions.
We know Jesus travelled around the countryside a lot. We don't always know why He was going where He was going, but we've all read about the woman with 'an issue of blood' who interrupted His travels by touching the hem of His garment and was healed; the demon possessed man whom Jesus delivered; the lepers He cleansed.
All of these were interruptions.
And we know the Priest and the Levite were headed to the Temple to meet with, and worship God. But, they missed God. He was in the ditch needing help. And, the Good Samaritan helped Him. Jesus said, "When you've done it to the least of these, you've done it unto Me."
I hate to be interrupted. So, this is a good thing for me to know -- God is in the interruptions. I need to take note.
We know He (Jesus that is) was preaching about something (when He was interrupted by men sawing through the ceiling so they could lower a crippled man for Jesus to heal) but we don't know what. There isn't a record of His sermon, but there is a Biblical record of the healing.
And, we know He was interrupted by His mother and brothers wanting to speak with Him, and we know He responding to that interruption by asking, "Who is my mother? Who is my brother or sister? It is those who do the will of my Father in Heaven." But, nobody bothered to write down His sermon outline. I guess it wasn't important.
But, God was in the interruptions.
We know Jesus travelled around the countryside a lot. We don't always know why He was going where He was going, but we've all read about the woman with 'an issue of blood' who interrupted His travels by touching the hem of His garment and was healed; the demon possessed man whom Jesus delivered; the lepers He cleansed.
All of these were interruptions.
And we know the Priest and the Levite were headed to the Temple to meet with, and worship God. But, they missed God. He was in the ditch needing help. And, the Good Samaritan helped Him. Jesus said, "When you've done it to the least of these, you've done it unto Me."
I hate to be interrupted. So, this is a good thing for me to know -- God is in the interruptions. I need to take note.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Napoleon Distraction
Van Googhle
Monday, July 25, 2005
The many uses of Coca-Cola!

For all of you Coca-Cola drinkers...
I wonder if Diet Coke does the same things, just with less sugar?
1. In many states the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.
2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke and it will be gone in two days.
3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coke into the toilet bowl... Let the 'real thing' sit for one hour, then flush clean.
4. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.
5. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
6. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.
7. To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.
8. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan; wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.
9. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.
1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It's pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about four days.
2. To carry Coca Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly Corrosive materials.
3. The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years! Drink up!
Keep Dreaming Big!
Walk past any playground or listen to any group of kids on summer break and it’s obvious. Children love to dream. Whether it’s hitting a homerun in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the game, becoming the first female president or being the first person to travel to the farthest point of outer space, children have no limits to their dreams. At some point, we all dream. Some of us big. Some of us small. But we all dream.
Sadly, though, somewhere along the road of life we stop dreaming. We trade the imaginations of our childhood for the information of the day. Why? It all boils down to one thing—fear.
We’re afraid that if our dreams are too big, too grand, then they won’t come true. And we’re afraid of dreaming because we rely on ourselves to accomplish those dreams. And when we realize that we can’t do it on our own, we settle. All too often we settle for the repetition of daily life and forget that God has an adventure planned for us. But as long as we’re comfortable, we forget about dreaming.
God doesn’t want us to live that way. God’s plan isn’t for us to settle. He has so much more in store for all of us! And so God dares us to dream. But he doesn’t just tell us to dream and then leave us on our own. Jesus tells us in Mark 10:27, “‘…all things are possible with God.’”
There’s no room there for fear or trepidation. Jesus didn’t limit the things that God can do in your life, so don’t limit your dreams. Remember, God is bigger than anything you could ever dream. Don’t settle for less than God has in store for you. Take the step of faith and allow God to show you what he can accomplish, and dare to dream!
Sadly, though, somewhere along the road of life we stop dreaming. We trade the imaginations of our childhood for the information of the day. Why? It all boils down to one thing—fear.
We’re afraid that if our dreams are too big, too grand, then they won’t come true. And we’re afraid of dreaming because we rely on ourselves to accomplish those dreams. And when we realize that we can’t do it on our own, we settle. All too often we settle for the repetition of daily life and forget that God has an adventure planned for us. But as long as we’re comfortable, we forget about dreaming.
God doesn’t want us to live that way. God’s plan isn’t for us to settle. He has so much more in store for all of us! And so God dares us to dream. But he doesn’t just tell us to dream and then leave us on our own. Jesus tells us in Mark 10:27, “‘…all things are possible with God.’”
