Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Why is it the blog spammers never seem to be able to speak English? Here’s a few recent examples :

*I’m love this great website. Many thanks guy
*i try to find something at and take it on your site…thanks
*Best site I see. Thanks. Hello there! Just want to say that I find your site enough interesting for me. Usefull information and all is good arranged. Thank you for your work. I will visit your site more ofter from now and I bookmarked it.
*Nice site. Thank to work…
*Great job guys… Thank for you work…
*Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

Well if nothing else at least they’re encouraging and courteous. Wouldn’t do them any harm to learn a little grammar though. Having said that I must confess in college, when reading some chapters on English grammar - they put me to sleep - so maybe that’s what happened to the spammers - they fell asleep during English!

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