I know I refer to the gym a lot--but you must excuse me...it is my new hobby...and I noticed something the other day that was a little funny and disturbing at the same time.
Why do people go to the gym? To exercise, right? (Well--there ARE some who go to socialize and then brag about the hour they spent in the gym--none of the time was spent working out though--but that is another post for another time.) Sorry I digressed--back to my point.
So I am cruising around the parking lot the other morning and I noticed something I have never seen before in my life...a car waiting on a parking place that is about three or four spaces closer to the door than the one they could have had. This amazes me--people go to the gym to run, to sweat, to work out--and yet we want to park as close to the entrance as possible. WHY? So we won't have to walk as far?
I will admit that I have done this in the past...I want to get in the gym...but I want to be close to the door...I want for it to be as easy as possible for me to get in there and then get out. God forbid I have to walk a lot--that would be a challenge. I am laughing right now--seriously, think about it this way...people will go into the gym, get on a treadmill, run at 7 mph for 45 minutes; however, they don't want to walk an extra 20 feet when it comes to actually getting into and out of the gym.
This happens every day at gyms all across the nation...AND it happens in the lives of people who claim to follow Jesus everyday as well.
Ask any Christ Follower and you will probably get the same answer from most of them, "Yes I DO want to follow Christ. Yes, I do want God's will for my life. Yes, I do want to serve Jesus."
The problem is this--many of us DO want God's will--but we want an easy and convenient way in...and just in case we don't like it...an easy and convenient way out. Somewhere along the way someone told the church a lie...and the church bought it. The lie is this, "Following Christ is ALWAYS easy...it will always feel good...it will always be anything and everything YOU want it to be. And if you are not completely happy then you are probably not following Christ."
This, in my opinion, is one of the most destructive thoughts within the church today.
I have stated before on this BLOG that I am happy, that I feel as if I am in God's will, that I would not trade places with anyone, anywhere, for any reason. But I do not want to mis-lead anyone by conveying that what I do is always easy and always makes me feel good. And I definitely do not always get my way when it comes to following Christ--I had to learn early on that HE does not exist to serve my needs...I exist to serve His. If you really do think it is God's job to make you happy--friend, you have problems.
Following Christ is awesome...but it does mean at times we have to do things we might not enjoy doing. (That is another destructive thought...if you don't completely enjoy it then it must not be God's will.) But in no way am I thinking that by not enjoying certain elements of my job OR by having to do things that are difficult that I need to give up my pursuit of knowing Christ.
Take Jesus for example--in the Garden He asked God to "take the cup" from Him. He knew the cross would be painful--it was not going to be fun--but it was a part of following His Father & so He did it...AND He did it with the proper attitude. (Philippians 2:5)
Keep in mind that following Christ is the best decision anyone could ever make. However, we must get past this notion that it will always lead to us doing whatever is most convenient and happens to give us butterflies in our tummies. Sometimes it is rough...sometimes it will take extra effort...sometimes we may be inconvenienced...but if we stay the course then the Kingdom advances, we mature, and everyone wins!
[Currently playing on my IPod: Paperthin Hymn by Anberlin]
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Memorize it!
Last year, my parents celebrated thirty-five years of marriage. I was looking through the pictures I'd collected from their decades together and thought to myself, "How did they do it? They are so different."
I've heard that the longer people live together, the more they look alike. Not so with Mom and Dad. My mother's nose comes to a point. My dad's nose is just a bit longer. He does have a square chin, though. Mama's got the chin she inherited from her mother. Mom has green eyes and Dad has piercing blue eyes. And what did I get? Mom's nose, and Dad's square chin. My eyes are bright blue/green. A perfect combo of the 2 of them.
Mom loves music and sings like Patsy Cline. Dad loves peace and quiet and sings like Fred Flintstone. Yet, every December 6th, my dad calls and warbles in a clumsy monotone his version of Happy Birthday.
Dad loves to tell jokes. And we love hearing them. Sometimes, he laughs so hard that, by the time he gets to the punch line, you can't understand a word he's saying. Which really doesn't matter. We've heard most of them. Watching him laugh is the fun part. Then, after catching his breath, he wipes his eyes and lets out a high-pitched 'Wooo Hooooo'.
But, most of the time my dad is quiet. Mom is not.
Dad knows how to pause between stories. Mom does not.
Dad can keep his opinions to himself. Mom cannot.
The problem with that is, you never really know what Dad's thinking. With Mom, you never have to wonder. And there's some merit to that. Thinking before speaking is highly over-rated. Dad only talks when he has something to say. Mom talks until she has something to say. She and I are a lot alike in that regard. We figure, if we talk long enough, something brilliant will fall out.
Mom and I are 'Talk-Thinkers'. We have to talk while we think. The rest of the family can run entire sentences through their brains before they say them out loud. Mom and I don't know what we're thinking until we hear ourselves say it. And there are times when we don't agree with it after we hear it. But, when we like what we hear, we repeat it until we memorize it.
Mom and Dad have been repeating their love for each other for over thirty-five years - on a daily basis. And their love keeps growing. I've watched Mom gently hold his hand on the couch at Christmas. I've even caught them kissing a time or two. Not passionate kisses (no child should ever have to see that) - more like the way parakeets kiss. Little smooches. They really depend on each other.
Seeing their love for each other and us kids created a secure feeling in our home. My brothers and I were (and still are!) loved unconditionally. I never felt there was a line I could cross and lose their love. I brought home a lot of notes, when I was a kid, from frustrated teachers. But I knew there weren't enough trees, to make enough paper, to make enough notes, to make my Mom and Dad stop loving me.
Mom and Dad have been in love since the 60's. They married when the were just teens. I guess that's how they did it. They just kept repeating it until they memorized it.
I've heard that the longer people live together, the more they look alike. Not so with Mom and Dad. My mother's nose comes to a point. My dad's nose is just a bit longer. He does have a square chin, though. Mama's got the chin she inherited from her mother. Mom has green eyes and Dad has piercing blue eyes. And what did I get? Mom's nose, and Dad's square chin. My eyes are bright blue/green. A perfect combo of the 2 of them.
Mom loves music and sings like Patsy Cline. Dad loves peace and quiet and sings like Fred Flintstone. Yet, every December 6th, my dad calls and warbles in a clumsy monotone his version of Happy Birthday.
Dad loves to tell jokes. And we love hearing them. Sometimes, he laughs so hard that, by the time he gets to the punch line, you can't understand a word he's saying. Which really doesn't matter. We've heard most of them. Watching him laugh is the fun part. Then, after catching his breath, he wipes his eyes and lets out a high-pitched 'Wooo Hooooo'.
But, most of the time my dad is quiet. Mom is not.
Dad knows how to pause between stories. Mom does not.
Dad can keep his opinions to himself. Mom cannot.
The problem with that is, you never really know what Dad's thinking. With Mom, you never have to wonder. And there's some merit to that. Thinking before speaking is highly over-rated. Dad only talks when he has something to say. Mom talks until she has something to say. She and I are a lot alike in that regard. We figure, if we talk long enough, something brilliant will fall out.
