Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Need a spot??

One of the most common questions asked in a gym (or health club for the recreational users) is, "Hey, you need a spot with that?"

Let me explain...for those who might not frequent such places...

Let's say a dude is getting ready to do the bench press. He has stacked a lot of weight on the bar--oh, I don't know--315 pounds. You take a look at this guy & figure he might weigh 180 pounds...soaking wet. A battle begins in your mind, "Can this guy really lift that much weight?" As you wrestle with this he begins his pre-lift routine...and you decide something must be done...so you ask him, "Hey man, you need a spot?"

A "spotter" in the gym is there to assure that the weight never becomes too heavy for the other person to lift. In regards to the bench press...if you were spotting the individual in the above paragraph...you would stand behind him, he would lift the bar off of the rack and then bring the weight down on his chest...and if he could not push the weight back up then you would help him. If you are a serious person in the gym...there are going to be times that you need someone to spot you.

Now the problem for me usually comes in the fact that I do not have a regular workout partner...and so I always have to "go and bother" someone to assist me with my weightlifting. But reality is...if I do not ask for help...I could get crushed by the weight I am trying to lift...and so I make the effort to ask for help.

I think we can all learn from this analogy...

Life is tough...that is a fact. Seriously, there are some days that you feel like you are on top of the world...and then there are some days that you feel as if the world is on top of you! However, one of the most awesome things about being a Christ Follower is the fact that we do not have to do this thing called life alone...we've got help.

I must admit that one of the things that I have personally struggled with in the past (and I am sure this is you if you would be honest) is the fact that Jesus is always with me. In my head and in my heart I know this--I have seen His promises in Scripture over and over again...but aren't there times in your life where you need a physical presence...someone who can be there? What do we do in those situations?

It's very simple--we ask for a spot! The weight that we are asked to carry in life will often become unbearable. And I have heard people say that, "The Bible says that God will never put more on us than we can handle." Uh, no it doesn't! The Bible does say that we will not be tempted beyond what we can handle...but Scripture is clear over and over that God will often allow for unbearable weight to be put on us in order to get us to turn to Him AND to one another.

So my solution (and the Biblical one) is that when life is unbearable...ask for a spot. Ask a fellow Christ Follower for help. Ask someone to pray with you. Ask someone for advice. Ask someone if they can just listen to you for about 30 minutes.

I know, I know--this is hard for many people--especially if you are a leader. In my mind there are basically two things that keep people from asking for help.

#1 - Pride - I know there have been times in my life that I feel like I am falling apart--but I wanted to maintain the image that I have it all together. I finally realized one day that this attitude is one of deception.

Here's the deal--many people are clueless to the condition of your heart and soul. They can see your face--but they can't see any type of pain and/or hurt inside unless you are willing to open up and be vulnerable. Don't let pride keep the weight on your chest...ask for a spot!

#2 - Worry - I know that at times I personally have felt as if I don't want to worry anyone with "my little problems." However, the Bible tells us in Galatians 6:2, "Carry each others burdens..."

I heard Andy Stanley say it best once in a sermon on community, "Reality is that I need you...and you need me." That is so true...God did not call us to walk alone. Over and over again in Scripture we see the importance and the beauty of community. (If you want an interesting Bible study...go through the NT and count the number of times Scripture uses the phrase, "one another.")

So...if you are struggling today...ask for a spot. And if you are strong--give a spot, remember in doing so you can be "Jesus with skin on" to a person who is about to be crushed.

And oh yeah...if you are 180 pounds and can lift 315...uh...you are strong...and there was nothing personal about the illustration used earlier. :-)

See you this Sunday at CCC...do you like ice cream?

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