Monday, October 31, 2005

Make Today COUNT!!!

Make Today COUNT!!!

I was full of energy and excitement as I sat down at my computer a few minutes ago. I have this routine that I go through nearly every morning...I get a bagel and a glass of milk, drive to work (usually listening to FOX news), check my e-mail and then start to work.

But this morning my plans changed...I am stunned...I am numb...I can't believe what I have read.

Maybe you have heard about the story--maybe not--but Kyle Lake, the pastor of University Baptist Church in Waco, TX (the one where the David Crowder Band leads worship) died yesterday during a worship service. He was only 33, and left behind a wife and 3 small children. Apparently he was preparing to baptize someone and, while standing in the water, grabbed the microphone--something that he had apparently done many times. However, yesterday something apparently went MAJORLY wrong.

My heart goes out to this church--to this mans family--to the people he had the privilege of teaching and leading. I can't believe it! In fact, when I first read the story I thought, "This is a sick joke--a REALLY sick joke." However, the story is true...and my heart is broken.

Let me make you a promise--Kyle did not get up yesterday morning planning to step into eternity, but apparently it was his time...I believe that--I believe that God reigns, He is Sovereign, and that He has a reason for everything that happens.

In Scripture we are promised a lot of things--but we are never promised a tomorrow. My question to you is this, if you knew you had six months to live--what changes would you make? How would you treat your wife? Your children? Your friends? How would that affect your relationship with Christ?

My challenge is to answer those questions--and then begin to implement the changes. WE DO NOT KNOW how much time we have on this big ball of dirt called earth--we need to make our lives count.

Please pray for Kyle's family and his church as they go through this time. And as far as you and I--we are still here--God still has a purpose--let's live life to the fullest.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Caffeinated Caption

At 13 months old, my friends daughter Julia is already consuming three venti Starbuck coffees a day.

Ok, maybe not. But I had to capture the moment and share it.

Anyone got a creative caption for this one?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

World Series Predictions

It's down to 2 teams: The Astros and the White Sox.
So here's my question: Who is going to win it all this year? Post your prediction...The winner and in how many games.
My prediction: The White Sox win in 6 games...(Sorry Astros fans. But they aren't going to score any runs against the White sox starting pitching)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sometimes you have to laugh

Whether you like it or not--you will offend someone. No matter who you are or what you do...for some reason there is a person or group of people who will get mad. You don't even have to try to be me, I learned this on Monday morning upon arriving at work.

Let me set this up--I drive a new 4Runner that has one of those remote thingys that you can lock your door with. (I remember the first car I had with one of these...I would stand and lock and unlock the door just because I could!). When you lock the car it makes a "beep." (I know, some go "beep beep;" however, mine is just one "beep" to lock & "beep beep" to unlock).

So I get out of my car, lock it while I am on the way in with my remote...and I see this older guy walking in...and he's giving me a really dirty look. So I smiled at him (not the wise thing to do--I found this out later) and said, "Good morning--how are you?" (Once again--not the wise thing to do).

This dude nearly melted down! He went off on me by saying, "I'm not good at all...these stupid people with these new cars...they are too gosh darn lazy (his exact words) to lock their stupid car...all they have to do is run their finger over a button--but NO, they have to blow their stupid horn and scare people half to death--there's just no sense in that".

Keep in mind that this was Monday morning...I had just spent all morning leading worship at church the day before, and most of that evening at The Afters concert, and was still sort of out of I didn't realize at first that he was talking about me--so I kept smiling at him and said, "Man--that's awful".

Then he gave me a look that told me I should go to somewhere I can't go because I am a Christian and walked in the door ahead of me.

Then it hit me, "He's talking about me!" I realized that I must have scared this dude when I locked my door and that he was going off not on some random person--but me!!!

I stopped in my tracks...and then I just started laughing...I could not help it, I tried not to--I guess if I had been godlier I would have felt sorry for this guy--but I could not get the picture of what it must have looked like when I locked my car out of my mind.

Trust me--I didn't mean to offend this dude. I didn't sit in my car and scope him out and then blow the horn...I had no idea that this would even remotely affect anyone in a negative way. But nonetheless...he was ticked.

So what should my response have been? Maybe I should have apologized. Maybe I should not use my remote thingy anymore. Maybe I should just not lock my car! I am not sure what the Biblical thing to do was--but I could not help but laugh.

