Wednesday, July 20, 2005

High school revisited

Yesterday evening as I was walking into Grapevine Mills to pick up some take out from Panda Express, I ran into an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen in a good 5 or 6 years, in the parking lot. I had gone to high school with him back in the day. In fact, this guy was the valedictiorian of my class.

Upon graduating high school, I left for Texas A&M (Gig 'Em Ags!) and a degree in Marine Biology was mine within 4 years.

My friend attended Stanford University and got 2 degrees (a BA in social science and an MBA in political science) and then a third degree at UTA ( another MBA in marketing I believe).

Anyway, back to the parking lot.

We talked for about 10 minutes. He asked what I did for a living. I told him I was an executive with a large, world reknown company headquatered here in Dallas. I asked him the same, and he said he was currently un-employed, seeking work, and living with his parents.

I was shocked. All of this knowledge, all of these degrees, and to the world, it means nothing. An interesting thing to note is that my friend is at the very least an agnostic, possibly even an atheist.

At any rate, it made me realize how blessed I am, not because I have a good career and a very nice home. These are blessings because of WHOSE I am. Because I have given in to Christ, and He has promised that I will have abundant life here and in heaven. Living a blessed life is empty if you don't acknowledge the Blessor, and that's God.

Maybe I wasn't the valedictorian, and maybe my parents didn't have the money to send me to Stanford or some other high-end college, but God has taken what seems like not much, and blessed it beyond my comprehension.

In the end, I gave my friend my number, and told him to give me a shout. He needs someone to show him how to have life abundantly. If not here, then definitely in heaven. Hopefully he'll call.

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