Friday, June 24, 2005

Fun Day!

This morning, my friends Jeff, Richard, and I (and several others who are going to meet up with us later) are going to spend an adventured filled day at Six Flags, so my blog entry will be brief, as I am waiting for them to meet me here at the house any minute now.

I must give mention to a new CD I picked up yesterday at the suggestion of my best bubba Scott. Now Scott is very picky about his music, and never gives his seal of approval, unless it is close to perfection. I trust him, so without ever listening to a note of this album, I went and picked it up at Target (I love that store BTW).

Needless to say, Scott was right on (was there ever any doubt?). It reminds me of a rocking version of the Cure, and every 80's punk/synth band I loved. I highly recommend it.

Oh, the name of the band is The Killers, and it's their debut album Hot Fuss. It will be playing on my IPod today!

Well, the guys are here so I gotta run!!!

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