Like I said--sometimes you will offend people without even trying...and if you take the time to run around and apologize for every misconception or misunderstanding that you are involved in then...well...let's just say you are going to live a miserable life.

I had a friend tell me once, "words don't have meanings...people have meanings". And that is so true--people hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. Our job as followers of Jesus is to live a life that is above reproach...realizing that sometimes people will get offended without our knowledge...and we have to live with that. I suppose from time to time an apology might be necessary--but I didn't feel that doing the "beep beep" thing with my remote was a clear violation of Scripture.

So how has this altered my life? Well...not really at all. I will continue to use my remote...I do not feel that repentance is in order here--but I will try to make sure when I use it that this dude isn't even in the parking lot (unless I am feeling mischievious!).

Have an awesome day--and remember that our job is the relentless pursuit of who Christ called us to be--anything else is sin.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Playoff controversy

The absurdity of the call will renew cries for instant replay in Major League Baseball, but the entire incident never would have occurred if the umpires had simply ruled that Angels catcher Josh Paul had caught the ball. If plate umpire Doug Eddings didn't see that, then one of the base umpires should have stepped in to ensure that the ruling was correct. Sure, replay could help fix such mistakes, but it also would create other issues, lengthening games that many fans already believe are too long. The vast majority of the time, the umpires get it right. This time, they did not.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Late Night Tuesday

Great movie on TV last night...Godfather Part 2 on AMC.

Flipping channels I overheard on Laguna Beach in less than 8 seconds:

"So I was was like..."

"I know! Like no way!"

" for sure......"

People watch this show?

Monday, October 10, 2005

I did something

I went out this past Saturday to go casually looking at new cars, and I ended up coming home with one!

It was time, really. My car was a 1997 Toyota Camry with 163,000 miles on it. I traded it in on a beautiful Toyota 4Runner. Believe me, this was a total God thing. The deal I got was amazing (turns out the finance manager recognized me from church and is a!).

I know what some of you may be thinking...the gas prices will kill you. Well, for those who know me, you know that won't be the case for me. But I can't tell you why on this blog.

I'll post some pics later.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Be Still

Confession time...I have to do this--I have heard that it is good.

Somewhere in the Bible, ok, in Psalm 46:10, is that familiar verse that leader types like me can quote all day long BUT have a really hard time following, you know, "Be still and know that I am God..."

What? Is God joking? Be still? In today's society? I am sure that might have worked back in the days that this was written...but these people didn't have to face what we face did they? Seriously, we have schedules to keep, soccer practice for the kids, meetings during work, meetings after work, meetings about having too many meetings. Those people didn't have that type of lifestyle did they?

Uh, yep, I am afraid they did. God's word shatters all boundaries. Including the one of time--and if what was written was true a few thousand years ago...then it works today.

"Be still and know that I am God."

Easy to memorize--hard to apply. I think that is the reason that many of us walk around wondering why can't we see the Lord, why can't we hear the voice of Jesus. Simple--many of us are in too big of a hurry. Take the following test to see if this is you. (By the way--I FAILED this test with flying colors!!!)

When you come to a stoplight...and there are two cars in front of you, one in either you attempt to get in the lane behind the car that you think will go faster? You rationalize it this way, "I can get behind this car and then when we pass the other car I can get in the other lane and pass the car directly in front of me now." How did we do here?

"Be still and know that I am God..."

Or how about this--you are at the grocery store...two lines are open and they look to be equal in length. Do you begin to size up the cashiers to see how fast they are getting the customers through? Do you begin to count the items in the cart of the people in front of you before making your decision? Do you, after choosing a line, watch the other line to see if you had chosen that line if you would have made it out faster. Uh, yeah--I didn't do so well here.

"Be still and know that I am God..."

How about when you get in the car and are either heading to work or are on the way home. Do you begin to scan through your cell phone to see who you can call? Do you call people just to talk, not having any reason to call them...and if you would have had the option of calling that person or doing something else then that person would have lost hands down?

We are all guilty--we attempt to go at the speed of light--and we burn out.

"Be still and know that I God..."

My problem is that I hate being still! It's not fun--there is no rush--no one has ever been awarded for being the most "still" person...our society does not recognize people being still--but God does. Why? I think it's because it's during those times that He can communicate to us on the deepest level...and I want that.