There’s no room there for fear or trepidation. Jesus didn’t limit the things that God can do in your life, so don’t limit your dreams. Remember, God is bigger than anything you could ever dream. Don’t settle for less than God has in store for you. Take the step of faith and allow God to show you what he can accomplish, and dare to dream!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
High school revisited
Yesterday evening as I was walking into Grapevine Mills to pick up some take out from Panda Express, I ran into an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a good 5 or 6 years, in the parking lot. I had gone to high school with him back in the day. In fact, this guy was the valedictiorian of my class.
Upon graduating high school, I left for Texas A&M (Gig 'Em Ags!) and a degree in Marine Biology was mine within 4 years.
My friend attended Stanford University and got 2 degrees (a BA in social science and an MBA in political science) and then a third degree at UTA ( another MBA in marketing I believe).
Anyway, back to the parking lot.
We talked for about 10 minutes. He asked what I did for a living. I told him I was an executive with a large, world reknown company headquatered here in Dallas. I asked him the same, and he said he was currently un-employed, seeking work, and living with his parents.
I was shocked. All of this knowledge, all of these degrees, and to the world, it means nothing. An interesting thing to note is that my friend is at the very least an agnostic, possibly even an atheist.
At any rate, it made me realize how blessed I am, not because I have a good career and a very nice home. These are blessings because of WHOSE I am. Because I have given in to Christ, and He has promised that I will have abundant life here and in heaven. Living a blessed life is empty if you don't acknowledge the Blessor, and that's God.
Maybe I wasn't the valedictorian, and maybe my parents didn't have the money to send me to Stanford or some other high-end college, but God has taken what seems like not much, and blessed it beyond my comprehension.
In the end, I gave my friend my number, and told him to give me a shout. He needs someone to show him how to have life abundantly. If not here, then definitely in heaven. Hopefully he'll call.
Upon graduating high school, I left for Texas A&M (Gig 'Em Ags!) and a degree in Marine Biology was mine within 4 years.
My friend attended Stanford University and got 2 degrees (a BA in social science and an MBA in political science) and then a third degree at UTA ( another MBA in marketing I believe).
Anyway, back to the parking lot.
We talked for about 10 minutes. He asked what I did for a living. I told him I was an executive with a large, world reknown company headquatered here in Dallas. I asked him the same, and he said he was currently un-employed, seeking work, and living with his parents.
I was shocked. All of this knowledge, all of these degrees, and to the world, it means nothing. An interesting thing to note is that my friend is at the very least an agnostic, possibly even an atheist.
At any rate, it made me realize how blessed I am, not because I have a good career and a very nice home. These are blessings because of WHOSE I am. Because I have given in to Christ, and He has promised that I will have abundant life here and in heaven. Living a blessed life is empty if you don't acknowledge the Blessor, and that's God.
Maybe I wasn't the valedictorian, and maybe my parents didn't have the money to send me to Stanford or some other high-end college, but God has taken what seems like not much, and blessed it beyond my comprehension.
In the end, I gave my friend my number, and told him to give me a shout. He needs someone to show him how to have life abundantly. If not here, then definitely in heaven. Hopefully he'll call.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Concert update

Third Day was great on Saturday. I could have done without the heat and humidity though, but I trudged through it. Here are a couple pics of the show!
One interesting thing to note, I had no idea that the lead singer of Third Day plays guitar left-handed. I had never seen a left-handed guitar player before, let alone a left-handed guitar. I think I was the only one in our group that noticed.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Third Day/Third Wheel

Today I am going to Six Flags to see Third Day. I was excited about going, but plans kinda had a kink put into them. I'm still going, but not as early as I had initially planned. On a related note, it pretty much stinks being a single guy, and then finding out your the third wheel. Feels kinda like they'd rather not have you there. Anyway, enough of the pity party. It's off to Six Flags and fun!!! Please Dear Lord...NO RAIN!!
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Guess the Google

This game is addicting.
20 images and 20 seconds to guess which Google keyword was used to conjure up the images in the box.
I just scored 290. Not a great score...but fun!
Here's the link:
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

While the NHL seems to have gotten what it wanted, there is no way to measure the damage done to a sport that already was the least popular of the four major leagues in the United States.
In fact, I'm not sure I would consider it one of the four major leagues any longer. The PGA might have surpassed it this year. It definitely gets more airtime on the major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX) than the NHL ever did.
But at least it's over!!