Mom and I are 'Talk-Thinkers'. We have to talk while we think. The rest of the family can run entire sentences through their brains before they say them out loud. Mom and I don't know what we're thinking until we hear ourselves say it. And there are times when we don't agree with it after we hear it. But, when we like what we hear, we repeat it until we memorize it.
Mom and Dad have been repeating their love for each other for over thirty-five years - on a daily basis. And their love keeps growing. I've watched Mom gently hold his hand on the couch at Christmas. I've even caught them kissing a time or two. Not passionate kisses (no child should ever have to see that) - more like the way parakeets kiss. Little smooches. They really depend on each other.
Seeing their love for each other and us kids created a secure feeling in our home. My brothers and I were (and still are!) loved unconditionally. I never felt there was a line I could cross and lose their love. I brought home a lot of notes, when I was a kid, from frustrated teachers. But I knew there weren't enough trees, to make enough paper, to make enough notes, to make my Mom and Dad stop loving me.
Mom and Dad have been in love since the 60's. They married when the were just teens. I guess that's how they did it. They just kept repeating it until they memorized it.
Monday, June 27, 2005
Leftovers...aren't they awesome? I love leftovers from time to tome. Many times on Sunday as a kid my Mom used to prepare a meal and later would throw it into the oven when I got home after school on Monday. Then we would proceed to eat it for the rest of the week. Eating leftovers is a great way to save time and money!
But let's say we had company coming over--people we really wanted to make a good impression on...people that we actually wanted to have in our house again...what do you think we would serve? What would you serve?
I really don't see me going to the fridge and pulling out three day old chicken pot pie, throwing it in the microwave, getting out the paper plates...you know, sort of the routine we go through when it is just us at home. Nope--when guests show up we go all out. I spend a lot of time preparing the food and creating a very welcoming atmosphere. I figure these people are guests in my home--and I want them to have a wonderful experience and as I said before, want to make a return visit.
I think there is a lesson or two that the church can learn from this analogy.
One core value needed at any church is excellence. Please understand that excellence does not mean perfection! (I promise that I mess something up just about every week.) I simply define excellence as offering God our very best...and that means that each and every Sunday I am going to put forth an intense effort to serve the very best meal possible--no leftovers.
One Sunday while I was at a friend's church, this guy got up to sing. I was very surprised to see this dude with a microphone in his hand...I had no idea that he could sing.
He couldn't!
He began to sing and I began to scream, inside of course. I thought, "This has got to be a joke." I'm not kidding--it was worse that a cow dying in a hail storm. I began to pray for the rapture to occur--immediately. I just knew at any minute my ears were going to bleed. When the song was over I clapped...I could not help myself...the song was over and the joy of the Lord had returned to my life.
I know what some of you might be thinking. "Now Keith, you shouldn't be so critical, he probably had a good heart." You are right, I know the guy and his heart is good--but his voice is awful!!! What is unfortunate is that we will excuse that type of performance in the church and call it godly--no wonder many of the lost and unchurched are so turned off by Christianity...we have been serving them leftovers.
I think the church should be passionate in our pursuit of excellence. We are called by God, gifted by the power of the Holy Spirit--we represent a risen King. We should have the best music, the best art, the best literature, the best speaking--the best of everything. The church should be the main influence on our culture--but we will never achieve this by serving leftovers.
This is a deep conviction of mine...and it is fueled by events that happened last night. Some friends and I went out to eat after church and the meal was awesome. Afterwards I asked our waitress her name and then invited her to church. She was bluntly honest, "I'm not a Christian." That floored me...I wanted to weep...my heart was literally torn out of my chest and I could not focus.
When I regained my composure I told her, "That's ok--there are a lot of people who are not Christians who come to our church." I then explained to her what she would experience on a visit to the church, the awesome volunteers, our INCREDIBLE band, and a ton of other stuff.
I know she is going to visit one day. I am going to continue to go to that restaurant, try my best to let her see Jesus in me...and leave HUGE tips. And I am driven personally to work as hard as I can to do my part to prepare for her visit. As the one of the worship leaders, I will guarantee that I will do my best to not serve leftovers...and I know the incredible volunteers and staff that I am privileged to serve with will do the same.
I know, I know--some of you are asking the question, "Well what about God--where does He work into this?" Great question...it is my personal belief that God works through people who offer their very best. Not perfect people--not people who are the smartest--but people who are willing to give Him their very best effort. It might not be your conviction--but it's mine...and I am relentless in my belief in this and will always strive to offer God and the people who attend my church every week the best "meal" that we can offer...and then beg God to move in and do the things that I could never do.
As my worship pastor Tim says, "There are no throw-away Sundays".
God's never offered me leftovers--why should I do it to Him?
But let's say we had company coming over--people we really wanted to make a good impression on...people that we actually wanted to have in our house again...what do you think we would serve? What would you serve?
I really don't see me going to the fridge and pulling out three day old chicken pot pie, throwing it in the microwave, getting out the paper plates...you know, sort of the routine we go through when it is just us at home. Nope--when guests show up we go all out. I spend a lot of time preparing the food and creating a very welcoming atmosphere. I figure these people are guests in my home--and I want them to have a wonderful experience and as I said before, want to make a return visit.
I think there is a lesson or two that the church can learn from this analogy.
One core value needed at any church is excellence. Please understand that excellence does not mean perfection! (I promise that I mess something up just about every week.) I simply define excellence as offering God our very best...and that means that each and every Sunday I am going to put forth an intense effort to serve the very best meal possible--no leftovers.
One Sunday while I was at a friend's church, this guy got up to sing. I was very surprised to see this dude with a microphone in his hand...I had no idea that he could sing.
He couldn't!
He began to sing and I began to scream, inside of course. I thought, "This has got to be a joke." I'm not kidding--it was worse that a cow dying in a hail storm. I began to pray for the rapture to occur--immediately. I just knew at any minute my ears were going to bleed. When the song was over I clapped...I could not help myself...the song was over and the joy of the Lord had returned to my life.
I know what some of you might be thinking. "Now Keith, you shouldn't be so critical, he probably had a good heart." You are right, I know the guy and his heart is good--but his voice is awful!!! What is unfortunate is that we will excuse that type of performance in the church and call it godly--no wonder many of the lost and unchurched are so turned off by Christianity...we have been serving them leftovers.
I think the church should be passionate in our pursuit of excellence. We are called by God, gifted by the power of the Holy Spirit--we represent a risen King. We should have the best music, the best art, the best literature, the best speaking--the best of everything. The church should be the main influence on our culture--but we will never achieve this by serving leftovers.
This is a deep conviction of mine...and it is fueled by events that happened last night. Some friends and I went out to eat after church and the meal was awesome. Afterwards I asked our waitress her name and then invited her to church. She was bluntly honest, "I'm not a Christian." That floored me...I wanted to weep...my heart was literally torn out of my chest and I could not focus.
When I regained my composure I told her, "That's ok--there are a lot of people who are not Christians who come to our church." I then explained to her what she would experience on a visit to the church, the awesome volunteers, our INCREDIBLE band, and a ton of other stuff.
I know she is going to visit one day. I am going to continue to go to that restaurant, try my best to let her see Jesus in me...and leave HUGE tips. And I am driven personally to work as hard as I can to do my part to prepare for her visit. As the one of the worship leaders, I will guarantee that I will do my best to not serve leftovers...and I know the incredible volunteers and staff that I am privileged to serve with will do the same.
