Monday, June 13, 2005

Alice Cooper

Below is an excerpt from a very interesting interview of Alice Cooper...

"As for the lifestyle found in some quarters of the rock world, Cooper says, "Drinking beer is easy. Trashing your hotel room is easy. But being a Christian, that's a tough call. That's real rebellion," he told the London Sunday Times Magazine.

In describing the importance of his Christian faith, he says, "It's everything. It's what I live for. If you gave me a choice between rock and roll and my faith, I'd take my faith," Cooper told The Observer in Australia. "Rock and roll is fun—it's what I do for a living. But it's not what I live on. I believe in classic Christianity. I've given my whole life to the Lord. But I don't think that means you can't be a rock and roller." After all, as Cooper has said, "I must be the only father that bangs on the bedroom door and says, 'Turn that music up!'"

[Currently playing on my IPod: Rock DJ by Robbie Williams]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't know he was a Christian, but after reading that, it seems like I may have heard that b4.