Google Earth

This has got to be one of the coolest things I've ever seen. It's called Google Earth. Google explains it best:
Google Earth puts a planet's worth of imagery and other geographic information right on your desktop. View exotic locales like Maui and Paris as well as points of interest such as local restaurants, hospitals, schools, and more.
It really is pretty amazing... The program allows you to tilt and rotate to see 3D buildings and terrain. You can also save your favorite images.
AND...you can pretend that you work for the CIA and are accessing real time satellite imagery while looking for bad people. Or not.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Hot buttons
This past 4th of July weekend I ate lunch with my family at their church picnic in Denton. I sat across the table from my Mom so I could keep an eye on her.
You know, everybody's got 'buttons' (triggers that, when pushed, get a reaction). Learning which ones to push, and when to push them, is an art. If you push the 'laugh button', they laugh. Push the 'cry button' and they cry. (You wanna stay away from that one, if you can.) Then, there's what I call the 'Hot Button'. It's the one that sparks the most passion. And it's my favorite to push...
So... I was sitting across the table from Mom... eating my cheeseburger and potato salad. The food was great but the conversation slowed way down. We were in a lull. I think it was because of the heat. I saw Mom yawn behind her hand. I thought, "Poor woman, she's getting bored."
So, I said, in a loud, obnoxious voice, "You know, I heard if you drink a glass of red wine every day you'll live longer."
Mom started choking on her corn-on-the-cob.
I continued my rant in one breath, "I read it in USA Today. 'Frainch' people drink wine and rarely have heart problems and THEY'RE the ones who think butter is a vegetable AND the Apostle Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach's sake... Ain't it wonderful how science is always proving the Bible, Mom?"
My Dad and my brothers all rolled their eyes.
Mom shushed, "KEITH AARON!"
Lifting my voice so surrounding tables could hear, I proclaimed, "Yep! One glass of red wine a day and you'll live forever... USA TODAY and the Bible agree!"
My mother's neck was starting to splotch. "Shhh! Someone will hear you and you'll ruin your testimony."
Raising my iced tea glass, I said, "YEP! PAUL SAID TO DRINK A LITTLE WINE!"
Pay dirt!
Mom sat straight up in her chair, looked me dead in the eyes, cleared her throat and went to preachin', "Paul wasn't talking about wine! He was talking about grape juice! The Book of Habbakuk says not to even look on it while it stirreth in the cup."
I said, "Mom, he was talking about Nyquil. It stirreths in the cup. One shot of that stuff and it's, 'Hello, Mr. Sandman!'"
I probably laid on Mom's 'Hot Button' a little too long, so I said, "I hate wine. Nasty stuff. I'll just have to die of a heart attack, at least I won't ruin my testimony."
Mom was happy, again.
You may be thinking, "Why Keith? Why do you have to push the 'Hot Button'?" Well, I'll tell ya... It's because I'm curious. And it's fun! Mom's reactions are always good entertainment. She's passionate about what she believes. And, as her loud-mouthed son, it's my duty to challenge her. That's why God sent me to earth. Also, I love a good debate. A little tension... a few thought-provoking ideas... throw in a few neck splotches and you got yourself a rip-roaring conversation.
I've had a knack for pushing 'Hot Buttons' since I was a kid. The first time I remember using this wonderful gift was when I was four or five years old. I was the ring-bearer at a family friend's wedding. As soon as the wedding was over, I looked up at the bride and said, "You pregnant, yet?"
It's been my blessing and my curse. It's gotten me in a whole heap of trouble.
But, what we are passionate about tells us a lot about ourselves. I'm hoping that when you read this, you laugh a lot, groan a little, wince a bit and, every now and then, your brain sweats. But don't ever let it make your blood pressure rise. Remember: This is not an epistle - it's just a brain-belch.
And I'm just trying to find your 'Hot Button'.
I hope I hit it.
You know, everybody's got 'buttons' (triggers that, when pushed, get a reaction). Learning which ones to push, and when to push them, is an art. If you push the 'laugh button', they laugh. Push the 'cry button' and they cry. (You wanna stay away from that one, if you can.) Then, there's what I call the 'Hot Button'. It's the one that sparks the most passion. And it's my favorite to push...
So... I was sitting across the table from Mom... eating my cheeseburger and potato salad. The food was great but the conversation slowed way down. We were in a lull. I think it was because of the heat. I saw Mom yawn behind her hand. I thought, "Poor woman, she's getting bored."