I know, I know--some of you are asking the question, "Well what about God--where does He work into this?" Great question...it is my personal belief that God works through people who offer their very best. Not perfect people--not people who are the smartest--but people who are willing to give Him their very best effort. It might not be your conviction--but it's mine...and I am relentless in my belief in this and will always strive to offer God and the people who attend my church every week the best "meal" that we can offer...and then beg God to move in and do the things that I could never do.
As my worship pastor Tim says, "There are no throw-away Sundays".
God's never offered me leftovers--why should I do it to Him?
Friday, June 24, 2005
Fun Day!
This morning, my friends Jeff, Richard, and I (and several others who are going to meet up with us later) are going to spend an adventured filled day at Six Flags, so my blog entry will be brief, as I am waiting for them to meet me here at the house any minute now.
I must give mention to a new CD I picked up yesterday at the suggestion of my best bubba Scott. Now Scott is very picky about his music, and never gives his seal of approval, unless it is close to perfection. I trust him, so without ever listening to a note of this album, I went and picked it up at Target (I love that store BTW).
Needless to say, Scott was right on (was there ever any doubt?). It reminds me of a rocking version of the Cure, and every 80's punk/synth band I loved. I highly recommend it.
Oh, the name of the band is The Killers, and it's their debut album Hot Fuss. It will be playing on my IPod today!
Well, the guys are here so I gotta run!!!
I must give mention to a new CD I picked up yesterday at the suggestion of my best bubba Scott. Now Scott is very picky about his music, and never gives his seal of approval, unless it is close to perfection. I trust him, so without ever listening to a note of this album, I went and picked it up at Target (I love that store BTW).
Needless to say, Scott was right on (was there ever any doubt?). It reminds me of a rocking version of the Cure, and every 80's punk/synth band I loved. I highly recommend it.
Oh, the name of the band is The Killers, and it's their debut album Hot Fuss. It will be playing on my IPod today!
Well, the guys are here so I gotta run!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Confession time
They say that confession is good for the soul. (Have you ever really discovered who "they" are...if so then please inform me.) So here I am...I have something to confess. I admit that by doing this that it may cause a great deal of confusion in some people and may even cause some of you to lose respect for me...but I can't hold it in...I've got to let it go--here's my confession...
I'm happy! I am living an abundant life! I can't get over how good God has been to me. I can't get over how He has changed my life. I can't get over how He has given me direction. I can't get over the fact that He chose me. I can't get over the fact that I get to lead worship. I can't get over the fact that He has surrounded me with so many awesome people to partner with. I can't get over the fact that I am blessed...seriously folks, I am happy!
I know to some that may not sound like a spiritual thing. It really bothers me that there is a group of people out there who think that unless you are miserable, poor, hungry, and getting beaten up every day then there is no way you can be in God's will.
But I happen to think a little differently here.
I think a life dedicated to following Christ is exciting. I also think following Christ is dangerous. But I think that if someone is truly following Christ then joy will be evident...it has to be, there is no way around it.
I have been hearing lately people say things like, "I really love what I do, I can't believe how blessed I am...BUT that makes me wonder...because I love what I do and because I am so blessed--that probably means that I am not in the will of God. I mean, if you are in the will of God you have to suffer a lot, right?"
I don't buy that!
I know, I know--those that hold to this line of thinking are going to immediately get your Bible's and begin to e-mail me Bible verses where God told the apostle Paul that he was going to have to suffer. But hold that thought...I want you to remember something--this is what God told Paul! He wasn't saying, "Every Christian is going to have to go through what you go through." He was saying, "Hey Paul, I have determined that YOU will suffer for MY name." He didn't say everyone--but with Paul he got specific.
But please don't miss the point...I have read the writings of Paul on numerous occasions and I have came away thinking the same thing every time, "This dude was radically in love with Jesus and was full of JOY!!!" (For those who think this might be false thinking please do an experiment, read the book of Philippians, count the number of times the word "joy" appears in there...and then keep in mind that he wrote that book while in prison!!!) He DID suffer--but he was joyful through the whole process!
There are some that would still want to argue, "But Keith--what you do is easy...you enjoy it too much...in order to be following God you really need to do the things you do not like to do." If this is your thought pattern I would encourage you to put your crack pipe down! God has wired each of us to do certain things...and I honestly think when we arrive in our sweet spot that we will enjoy what we do.
For example, I have two friends, Todd & Lisa, that live in Romania. The first time I met Todd all he could talk about was Romania. (I had to look it up on a map--I didn't know where it was.) He and Lisa and their two beautiful girls moved there over a year ago. They left a comfortable life in the United States and embraced a call of God and a culture of people that God had given them a heart for. I receive e-mails from them...and you know what--they always seem to be FULL OF JOY!!! They are not, "Hey Keith, life here is miserable, we hate the weather, we can't understand what these people are saying, we have yet to find a restaurant that serves Dr Pepper..." NO!!! They are full of excitement because they know they are exactly where God wants them to be!
But in the same respect I am not thinking, "Todd & Lisa are in Romania...and I am happy here and that can't be godly--maybe I should go over there with them." No--what God has for them and for me is totally different--but it brings joy to all of us.
Keep in mind that God's plan will ultimately bring joy to your life. Following Christ is not, "Welcome to the Kingdom--you will be miserable until one day you die...then it will all get better." No way--following Jesus means we can get the most out of life NOW AND IN ETERNITY!
So if you are in a place where you are fulfilling your God given potential, God is using you to change lives...and you are excited about what you do...AND you know that God has put you where you are...here's my advice--drop the martyr complex and thank God that you get to do what you do. Stop saying, "What I do is too easy--this can't be of God." Then if He does decide to move you one day...go for it...because following Jesus always results in incredible joy!
[Currently playing on my IPod: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World]
I'm happy! I am living an abundant life! I can't get over how good God has been to me. I can't get over how He has changed my life. I can't get over how He has given me direction. I can't get over the fact that He chose me. I can't get over the fact that I get to lead worship. I can't get over the fact that He has surrounded me with so many awesome people to partner with. I can't get over the fact that I am blessed...seriously folks, I am happy!
I know to some that may not sound like a spiritual thing. It really bothers me that there is a group of people out there who think that unless you are miserable, poor, hungry, and getting beaten up every day then there is no way you can be in God's will.
But I happen to think a little differently here.
I think a life dedicated to following Christ is exciting. I also think following Christ is dangerous. But I think that if someone is truly following Christ then joy will be evident...it has to be, there is no way around it.
I have been hearing lately people say things like, "I really love what I do, I can't believe how blessed I am...BUT that makes me wonder...because I love what I do and because I am so blessed--that probably means that I am not in the will of God. I mean, if you are in the will of God you have to suffer a lot, right?"
I don't buy that!
I know, I know--those that hold to this line of thinking are going to immediately get your Bible's and begin to e-mail me Bible verses where God told the apostle Paul that he was going to have to suffer. But hold that thought...I want you to remember something--this is what God told Paul! He wasn't saying, "Every Christian is going to have to go through what you go through." He was saying, "Hey Paul, I have determined that YOU will suffer for MY name." He didn't say everyone--but with Paul he got specific.
