Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So Far...

25 years ago today, I asked Jesus to come into my heart. It doesn't seem that long ago. I can still remember it. I knelt under a tree and prayed. Our denomination called it 'getting saved'.

After that, I wanted to tell everybody about Jesus.

I remember getting on an airplane and being afraid that if I didn't tell the person sitting next to me about Jesus, they would go to Hell and their blood would be on my hands. So, I kept trying to figure out a way to ask, "If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven? I finally asked. It felt awkward. She was a nun.

Fast forward 25 years.

This past Memorial Day, I went to a cookout at a friends house. I ended up talking to a few people on the back porch (which is my favorite spot). Somehow, the conversation got around to God. I don't know how that always happens. Guess it's because there's nothing more interesting. It's the never-ending discussion.

If I recall correctly, these new friends consisted of a former Mormon missionary, a United Pentecostal, a Catholic or two, various and sundry other creeds... and George.

George was raised in a home that was 'agnostic'. At his house, religion didn't figure in. "But," he said, "I believe there is something after this life."

That caught my ear.

"Why do you believe that?" I asked.

He sputtered to a stop. He had continued onto another part of his story and didn't know what I was talking about.

"Believe what?" he asked.

"You said you believe there is something after this life. Why do you believe that?"
He said he didn't know.

Everybody started talking and telling what they believed and why.
Why do we believe there's something beyond this life?
What causes us to even consider it?
How could we long for something we've never known?

I crave Blue Bell ice cream. Sometimes, I even 'long' for it. You see, I've tasted Blue Bell ice cream. I know what Blue Bell ice cream tastes like. I'm going to have some after lunch.

Why do I believe there's something beyond this life?

My DNA remembers God.
He made a very good first impression.

I believe our DNA echoes with the memory of His goodness. His breath is still in us (Genesis 2:7). We are His broken image (Genesis 1:27).

I used to have a dog when I was a kid. To my knowledge, he never remembered God. And he longed for nothing but to be scratched and thrown a treat. There wasn't anything in him that thought there was something after this life.

At least, he'd never spoken to me about it.

When it was my turn to tell why I believe there's something after this life, I told my friends that I came from God, got lost and Jesus has come to take me home.

But, a funny thing happened. As I was beginning to tell my story, I felt a lump rising in my throat and tears starting to burn in my eyes.

My voice was shaky. "It's because of Jesus," I said. "He started it. He loved me first. And He proved it by dying for my sins and rising from the dead. I believe that more than I believe I'm sitting here."

We all come from the same God. We may not agree about where the 'longing' comes from but there's no denying it. Well, I am beginning to find that my 'longing' is satisfied by the love of Jesus. Getting to know Him is like finding breadcrumbs along the path giving you a little taste of what's waiting at the house.

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