So, I said, in a loud, obnoxious voice, "You know, I heard if you drink a glass of red wine every day you'll live longer."
Mom started choking on her corn-on-the-cob.
I continued my rant in one breath, "I read it in USA Today. 'Frainch' people drink wine and rarely have heart problems and THEY'RE the ones who think butter is a vegetable AND the Apostle Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach's sake... Ain't it wonderful how science is always proving the Bible, Mom?"
My Dad and my brothers all rolled their eyes.
Mom shushed, "KEITH AARON!"
Lifting my voice so surrounding tables could hear, I proclaimed, "Yep! One glass of red wine a day and you'll live forever... USA TODAY and the Bible agree!"
My mother's neck was starting to splotch. "Shhh! Someone will hear you and you'll ruin your testimony."
Raising my iced tea glass, I said, "YEP! PAUL SAID TO DRINK A LITTLE WINE!"
Pay dirt!
Mom sat straight up in her chair, looked me dead in the eyes, cleared her throat and went to preachin', "Paul wasn't talking about wine! He was talking about grape juice! The Book of Habbakuk says not to even look on it while it stirreth in the cup."
I said, "Mom, he was talking about Nyquil. It stirreths in the cup. One shot of that stuff and it's, 'Hello, Mr. Sandman!'"
I probably laid on Mom's 'Hot Button' a little too long, so I said, "I hate wine. Nasty stuff. I'll just have to die of a heart attack, at least I won't ruin my testimony."
Mom was happy, again.
You may be thinking, "Why Keith? Why do you have to push the 'Hot Button'?" Well, I'll tell ya... It's because I'm curious. And it's fun! Mom's reactions are always good entertainment. She's passionate about what she believes. And, as her loud-mouthed son, it's my duty to challenge her. That's why God sent me to earth. Also, I love a good debate. A little tension... a few thought-provoking ideas... throw in a few neck splotches and you got yourself a rip-roaring conversation.
I've had a knack for pushing 'Hot Buttons' since I was a kid. The first time I remember using this wonderful gift was when I was four or five years old. I was the ring-bearer at a family friend's wedding. As soon as the wedding was over, I looked up at the bride and said, "You pregnant, yet?"
It's been my blessing and my curse. It's gotten me in a whole heap of trouble.
But, what we are passionate about tells us a lot about ourselves. I'm hoping that when you read this, you laugh a lot, groan a little, wince a bit and, every now and then, your brain sweats. But don't ever let it make your blood pressure rise. Remember: This is not an epistle - it's just a brain-belch.
And I'm just trying to find your 'Hot Button'.
I hope I hit it.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Today is 7-11 day!!!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a big fan of 7-11. And they know the reason why (which I shall not divulge on my blog).
Today, the first 1,000 customers who visit participating 7-Eleven stores across America on 7-Eleven Day will receive a free 7.11-oz. Slurpee drink of their choice. The free drink offer is one of several special promotions and merchandise -- including music giveaways, color-changing mugs, and Slurpee psychedelic berry-scented wristbands - that are currently available at participating 7-Eleven locations in observance of anniversary celebration.
Give, but to whom?
When I was a kid there was an evangelist and his wife who used to come to our church. I can't remember his name, but he was very nice. He's since been divorced. I've never met the new wife, (that I recall). I just saw him on T.V. He was talking about giving to God tithes and offerings.
My problem with people on T. V. talking about giving to God is that they always (or usually) put up their 800 number. I believe we should all give to God. But I try to remember that Jesus is the only representation of God we have ever known on this earth and He loved the poor. He loved the sick. He loved the outcast. I believe when we give to the poor we are giving to God. I believe when we feed a hungry person we are putting food in the mouth of God. Jesus said that when we give to the 'least of these' we are giving to Him. So, the next time you see someone on T. V. reminding you to 'give to God', do it. Write a check to a ministry in your home town that feeds the poor.
My problem with people on T. V. talking about giving to God is that they always (or usually) put up their 800 number. I believe we should all give to God. But I try to remember that Jesus is the only representation of God we have ever known on this earth and He loved the poor. He loved the sick. He loved the outcast. I believe when we give to the poor we are giving to God. I believe when we feed a hungry person we are putting food in the mouth of God. Jesus said that when we give to the 'least of these' we are giving to Him. So, the next time you see someone on T. V. reminding you to 'give to God', do it. Write a check to a ministry in your home town that feeds the poor.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
3D Pavement Art
What can passion do for you?