But please don't miss the point...I have read the writings of Paul on numerous occasions and I have came away thinking the same thing every time, "This dude was radically in love with Jesus and was full of JOY!!!" (For those who think this might be false thinking please do an experiment, read the book of Philippians, count the number of times the word "joy" appears in there...and then keep in mind that he wrote that book while in prison!!!) He DID suffer--but he was joyful through the whole process!
There are some that would still want to argue, "But Keith--what you do is easy...you enjoy it too much...in order to be following God you really need to do the things you do not like to do." If this is your thought pattern I would encourage you to put your crack pipe down! God has wired each of us to do certain things...and I honestly think when we arrive in our sweet spot that we will enjoy what we do.
For example, I have two friends, Todd & Lisa, that live in Romania. The first time I met Todd all he could talk about was Romania. (I had to look it up on a map--I didn't know where it was.) He and Lisa and their two beautiful girls moved there over a year ago. They left a comfortable life in the United States and embraced a call of God and a culture of people that God had given them a heart for. I receive e-mails from them...and you know what--they always seem to be FULL OF JOY!!! They are not, "Hey Keith, life here is miserable, we hate the weather, we can't understand what these people are saying, we have yet to find a restaurant that serves Dr Pepper..." NO!!! They are full of excitement because they know they are exactly where God wants them to be!
But in the same respect I am not thinking, "Todd & Lisa are in Romania...and I am happy here and that can't be godly--maybe I should go over there with them." No--what God has for them and for me is totally different--but it brings joy to all of us.
Keep in mind that God's plan will ultimately bring joy to your life. Following Christ is not, "Welcome to the Kingdom--you will be miserable until one day you die...then it will all get better." No way--following Jesus means we can get the most out of life NOW AND IN ETERNITY!
So if you are in a place where you are fulfilling your God given potential, God is using you to change lives...and you are excited about what you do...AND you know that God has put you where you are...here's my advice--drop the martyr complex and thank God that you get to do what you do. Stop saying, "What I do is too easy--this can't be of God." Then if He does decide to move you one day...go for it...because following Jesus always results in incredible joy!
[Currently playing on my IPod: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World]
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Just do it!
A good friend of mine asked me over dinner last night "How can I have a closer walk with God?" Isn't that an awesome quesiton?
How about you--have you ever wondered that? Let me give my standard answer...it works for me and I believe it will work for you.
(Don't worry...I am not going to try to dictate what a closer walk with God looks like...I am trying to discover that for myself.)
I always tell people, "Find out what causes you to fall in love with Jesus and do it a lot." With some people it is reading the Bible...that's what it is with me...I love to read the Bible...there are times when I feel as if God is speaking directly to me from His Word.
For others it might be prayer...you can feel the presence of God & Him rocking your world when you pray. This isn't me...I can't pay attention for long periods of time. Many times my prayer times will go like this, "God, thank you for today...wow--the carpet is dirty..." I seriously used to think that I was not spiritual because I can not pray for long periods of time...until I discovered that we are not all wired the same spiritually...and that is ok!
(Please do not misunderstand...I do pray...it is just that I pray a lot throughout the day and my prayer times in the mornings are not always very long.)
For some of you it might be singing...THIS IS DEFINITELY ME...if that is it for you, then do it a lot. Get in your car today--go for a drive and sing your heart out. (Please be aware that people in cars next to you will stare...this is ok!!! I get busted singing at the top of my lungs with the windows down EVERYDAY!!!)
I had a lady once tell me she felt the closest to God when she went shopping. Uh, I am not sure about this one...I haven't been able to find a Biblical reference for it. I guess she prays a lot when she shops, "God, should I buy this..."
My challenge today--whatever brings you the closest to God--do it...no one has ever been worse off because of more God time!
[Currently playing on my IPod: All Star by Smashmouth]
How about you--have you ever wondered that? Let me give my standard answer...it works for me and I believe it will work for you.
(Don't worry...I am not going to try to dictate what a closer walk with God looks like...I am trying to discover that for myself.)
I always tell people, "Find out what causes you to fall in love with Jesus and do it a lot." With some people it is reading the Bible...that's what it is with me...I love to read the Bible...there are times when I feel as if God is speaking directly to me from His Word.
For others it might be prayer...you can feel the presence of God & Him rocking your world when you pray. This isn't me...I can't pay attention for long periods of time. Many times my prayer times will go like this, "God, thank you for today...wow--the carpet is dirty..." I seriously used to think that I was not spiritual because I can not pray for long periods of time...until I discovered that we are not all wired the same spiritually...and that is ok!
(Please do not misunderstand...I do pray...it is just that I pray a lot throughout the day and my prayer times in the mornings are not always very long.)
For some of you it might be singing...THIS IS DEFINITELY ME...if that is it for you, then do it a lot. Get in your car today--go for a drive and sing your heart out. (Please be aware that people in cars next to you will stare...this is ok!!! I get busted singing at the top of my lungs with the windows down EVERYDAY!!!)
I had a lady once tell me she felt the closest to God when she went shopping. Uh, I am not sure about this one...I haven't been able to find a Biblical reference for it. I guess she prays a lot when she shops, "God, should I buy this..."
My challenge today--whatever brings you the closest to God--do it...no one has ever been worse off because of more God time!
[Currently playing on my IPod: All Star by Smashmouth]
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Ahhh...the lightbulb joke hits the religion page
How many Charismatics does it take to change a light bulb?
One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
How many Calvinists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. God has predestined when the light will be on. Calvinists do not change light bulbs. They simply read the instructions and pray the light bulb will be one that has been chosen to be changed.
How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb?
How many neo-orthodox does it take to change a light bulb?
No one knows. They can't tell the difference between light and darkness.
How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb?
One. But for the message of light to continue, send in your donation today.
How many independent fundamentalists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, because any more might result in too much cooperation.
How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb?
At least ten, as they need to hold a debate on whether or not the light bulb exists. Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb, they still might not change it, to keep from alienating those who might use other forms of light.
How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They always use candles.
How many worship leaders who use guitars does it take to change a light bulb?
One. But soon all those around can warm up to its glowing.
How many members of an established Bible teaching church that is over 20 years old does it take to change a light bulb?
One to actually change the bulb, and nine to say how much they liked the old one.
How many United Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?
This statement was issued: "We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb (or light source, or non-dark resource), and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life, and tinted - all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."
[Currently playing on my IPod: Johnny's Camero by David Wilcox]
One to change the bulb and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.
How many Calvinists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. God has predestined when the light will be on. Calvinists do not change light bulbs. They simply read the instructions and pray the light bulb will be one that has been chosen to be changed.
How many Baptists does it take to change a light bulb?
How many neo-orthodox does it take to change a light bulb?
No one knows. They can't tell the difference between light and darkness.
How many TV evangelists does it take to change a light bulb?
One. But for the message of light to continue, send in your donation today.
How many independent fundamentalists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, because any more might result in too much cooperation.
How many liberals does it take to change a light bulb?
At least ten, as they need to hold a debate on whether or not the light bulb exists. Even if they can agree upon the existence of the light bulb, they still might not change it, to keep from alienating those who might use other forms of light.
