It used be every couple years. Then it was once a year. Now, it comes about every 6 months. What? The need to re-think and re-vamp my life. And I'm feeling it again!
I'm sitting at DFW airport in Dallas waiting for a meeting, but my thoughts are regarding something a successful business friend of mine told me last week. He had gone to a conference that he was really pumped about and they told him that significance came as a result of success and success came as a result of stability. In other words, there are certain things in your life that must be stable; and that stability brings success; and that success can be leveraged for significance.
Now, there is a lot about that with which I disagree. But I do believe that I need to stabilize certain core values and disciplines before I can expect God to continue to allow my influence to grow. And that is what is bringing on this need to re-vamp my life. It's not an overhaul - cause I do hear hear from God; I do run and exercise regularly; I do keep my committments to church; I do intentionally spend time with each of my family members...but it's not stable. It's not as consistent as I want it to be.
So, I'm thinking about revamping my life so that I journal everyday; so that I workout and play volleyball every week (see previous post); so that I spend a little more time with my best friends and family; I'm close, but not there yet!
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