I am not sure if you watched the Michael Jackson trial with any interest at all. I must admit that I was very interested...but not so much in the trial...I could not keep but wondering every time they showed a picture of Jackson's house or the courthouse, "Who are all of those people standing outside with posters and banners and who are cheering for this dude?"
Seriously, did these people not have a job? Did any of them give up their job to go and support a man who probably doesn't even know their name--and who frankly doesn't care to know them?
What would cause them to do something like this? It's simple--they had passion.
Passion causes people to do things--sometimes extreme things...things that just can't be helped or controlled. A passionate person is emotional--period. They may not be emotional about everything, but if you push the right button you will see what they have passion for--and their actions will be evident that they have passion.
And to be honest--we expect passion from people in certain situations, take a football game for instance...we see a dude wearing the team colors...his team scores--would we all not think it weird if he did not celebrate, yell, scream, give them people around him a high five. Truth is that in that situation we expect passion to be demonstrated...and if he/she does not demonstrate passion then oftentimes we question whether or not they are true fans of team whose colors they wear.
Passion always moves us to action...if it doesn't then it isn't passion--it's probably just a bad case of gas.
Take love for example--when a man is in love with a women there is hardly anything that he would not do. He writes songs, sends her flowers, will run up enormous telephone bills--take long road trips just to see her. What causes this? Once again--passion, it is passion that moves him to action.
So how does all of this tie into Jesus? Simple--are you passionate for Him? If the answer is yes, then what action is your passion leading you to take?
I don't understand the thinking of some people. When people support Michael Jackson no one seems to think that it's a little weird. When people scream at a sporting event--they are never asked to be silent so that the other attenders may observe in reverence. However, when someone is passionate for Christ--when someone's passion clearly leads them to action--then some consider that to be weird.
Why? I think it because we have a large set of mixed up priorities in this society in which we live. And please do not take this post wrong. I am not referring to showing emotion in a worship service. I have witnessed people who can be really emotional in a worship service--but never carry it outside the walls of the church. Why? No true passion.
If you have a passion for Jesus then the bottom line is this--your passion for Him will affect the way you live. It will affect what you choose to do...and what you choose not to do. Passion for Jesus will not allow you to ever attend a church without getting involved. Passion for Jesus always affects your wallet and your calendar. You cannot sit in the stands and merely let the Kingdom's work be done in front of you--if you have passion then you MUST take action...you simply cannot help it.
I am not advocating that Christians MUST do anything--I fully affirm that we are saved by grace--not by works. But the thing to capture here is that we do not do things for God to get God to love us--we do them BECAUSE God loves us...and our passion for Him captivates our heart and our mind.
So what is your passion for Him stirring you to do? Just curious...
Seriously, did these people not have a job? Did any of them give up their job to go and support a man who probably doesn't even know their name--and who frankly doesn't care to know them?
What would cause them to do something like this? It's simple--they had passion.
Passion causes people to do things--sometimes extreme things...things that just can't be helped or controlled. A passionate person is emotional--period. They may not be emotional about everything, but if you push the right button you will see what they have passion for--and their actions will be evident that they have passion.
And to be honest--we expect passion from people in certain situations, take a football game for instance...we see a dude wearing the team colors...his team scores--would we all not think it weird if he did not celebrate, yell, scream, give them people around him a high five. Truth is that in that situation we expect passion to be demonstrated...and if he/she does not demonstrate passion then oftentimes we question whether or not they are true fans of team whose colors they wear.
Passion always moves us to action...if it doesn't then it isn't passion--it's probably just a bad case of gas.
Take love for example--when a man is in love with a women there is hardly anything that he would not do. He writes songs, sends her flowers, will run up enormous telephone bills--take long road trips just to see her. What causes this? Once again--passion, it is passion that moves him to action.
So how does all of this tie into Jesus? Simple--are you passionate for Him? If the answer is yes, then what action is your passion leading you to take?
I don't understand the thinking of some people. When people support Michael Jackson no one seems to think that it's a little weird. When people scream at a sporting event--they are never asked to be silent so that the other attenders may observe in reverence. However, when someone is passionate for Christ--when someone's passion clearly leads them to action--then some consider that to be weird.
Why? I think it because we have a large set of mixed up priorities in this society in which we live. And please do not take this post wrong. I am not referring to showing emotion in a worship service. I have witnessed people who can be really emotional in a worship service--but never carry it outside the walls of the church. Why? No true passion.