How many Catholics does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They always use candles.
How many worship leaders who use guitars does it take to change a light bulb?
One. But soon all those around can warm up to its glowing.
How many members of an established Bible teaching church that is over 20 years old does it take to change a light bulb?
One to actually change the bulb, and nine to say how much they liked the old one.
How many United Methodists does it take to change a light bulb?
This statement was issued: "We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that a light bulb works for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb (or light source, or non-dark resource), and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life, and tinted - all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."
[Currently playing on my IPod: Johnny's Camero by David Wilcox]
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sweatiest cities in the US.
Old Spice has done this ranking for the past 3 years. Dallas came in at lucky #13...
Friday, June 17, 2005
So How's It Going--Really, I Mean It!!!
There is a social awkwardness that seems to dominate the people I meet. You have probably had the same experience--let me explain what I mean.
I am walking down the hall at the gym and I see someone and ask, "How's it going?" To me this is a question...and I must admit I do not want the 30 minute version of their life story; however, I do want an answer. But all too often the other person will respond by asking me the exact same question, "How's it going?" I want to yell, "I asked you first!!!"
I have pondered the reason for this and the only thing I have come up with is that the other person either does not think I care OR they really don't have anything good to talk about.
The other response I get is one that drives me up the wall--especially when it is given by a Christ Follower. Once again I ask, "How's it going," and they respond, "I'm barely making it." This makes me want to throw up.
I have this belief (it actually comes from Scripture) that each and every person on this big ball of dirt called earth was custom designed by God. (I can see it now--God is putting us all together in heaven--maybe in reality show style...and the angels are watching...and the show is called, 'Pimp my hide!")
Sorry--I digressed!
Anyway, I really do believe that each one of us has a purpose in life...and it is not just to see how much oxygen we can consume or how many blisters we can form on our rear ends as a result of sitting around and doing nothing.
Jesus said in John 10:10 that He wanted us to have life--life to the full. I honestly do not think Jesus spilled His blood on the cross so that His followers can walk around and brag about how we are all "barely making it!" And I don't think He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside of us so we can merely survive--He wants us to thrive!
So why do so many people, even Christians, feel like, "if I can just make it through this day...or this week...or this project then I will be ok?" I believe it is because too many of us become passionate about the pursuit of things that are not in line with the purpose for which we were designed.
One of the verses I have been wrestling with lately is Psalm 37:4, it tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. I have heard that verse nearly all of my Christian life and I believe I am finally beginning to discover what that means...that if I will learn how to continually and completely fall in love with Jesus then He will blow my mind with the full, abundant life that will take me to places that I have never even dreamed.
The problem is that too many people have re-written that verse. To them it may say, "Delight yourself in your career...or your car...or your home...or your kids...or having a dating relationship," you get the picture. So people relentlessly pursue all these things...and because of that they fall out of love with Jesus and merely begin to admire Him from a distance.
And that is why people feel they are "barely making it."
So how are you doing--really? Are you surviving--or thriving? Has there ever been a time that you seriously got alone with God and asked, "OK, you designed me--but for what?" It bothers me that so many people in our country feel trapped in dead end jobs...and the only reason they stay working where they are is because they are dominated by feelings of inferiority and insecurity. So many people I know pursue the career that their parents wanted them to pursue, or their friends--but what about God--what does He want? If you don't discover your purpose then you will always be in survival mode.
One more thing--God wants you to know your purpose more than you want to know it. All too often we think of God's purpose for our lives as this HUGE heavenly secret...and in order to get it we have to read our Bible's, stand on our heads--and read the Prayer of Jabez. But the Bible says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord--continually learn to fall more and more in love with Him--then He will rock our world with His plan.
He didn't create us to survive--He wants us to thrive!!!
[Currently playing on my IPod: All I Need Is You by Hillsong United]
I am walking down the hall at the gym and I see someone and ask, "How's it going?" To me this is a question...and I must admit I do not want the 30 minute version of their life story; however, I do want an answer. But all too often the other person will respond by asking me the exact same question, "How's it going?" I want to yell, "I asked you first!!!"
I have pondered the reason for this and the only thing I have come up with is that the other person either does not think I care OR they really don't have anything good to talk about.
The other response I get is one that drives me up the wall--especially when it is given by a Christ Follower. Once again I ask, "How's it going," and they respond, "I'm barely making it." This makes me want to throw up.
I have this belief (it actually comes from Scripture) that each and every person on this big ball of dirt called earth was custom designed by God. (I can see it now--God is putting us all together in heaven--maybe in reality show style...and the angels are watching...and the show is called, 'Pimp my hide!")
Sorry--I digressed!
Anyway, I really do believe that each one of us has a purpose in life...and it is not just to see how much oxygen we can consume or how many blisters we can form on our rear ends as a result of sitting around and doing nothing.
Jesus said in John 10:10 that He wanted us to have life--life to the full. I honestly do not think Jesus spilled His blood on the cross so that His followers can walk around and brag about how we are all "barely making it!" And I don't think He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside of us so we can merely survive--He wants us to thrive!
So why do so many people, even Christians, feel like, "if I can just make it through this day...or this week...or this project then I will be ok?" I believe it is because too many of us become passionate about the pursuit of things that are not in line with the purpose for which we were designed.
One of the verses I have been wrestling with lately is Psalm 37:4, it tells us to delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give us the desires of our heart. I have heard that verse nearly all of my Christian life and I believe I am finally beginning to discover what that means...that if I will learn how to continually and completely fall in love with Jesus then He will blow my mind with the full, abundant life that will take me to places that I have never even dreamed.
The problem is that too many people have re-written that verse. To them it may say, "Delight yourself in your career...or your car...or your home...or your kids...or having a dating relationship," you get the picture. So people relentlessly pursue all these things...and because of that they fall out of love with Jesus and merely begin to admire Him from a distance.
And that is why people feel they are "barely making it."
So how are you doing--really? Are you surviving--or thriving? Has there ever been a time that you seriously got alone with God and asked, "OK, you designed me--but for what?" It bothers me that so many people in our country feel trapped in dead end jobs...and the only reason they stay working where they are is because they are dominated by feelings of inferiority and insecurity. So many people I know pursue the career that their parents wanted them to pursue, or their friends--but what about God--what does He want? If you don't discover your purpose then you will always be in survival mode.
One more thing--God wants you to know your purpose more than you want to know it. All too often we think of God's purpose for our lives as this HUGE heavenly secret...and in order to get it we have to read our Bible's, stand on our heads--and read the Prayer of Jabez. But the Bible says that if we delight ourselves in the Lord--continually learn to fall more and more in love with Him--then He will rock our world with His plan.
He didn't create us to survive--He wants us to thrive!!!
[Currently playing on my IPod: All I Need Is You by Hillsong United]
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
1-800-ASK-KEITH installment #2
If you remember, back in May, I began a new feature to my blog entitled 1-800-ASK-KEITH.
It's meant to be an advice warning to those who may read my blog, that I may never personally come into contact with in my lifetime. So here goes installment #2. These are the people who should have called me first this week:
Katie Holmes-- Please wake up and smell the stench. Tom Cruise is just using you to prove to the world (and himself) that he is something that he is obviously not. Listen to your parents and run away...FAST!
