Friday, September 29, 2006

Left Behind

Saw this on the way into work this morning. I grabbed my camera and took a quick shot.

Pretty clever marketing for a board game(especially on the back a DART bus). It definitely did it's job in getting my attention.

Can anyone tell me what locally famous building that is in the background?

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm currently read a book by Rob Bell (Senior Pastor at Mars Hill Church in Michigan) entitled Velvet Elvis. In my reading today, I came across this great quote:

"A Christian doesn't avoid he questions; a Christian embraces them. Questions are not scary. What is scary is when people don't have any. What is tragic is a faith that has no room for them.

Central to the Christian experience is the art of questioning God.

Not belligerent, arrogant questions that have no respect for our maker, but naked, honest, vulnerable, raw questions, arising out of the awe that comes from engaging the living God.

This type of questioning frees us. Frees us from having to have it all figured out. Frees us from having answers to everything. Frees us from always having to be right. It allows us to have moments when we come to the end of our ability to comprehend. Moments when silence is enough".

Twisted Elf

So I pulled up at a stop light this morning and there it was - smiling at me with its silly little grin holding some sort of toy or upside down mushroom.

What is this thing??? Some sort of elf or little Santa man? And why is he so happy at 6:55am??

This thing has been stalking my brain for almost an hour. It's almost like he's offering me a hit, "Hey dude, have a hit of my mushroom...You won't be sorry!"

I think I need a 5 minute break...

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Those of you who know me or have been reading my blog for any length of time know how much I LOOOOOVE GREAT FOOD! Some call me a "foodie", I just call myself someone who really enjoys good food and drink.

It's been said of me that I have a type of built in radar for great food. Just ask my friends! I've never led them astray... (Except for the trip to PF Changs when Steve had his post Kung Pao curbside issue...But then again, everyone else was fine! Sorry Steve...)

I say all of this to introduce you to Larry's. This little gem is only 2 miles from my house, and has some of the best cheeseburger and onion rings I've ever tasted! It's also dirt cheap! What better combination can there be? You can follow the link to their website above and check out the menu. Forget McDonald's tonight before church...I'm heading to Larry's!


Apparently Terrell Owens attempted suicide last night by trying to overdose on prescription pain medicine. All that money, all that fame, and he's depressed... Like my friend Brian said "If you don't have Christ, you got nothing". Kinda blunt, but in the light of eternity, it's a hard truth.

I can see Terrell Owen's loft from my office window here in downtown Dallas, and there's media all over the place. Crazy!

If Jerry Jones is smart, which he's not, he'll cut T.O. now. It'll just end up being a media distraction the Cowboys don't need. Plus, T.O. is obviously screaming for help, and he won't get it on the football field.

Feeling 1,000,000% Better!

Whatever it was that I had, I'm glad it only lasted about 12 hours.

But just to be on the safe side, I'm gonna have this for lunch today.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


It's Tuesday night and it's just me and my laptop cuddled together in bed while I try to shake whatever the heck I'm feeling right now... Head hurts, a bit nauseous and well....I'm going to spare you any further details. Not sure what this is, but I can tell you that I very seldom get sick and I always HATE it when I do - especially when I SHOULD be preparing for work and church tomorrow (Wednesday).

So, it's back to sleep for a while. The "feeling" is coming back... Yuck.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Fall is here

Yesterday, as if to usher in the new season, the high temp was frigid a 75 degrees. I say that with a tone of sarcasm in my voice seeing as this summer in Dallas was blazingly 110 degrees hot!!!! So anything below 80 makes it seem like Jack Frost has made a visit.

I wish I didn't have to mow my lawn when I get home today...

Friday, September 22, 2006

Junk Mail

I've been in my new house about 6 weeks now, and for the last 4 weeks or so, I've been receiving calls and junk mail thanking me for "signing" up for some sort of magazine subscription or some other type of informative service (with a bill no less!) that I absolutely did not order.

Seriously, I've been getting about 3 of these a day. Yesterday I had to call and cancel an order for "Garden Herb Monthly".

Each time I call the customer service number for these places (which I have to dig up on Google because they conveniently leave the contact number off the bill) the reps say to me "well...we received a business info request with your name on it." I politely tell them that I did not send in or sign anything of the sort. They apoligize and cancel the order.

Just 5 minutes ago, I received a call on my office number from some storage building company stating they received my request for information (which of course I did not request). I'm beginning to think that when I signed up for my Dish Network or internet service, these people sold my info to all of these marketing services.

It's beginning to really hack me off. I've cancelled about 10 of these things alone this week. GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

I also put my cell phone on the DO NOT CALL registry. Apparently, telemarkets begin to have access to cell phone directories at the end of this month.

Faith suckers

I'm probably going to ruffle some feathers with this one...