If you have a passion for Jesus then the bottom line is this--your passion for Him will affect the way you live. It will affect what you choose to do...and what you choose not to do. Passion for Jesus will not allow you to ever attend a church without getting involved. Passion for Jesus always affects your wallet and your calendar. You cannot sit in the stands and merely let the Kingdom's work be done in front of you--if you have passion then you MUST take action...you simply cannot help it.
I am not advocating that Christians MUST do anything--I fully affirm that we are saved by grace--not by works. But the thing to capture here is that we do not do things for God to get God to love us--we do them BECAUSE God loves us...and our passion for Him captivates our heart and our mind.
So what is your passion for Him stirring you to do? Just curious...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
New Hillsong Album: God He Reigns

The new Hillsong album is just out. I’ve ordered a copy along with the music book in CD format, which I look forward to with interest.
I notice the Hillsong Conference is this weekin Sydney....would have loved to have been there again! I was there last year. We're definitely going next year. Can't wait!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The 4th and Berger Lake

This past 4th of July weekend was busy!!! Had a big BBQ last night with friends from church, then watched fireworks with them in Las Colinas. On Sunday, a bunch of us went to Berger Lake, just west of downtown Fort Worth. I had never heard of it. It reminded me so much of summer camp. It's a 1 acre fresh spring-fed lake, with diving boards, swinging trapeeze's, beaches, awesome snow cones, and tons of huge shade trees. It's a great place for families, but I'd stay away from the "yellow water". These are a couple of pics from Berger Lake...
Friday, July 01, 2005
Cruise Control

Have you seen the new Ford Mustangs? My Dad does not really like them...I am sort of indifferent. In fact, I haven't really gotten a good look at one...until today.
I am cruising down the road and I roll up on this Mustang. Now I have to admit that I am an extremely impatient driver. I have one mission when I get in the car--get to my destination. I do not enjoy just "going for a ride."
Anyway--I get behind this Mustang and I figure, "No problem--it's a Mustang--it will hit the gas and be gone any second now...any second now...uh, any second now."We totally cruised down the road at 30 miles per hour...I wanted to scream. I was literally saying, "Hey buddy, it's the oblong pedal on the right--use it, step on it--it's a MUSTANG--it was built for speed...that car is capable of so much more!!!"But I guess the dude didn't hear me--we kept on cruising down the road--I literally felt that one of those dudes on a moped was going to pass us at any second. He finally turned and went another direction and I was left thinking, "What a waste of a good car."
Please do not misunderstand me...I am not advocating speeding by any means--but if you have a car that will move--then don't do 10 miles under the speed limit--let the car live up to its potential.
I am almost sure that is the way that God feels about the church. I do not feel when He designed the church that it was for the purpose of us to look good while cruising though the culture. I do not believe He designed us to be just another car on the road--we are the Lexus, we are the Porsche, we are the...well, whatever the fastest car is on the road...that is what we were designed to be.
That is why it bothers me when churches seem to merely cruising through the year. "No one in the community is being reached--but our Sunday school class picked some wonderful apples. No one has joined our church this year--but we are a close family and we love one another. We have had more burials than baptisms--but hey, at least our building is paid for." It seems the church has done a marvelous job at excusing our cruising...while all the while the communities in which we are planted go unchurched and unreached.
I do not believe God has called us to be comfortable. I do not think God has called us to cruise. When we cruise (go slower than we are designed to go) then I feel we can get caught up in listening to backseat drivers (power hungry people in the church) and also begin to get caught up in meaningless activities (boycotting Disney and getting involved with video poker policing!).
Why is cruising such a temptation? Answer--because it is easy!!! When you "cruise" and do not do what God intended you to do--you have time for all kinds of things that are meaningless. However, when the church begin to reach people who do not know Christ, well...it's a little messy. They have questions--hard ones...ones that even cause us to think. They have problems, real ones--ones that you can't simply say, "Well--let's pray about that," and then dismiss them as "just needing more Jesus." They don't know the Bible--so you can't preach on Sunday's and say, "You know the story of Jonah and the fish..."--if you do they will give you this blank look.
God has filled us up with high octane gas--His Spirit. He has given us an incredibly powerful engine--His Word. God has called us to maximize the RPM's and go as fast as we can. I am so thankful that I attend a church that both believes in a HUGE God and has grasped the vision of us being a change agent in this community.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers]
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