Tom Cruise-- Any sensible person can see you are fabricating/faking/forcing the relationship with Katie. You need to seek professional help, and you need Christ, not L.Ron Hubbard.
Michael Jackson-- Your career is over in the US. You'd better thank your attorney's for saving your freedom, because they can't save your career. David Hasselhoff does great in Germany, maybe you could too?
Phil Jackson-- Why try to rebuild the Lakers when you could have had LeBron?
It's meant to be an advice warning to those who may read my blog, that I may never personally come into contact with in my lifetime. So here goes installment #2. These are the people who should have called me first this week:
Katie Holmes-- Please wake up and smell the stench. Tom Cruise is just using you to prove to the world (and himself) that he is something that he is obviously not. Listen to your parents and run away...FAST!
Tom Cruise-- Any sensible person can see you are fabricating/faking/forcing the relationship with Katie. You need to seek professional help, and you need Christ, not L.Ron Hubbard.
Michael Jackson-- Your career is over in the US. You'd better thank your attorney's for saving your freedom, because they can't save your career. David Hasselhoff does great in Germany, maybe you could too?
Phil Jackson-- Why try to rebuild the Lakers when you could have had LeBron?
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Is there separation between secular and spiritual?
So I am watching television last night and the next thing I know I am yelling at it. Has that ever happened to you? You are calm and then the next thing you know you feel your blood begin to boil and you are attempting to engage the people on television in some sort of debate! As I said, that happened to me last night and I haven't quite calmed down yet.
So what was I watching? I was watching a rerun of the Beverly Hillbillies and...
Ok, just kidding. I was watching Hannity and Colmes on FOX and they were debating whether or not a person's religious background should influence their political and social outlooks on life. There was a dude on there, I can't remember his name, that said that Christians in this country should learn to separate their religious beliefs from their political beliefs. This infuriated me--and I have to vent!
The truth is that when a person meets Jesus everything changes. Jesus never intended Himself to merely be a "get out of hell free" card. As I have heard it said, He didn't just come to get us out of hell and into heaven--He came to get Himself out of heaven and into us. AND when that happens, literally every aspect of our lives will be effected--not just certain areas.
I was reading John chapter five this morning--which totally goes along with what I am writing about. In John five (actually, throughout the whole book of John) Jesus says that He wants to give us LIFE. He never says, "I want to influence an aspect of your life," or, "I want to be a part of SOME of your life." He says, "I am life!" And so once again, for someone to make a decision to be a follower of Christ means every aspect of our lives are completely surrendered to Him.
This means who we date, how we respond to our spouse, how we raise our kids, how we handle our money--and yes, even how we view the political and social climate of the world we live in. Remember this--Jesus isn't impressed when we throw Him a bone by merely coming to church on Sunday--He desires complete surrender from us 24/7/365.
In a nut shell this is what I am saying...I am tired of people (and the media) trying to convince followers of Jesus that there is a dividing line between the secular and the spiritual. If Jesus lives inside of you then He is not a part of your life--HE IS YOUR LIFE.
The goal of our churches should be to teach this with passion because so many believe otherwise. I do not think we should tell people how to vote or to kick them out if they voted for a particular person; however, I do believe it is the churches responsibility to teach that there should NOT ever be separation between how we live on Sunday and how we operate our lives during the rest of the week.
Remember this--Jesus didn't die a horrible death on a cross so we could merely limit Him to the areas of our lives where we feel as if He can do "the least amount of damage." He died so He could change how we live...and that includes everything--including our political and social agendas.
Just a thought!
So what was I watching? I was watching a rerun of the Beverly Hillbillies and...
Ok, just kidding. I was watching Hannity and Colmes on FOX and they were debating whether or not a person's religious background should influence their political and social outlooks on life. There was a dude on there, I can't remember his name, that said that Christians in this country should learn to separate their religious beliefs from their political beliefs. This infuriated me--and I have to vent!
The truth is that when a person meets Jesus everything changes. Jesus never intended Himself to merely be a "get out of hell free" card. As I have heard it said, He didn't just come to get us out of hell and into heaven--He came to get Himself out of heaven and into us. AND when that happens, literally every aspect of our lives will be effected--not just certain areas.
I was reading John chapter five this morning--which totally goes along with what I am writing about. In John five (actually, throughout the whole book of John) Jesus says that He wants to give us LIFE. He never says, "I want to influence an aspect of your life," or, "I want to be a part of SOME of your life." He says, "I am life!" And so once again, for someone to make a decision to be a follower of Christ means every aspect of our lives are completely surrendered to Him.
This means who we date, how we respond to our spouse, how we raise our kids, how we handle our money--and yes, even how we view the political and social climate of the world we live in. Remember this--Jesus isn't impressed when we throw Him a bone by merely coming to church on Sunday--He desires complete surrender from us 24/7/365.
In a nut shell this is what I am saying...I am tired of people (and the media) trying to convince followers of Jesus that there is a dividing line between the secular and the spiritual. If Jesus lives inside of you then He is not a part of your life--HE IS YOUR LIFE.
The goal of our churches should be to teach this with passion because so many believe otherwise. I do not think we should tell people how to vote or to kick them out if they voted for a particular person; however, I do believe it is the churches responsibility to teach that there should NOT ever be separation between how we live on Sunday and how we operate our lives during the rest of the week.
Remember this--Jesus didn't die a horrible death on a cross so we could merely limit Him to the areas of our lives where we feel as if He can do "the least amount of damage." He died so He could change how we live...and that includes everything--including our political and social agendas.
Just a thought!
On Jackson
Was it just a matter of the immature, naive and decidedly weird looking like they were guilty, or were the jury secretly humming 'Beat it' throughout the deliberations?
Monday, June 13, 2005
Alice Cooper
Below is an excerpt from a very interesting interview of Alice Cooper...
"As for the lifestyle found in some quarters of the rock world, Cooper says, "Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's real rebellion," he told the London Sunday Times Magazine.
In describing the importance of his Christian faith, he says, "It's everything. It's what I live for. If you gave me a choice between rock and roll and my faith, I'd take my faith," Cooper told The Observer in Australia. "Rock and roll is fun—it's what I do for a living. But it's not what I live on. I believe in classic Christianity. I've given my whole life to the Lord. But I don't think that means you can't be a rock and roller." After all, as Cooper has said, "I must be the only father that bangs on the bedroom door and says, 'Turn that music up!'"
[Currently playing on my IPod: Rock DJ by Robbie Williams]
"As for the lifestyle found in some quarters of the rock world, Cooper says, "Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's real rebellion," he told the London Sunday Times Magazine.
In describing the importance of his Christian faith, he says, "It's everything. It's what I live for. If you gave me a choice between rock and roll and my faith, I'd take my faith," Cooper told The Observer in Australia. "Rock and roll is fun—it's what I do for a living. But it's not what I live on. I believe in classic Christianity. I've given my whole life to the Lord. But I don't think that means you can't be a rock and roller." After all, as Cooper has said, "I must be the only father that bangs on the bedroom door and says, 'Turn that music up!'"