So the rest is up to me. I must be intentional about making time to be still--not to be in such a hurry. I will continue to push hard, to do my job to the best of my abilities--but on the way to work tomorrow...I think I am cutting my cell phone off and not turning the radio on--that's a HUGE step for me. What about you? Are you in a hurry...or are you practicing the art of being still.

"Be still and know that I am God..."

Ice Ice Baby

My brother and I were driving home from dinner last night. (we had the top down and the windows open since it was a cool evening). Anyway, on the radio station we were listening to, they had an "all request" night...and someone requested, "Ice Ice Baby."

I was so excited! I know this is going to ruin the view that some of you have of me--but I love that song. And if you are anywhere around my age--there was a time that you loved it too. In fact, you still know the words, "Rollin' in my five point O with my rag top down so my hair can blow..." Go ahead, finish it--you know you want to!

So here we are, jammin' to this song--and we pull up to a stoplight. Do you know what my first reaction was? You guessed it--I reached and turned the radio down...I didn't want anyone to actually see me enjoying that song. But then I sat there and thought, "Wait a minute--I like this song--I don't even know the people in the cars around me...and I am letting what they might think about me control my behavior--NO WAY!"

So I cranked it back up, "I grabbed my nine all I heard were shells--fallin' on the concrete real fast, jumped in the car, slammed on the gas..." (I know you hate me right now--that song is stuck in your head--it's going to be there all day long--there's nothing you can do about it!)

So what in the world does that have to do with my faith, the Bible, Jesus, God, church--anything remotely close to some type of religious experience? I am glad you asked...

For a moment I was consumed with what others thought about me--and it was to the point where I let people that I didn't even know--and a fear of what they might think about me--actually alter my behavior. I see this as being a MAJOR problem among people who claim they are Christians.

For example--we gather at church, or go to home group, or youth group--whatever, and we sing songs to Jesus, listen to stories about Jesus, talk to Jesus--in that context it isn't hard to be a follower of Jesus--when everyone around you is doing it then it is easy to simply fall in line.

But what about at work? At school? At the game? Have you ever let your fear of what people may think about you cause you to slip into covert Christianity and back away from doing or saying something that will totally honor Jesus? I have--I think we all have--it's natural to want to back away--but it's just not right.

MAJOR DISCLAIMER--please understand, I am NOT saying that you need to be weird...and this is NOT permission to be stupid--let me explain.

I am NOT saying to go and get your Bible, walk into work, stand on top of your desk, and announce to everyone that they are going to hell. That's not taking a stand for Christ--that's causing people to think you are quite possibly a loon!

So how do we take a stand? How do we become "salt and light" like Jesus challenged us to become? Simple--it's in the little things.

For example--when you go out to lunch with some co-workers and your meal comes--PRAY. And don't do one of those things where you act like you are wiping your nose--seriously, bow and thank God for your food. Or better yet--ask the group if they minded if you prayed & thanked God for the food. I know what some are thinking, "But I might offend..." That is the problem--you are letting the possibility of someone not approving of your actions dictate how you act.

Or how about this--take a shot at inviting someone to church, and then offer to have them over to your home for a meal afterwards. Trust me--people are CRAVING community...and many will jump at the chance.

Or when you notice that someone is going through a tough time...tell them you are praying for them (and then actually do it)--trust me, that comment will mean more than you know.

Christ asked us to be loud--and not to turn down the volume when we get around people who might not like His music. So let's crank it up and live the life He's called us to live, and reach the people He's called us to reach!

"Yo, word to ya mother..."

Monday, October 03, 2005

Baseball Post-Season Begins!

Well, I made my predictions a few months ago about which teams would be in the post season. So I thought I'd share who made it compared to who picked:

AL East: (I picked) Boston (Actually won it) NY Yankees

AL Central: (I picked) Chicago (Actually won it) Chicago

AL West: (I picked) Los Angeles (Actually won it) Los Angeles

AL Wild Card: (I picked) NY Yankees (Actually won it) Boston

NL East: (I picked) Florida (Actually won it) Atlanta

NL Central: (I picked) St. Louis (Actually won it) St. Louis

NL West: (I picked) LA Dodgers (Actually won it) San Diego

NL Wild Card: (I picked) Philadelphia (Actually won it) Houston

What does all of this mean? It means I don't follow the National League that much. I love this time of year! Go Sox!