[Currently playing on my IPod: Rock DJ by Robbie Williams]
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Move forward with fear
This morning I was reading Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge." The word for knowledge means wisdom, discernment, understanding, skill or perception. All things that I long for in my life as a worship leader. One of my constant prayers is that God would give me "Leadership Instinct". I define leadership instinct as the wisdom to act in the right way at the right time for the right reason. Solomon says that type of discernment, instinct, wisdom, skill starts with fearing God. Why is that true? Because God is all wise and all knowing. And He shares His mind and heart with those who love and revere Him. So I must move forward with fear... fear of the Lord and He will give me the wisdom I need to be the Leader He has created me to be.
What does the fear of the Lord produce in my life? According to Proverbs fear of the Lord...
Gives me Knowledge 1:7
Gives me Knowledge of God 2:5
Gives me a distaste for evil 8:13
Gives me Wisdom 9:10, 15:33
Adds length to my life 10:27
Aids me in living a righteous lifestyle 14:2
Helps me Avoid evil 14:16, 16:6
It is a fountain of life 14:27; 19:23
Produces an atmosphere of security in my home 14:26
Brings me wealth and honor 22:4
Keeps me from being envioius 23:17
Brings me blessing 28:14
[Currently playing on my IPod: Drifted by Groove Armada]
What does the fear of the Lord produce in my life? According to Proverbs fear of the Lord...
Gives me Knowledge 1:7
Gives me Knowledge of God 2:5
Gives me a distaste for evil 8:13
Gives me Wisdom 9:10, 15:33
Adds length to my life 10:27
Aids me in living a righteous lifestyle 14:2
Helps me Avoid evil 14:16, 16:6
It is a fountain of life 14:27; 19:23
Produces an atmosphere of security in my home 14:26
Brings me wealth and honor 22:4
Keeps me from being envioius 23:17
Brings me blessing 28:14
[Currently playing on my IPod: Drifted by Groove Armada]
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Illegitimate Jesus
Nowadays it's such a common thing for children to be born to unmarried parents it's no big deal at all, and it would be pretty uncommon that any kids would experience shame or derision because of it, which is a good thing in some ways because a child never deserves to be shamed because of their parents. However one other effect of this is that we may not have an appreciation for the stigma of illegitimacy that Jesus, the son of Mary, would have felt growing up in first century Palestine. It may almost sound blasphemous to our ears but in the opinion of the people of Nazareth, Jesus was a bastard. Mary got pregnant before she was married - whether this was to Joseph or (even more scandalously) to someone else, Jesus was conceived out of wedlock and would thus always be seen as an illegitimate child. So what would this have meant to Jesus as He was growing up? How would He have been regarded by His peers?
Can you imagine growing up in a society where you were seen as being a shameful, hopeless case who will never amount to anything? I often hear it mentioned what an amazing show of humility it was that God chose to be born in a lowly stable as a poor person in an oppressed country etc, and surely His "illegitimacy" in the eyes of His people is just another aspect of the humiliation of God. But if you think about it another way, isn't it amazing that the human child Jesus managed to overcome this stigmatism and shame and rise up to become a leader of a movement of people, wisely dispensing teachings about turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, and loving our neighbors and enemies? Even if we set aside all that happened at the end of His earthly ministry, just the fact that Jesus had a ministry at all, and that it was one of peace and healing and forgiveness rather than anger and bitterness and rage, is a phenomenal achievement. Jesus had to overcome a lot more than we realize - His temptation in the desert was perhaps just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the struggles He had been through prior to His baptism and ministry - thinking about Him in this way just makes me respect and appreciate and love and admire Him even more. He willingly chose to endure all this for the sake of our lost world, for the sake of people like me.
I just want to mention briefly one other idea I had. As incredible as it was that He survived intact a childhood of illegitimacy and scorn, is it possible that Jesus was aided through this not just through His relationship with the Father or a sense of mission, but also through the positive influence and love of His parents? Not only Mary, but also His adoptive father Joseph, one of the unsung heroes of the Bible I think. Joseph who loved Mary enough to still marry her even after she got pregnant while they were betrothed, who loved enough to take her child as his own, and to care for and protect this little family, even to the point of fleeing to a foreign land. Joseph whose love and faith enabled him to believe the promises of God even though he himself got no earthly reward (as far as we know) and who perhaps would have shared in some of the ridicule and shame of his wife and child. What a great role model Joseph must have been for the young Jesus, who not only had an almighty loving Father in heaven, but a pretty amazing earthly father too.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Unwell by Matchbox 20]
Can you imagine growing up in a society where you were seen as being a shameful, hopeless case who will never amount to anything? I often hear it mentioned what an amazing show of humility it was that God chose to be born in a lowly stable as a poor person in an oppressed country etc, and surely His "illegitimacy" in the eyes of His people is just another aspect of the humiliation of God. But if you think about it another way, isn't it amazing that the human child Jesus managed to overcome this stigmatism and shame and rise up to become a leader of a movement of people, wisely dispensing teachings about turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, and loving our neighbors and enemies? Even if we set aside all that happened at the end of His earthly ministry, just the fact that Jesus had a ministry at all, and that it was one of peace and healing and forgiveness rather than anger and bitterness and rage, is a phenomenal achievement. Jesus had to overcome a lot more than we realize - His temptation in the desert was perhaps just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the struggles He had been through prior to His baptism and ministry - thinking about Him in this way just makes me respect and appreciate and love and admire Him even more. He willingly chose to endure all this for the sake of our lost world, for the sake of people like me.
I just want to mention briefly one other idea I had. As incredible as it was that He survived intact a childhood of illegitimacy and scorn, is it possible that Jesus was aided through this not just through His relationship with the Father or a sense of mission, but also through the positive influence and love of His parents? Not only Mary, but also His adoptive father Joseph, one of the unsung heroes of the Bible I think. Joseph who loved Mary enough to still marry her even after she got pregnant while they were betrothed, who loved enough to take her child as his own, and to care for and protect this little family, even to the point of fleeing to a foreign land. Joseph whose love and faith enabled him to believe the promises of God even though he himself got no earthly reward (as far as we know) and who perhaps would have shared in some of the ridicule and shame of his wife and child. What a great role model Joseph must have been for the young Jesus, who not only had an almighty loving Father in heaven, but a pretty amazing earthly father too.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Unwell by Matchbox 20]
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Only in America
Welcome to the world of weird christian marketing. I wonder if anyone buys this stuff but at only $1 each this bargain is irresistable. Check it out here: http://in-souls.com/index2.html
Where's my sock?
If this plaintive cry has ever been heard in your home, then it may be consoling to know that a website has been dedicated to all those single missing socks. Here it is: http://www.funbureau.com/
[Currently playing on my IPod: Let The Day Begin by The Call]
[Currently playing on my IPod: Let The Day Begin by The Call]
Monday, June 06, 2005
Surrendered Trust
What would happen in our lives if when in times of decision, we chose to concern ourselves with obedience that comes through relationship with God and knowing His word rather than striving to reveal for God His "perfect and divine will"?
What would happen if instead of fretting, we chose to trust God even when heaven may appear silent and take a step forward into what looks to be the way ahead? Do you believe that our God is able to direct or even redirect your steps?
In the book of James and in chapter 1, James encourages the church to live lives that are shaped out of God's Word. The Message reads "So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation garden of your life." It goes on to say "But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God (the free life!) even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is not a distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action." (Jas 1:25)
After praying all night, Jesus, in Luke 6:12-16, chose twelve disciples and designated the apostles. We learn from Jesus' example that after committing our circumstances to the Lord and waiting on Him, there will come a time when you and I are faced with the need to make decisions. George Moore said "The difficulty in life is the choice". Fulton J Sheen said "Nature gives man corn but he must grind it; God gives man a will but he must make the right choices".
Sometimes I seek God and pray and ask Him to show me what He wants. Sometimes I pray for a sign and sometimes I feel that I should simply be in tune with God's Holy Spirit and knowingly walk out His will. God does not intend for confusion to surround His will.
It is easier said than done to make a good decision. Let me share two things with you that I find helpful in my own life:
1) Circumstances: Recognize that God is in control of your life and will use your experiences to direct you. Consider the circumstances surrounding before you make a final decision. Think about the practicalities including the spiritual elements, the financial, the emotional, social and the physical.
2) Counsel: Take time to listen to what other respected Christians have to say. Proverbs tells us that "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed" (Prov 15:22).
May we choose to wait on God and trust that He will lead us and guide us into His will for our lives - lives that are truly surrendered to what God would have for us: waiting, trusting, obeying and moving forward.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Forever And A Day by Hillsong]
What would happen if instead of fretting, we chose to trust God even when heaven may appear silent and take a step forward into what looks to be the way ahead? Do you believe that our God is able to direct or even redirect your steps?
In the book of James and in chapter 1, James encourages the church to live lives that are shaped out of God's Word. The Message reads "So throw all spoiled virtue and cancerous evil in the garbage. In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation garden of your life." It goes on to say "But whoever catches a glimpse of the revealed counsel of God (the free life!) even out of the corner of his eye, and sticks with it, is not a distracted scatterbrain but a man or woman of action. That person will find delight and affirmation in the action." (Jas 1:25)
After praying all night, Jesus, in Luke 6:12-16, chose twelve disciples and designated the apostles. We learn from Jesus' example that after committing our circumstances to the Lord and waiting on Him, there will come a time when you and I are faced with the need to make decisions. George Moore said "The difficulty in life is the choice". Fulton J Sheen said "Nature gives man corn but he must grind it; God gives man a will but he must make the right choices".
Sometimes I seek God and pray and ask Him to show me what He wants. Sometimes I pray for a sign and sometimes I feel that I should simply be in tune with God's Holy Spirit and knowingly walk out His will. God does not intend for confusion to surround His will.
It is easier said than done to make a good decision. Let me share two things with you that I find helpful in my own life:
1) Circumstances: Recognize that God is in control of your life and will use your experiences to direct you. Consider the circumstances surrounding before you make a final decision. Think about the practicalities including the spiritual elements, the financial, the emotional, social and the physical.
2) Counsel: Take time to listen to what other respected Christians have to say. Proverbs tells us that "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed" (Prov 15:22).
May we choose to wait on God and trust that He will lead us and guide us into His will for our lives - lives that are truly surrendered to what God would have for us: waiting, trusting, obeying and moving forward.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Forever And A Day by Hillsong]
Friday, June 03, 2005
Seize the moment!
I have a friend who lives by a three-word philosophy: 'Seize the moment'. Just possibly, he may be the wisest man on this planet.
Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.
I got to thinking, one day, about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.
From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.
How many people out there will eat at home because their spouse didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched Jeopardy! on television?
I cannot count the times I called my brother and said, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?" He would gasp and stammer, "I can't. I have to mow the yard... My car is dirty... I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast... It looks like rain." And, my personal favorite: "It's Monday."
Because we cram so much into our lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect:
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get the babt potty-trained.
We'll entertain - when we replace the living-room carpet.
We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit."
When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, he is open to adventure and available for trips. He keeps an open mind on new ideas. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with him for five minutes and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.
Last summer I took a trip to Sydney, Australia with friends from church. If I had thought about the decision to go or not for too long, I probably would have found a reason to stay home. I'm glad I went. The experience changed my life and I will never be the same.
My lips have not touched a milk-shake in several years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my gut with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process.
The other day, I stopped the car and bought an extra large vanilla shake. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
Now ... go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to ... not something on your 'SHOULD DO' list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And, why are you waiting?
[Currently playing on my IPod: Everywhere I Go by The Call]
Too many people put off something that brings them joy just because they haven't thought about it, don't have it on their schedule, didn't know it was coming or are too rigid to depart from their routine.
I got to thinking, one day, about all those people on the Titanic who passed up dessert at dinner that fateful night in an effort to cut back.
From then on, I've tried to be a little more flexible.
How many people out there will eat at home because their spouse didn't suggest going out to dinner until after something had been thawed? Does the word 'refrigeration' mean nothing to you?
How often have your kids dropped in to talk and sat in silence while you watched Jeopardy! on television?
I cannot count the times I called my brother and said, "How about going to lunch in a half hour?" He would gasp and stammer, "I can't. I have to mow the yard... My car is dirty... I wish I had known yesterday, I had a late breakfast... It looks like rain." And, my personal favorite: "It's Monday."
Because we cram so much into our lives, we tend to schedule our headaches. We live on a sparse diet of promises we make to ourselves when all the conditions are perfect:
We'll go back and visit the grandparents when we get the babt potty-trained.
We'll entertain - when we replace the living-room carpet.
We'll go on a second honeymoon when we get two more kids out of college.
Life has a way of accelerating as we get older. The days get shorter and the list of promises to ourselves gets longer. One morning, we awaken and all we have to show for our lives is a litany of "I'm going to," "I plan on," and "Someday, when things are settled down a bit."
When anyone calls my 'seize the moment' friend, he is open to adventure and available for trips. He keeps an open mind on new ideas. His enthusiasm for life is contagious. You talk with him for five minutes and you're ready to trade your bad feet for a pair of rollerblades and skip an elevator for a bungee cord.
Last summer I took a trip to Sydney, Australia with friends from church. If I had thought about the decision to go or not for too long, I probably would have found a reason to stay home. I'm glad I went. The experience changed my life and I will never be the same.
My lips have not touched a milk-shake in several years. I love ice cream. It's just that I might as well apply it directly to my gut with a spatula and eliminate the digestive process.
The other day, I stopped the car and bought an extra large vanilla shake. If my car had hit an iceberg on the way home, I would have died happy.
Now ... go on and have a nice day. Do something you WANT to ... not something on your 'SHOULD DO' list. If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And, why are you waiting?
[Currently playing on my IPod: Everywhere I Go by The Call]
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Soft drink free...so far so good
Today is my 21st day without a soft drink. The first few days were rough, but now it is no problem. I now have more energy than ever, and feel better than before. Those who know me, know that before I gave them up, I would drop like around 10:30pm, but not any longer.
[Currently playing on my IPod: Days Go By by Dirty Vegas]
[Currently playing on my IPod: Days Go By by Dirty Vegas]
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Forgiveness Story
This is a pretty powerful story. Something that we are all called to do.
[Currently playing on my IPod: All I Need Is You by Hillsong United]
[Currently playing on my IPod: All I Need Is You by Hillsong United]
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