A couple of days ago, I visited one of our local "Christian" bookstores to purchase something. It had been quite a while since I had visited there so I decided to walk around and see what was new in the world of "Christian" books, music, etc... Well there were a couple of things that caught my eye during my visit. Only one of them is really worth mentioning and that is the array of "Christian" candies that I saw offered for sale.

Something about this really frightens me. Scripture Mints, Faith Suckers, Scripture Sour Gum and Scripture Smarties. Go ahead - say those out loud.

Tell me this isn't just a little corny... Maybe the thing that irritates me about this is what it seems to represent. I guess it's this whole "Christian culture" thing. To me it represents the problem that many Christians have of living in their Christian bubble. They've got their Christian music (which isn't bad in and of itself - in fact there is a lot of good Christian music out there finally), Christian clothing, Christian language (Christianese), etc... And now we've got our own candy?

Now we are relying on mints and gum to do the witnessing for us? First of all, where's the relationship aspect that is so vital (earning the right to be heard)? Secondly, regardless of the relationship thing, don't you think that 95% of all people who receive a Faith Pop are going to laugh or make fun of it? (On top of all of that, who really reads candy wrappers anyway?) Sometimes I feel like the Christian community has almost cheapened the gospel through all of its marketing and packaging.

Maybe I'm totally wrong and this is a new innovative way to reach people, but in my opinion, it's about as lame as the majority of TV preachers on television. My point is that all of this Christian "stuff" is great and all, but if we ever use any of it as a shield to hide behind or as a replacement for investing into the lives of people via relationships then we have a problem.

Ok, now I'll get off of my soapbox (Christian soapbox at that...) .

The other day

...I drove by an old Pizza Hut that closed down and is now a CURVES workout facility for women.

Kind of ironic.

Last Supper Painting

I was talking to a friend of mine who attends a different church than I do. They are extremely good at helping people identify and take the next step.

Here is one example.

They did a series on the Da Vinci Code and printed out a thirty foot version of Da Vinci's painting The Last Supper. It was staging during the series. At the end of the series, they asked people who wanted to "be at the table" with Jesus to sign the painting.

How cool is that?

What a creative way to cross the line of faith.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Whatever it takes

A few nights ago I went to see the newly released movie “The Last Kiss” starring Zach Braff. While I would probably give the entire movie an ok rating, it’s worth seeing for one scene. The scene is between Zach Braff’s character who has found himself in extreme relational hardships with his pregnant girlfriend and Tom Wilkinson’s character who is the father of the girlfriend.
Braff is looking to Wilkinson’s character for some kind of guidance and support.

Wilkinson’s character, who has had his own marrital challenges in his 30-year marriage, tell’s Braff exactly what he need’s to do. “There is one thing you need to do,” says the Dad, “whatever it takes.”

In a movie filled with relational confusion and uncertainty, this scene and more specifically, this one line, provides a clarity that by this point in the film is greatly needed. To “do whatever it takes” is not an easy challenge but it serves as an open invitiation to make our relationships with those closest to us of paramount importance. It forces us to consider a scenario where it’s “not about us”. It places the relationship above the priority of what’s “in it for us”.

Although it’s a very simply suggestion, It’s a line I will never forget and because of it, my perspective on relationships has been changed for the better.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Could you date...

......a girl that doesn’t like the movie “Caddyshack”? A friend of mine asked this question today and I think it’s a pretty good one.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Empty Out the Theater

I have been reading a lot about “relationship” lately. Leanoard Sweet’s “Out of the Question….”, Donald Miller’s “Searching For God Knows What” both hit on this problem of relationships that really hit home for me. Both of these writers call into question how well ourAmerican society has been dealing with the issue of relationships. Basically, we suck….me included. When I start to inspect within myself, the way I approach relationships in general, it really puts me up against something I don’t like… shortcomings, my failures, my tendency to be a bad listener, my tendency to be too lazy to reach out and connect with others, and on and on.

I think I am learning that in order to experience relationships in a real and honest way, we need to accept that it will be, at times, painful. Not just because of the harm someone else may cause you, but mostly from the pain of recognizing that you aren’t able to keep up the charade.

In a REAL relationship, the show is over, the curtains are drawn, the crowd has stopped applauding and everyone has gone home. We are left standing in an empty theater, naked, fat, and balding. This is something we not only need to expect, but something we should SEEK. We should seek this with our family, friends we have flaked on for months, neighbors who give us the evil eye because of our barking dogs, and most of all, our Creator, our God.

See what I mean, it sucks...but only at first, I hope.

I say “I hope”, because I still don’t know if I have really reached that point where I am alone, on stage, in the theater after the crowd has left, where I make myself available for anyone to come in and see me as exactly as I am. Maybe I never will, but I at least feel CLOSER to this point with my mere realization that my make-up and costumes only allow me to experience a fragile shell of what a real relationship might be.

Ditching the image, the reputation, the notoriety, the status. Maybe the only way to really fly first class is to go back to coach. That realization hurts, especially when flying from DFW to Sydney Australia.

Anyway, I guess I am disappointed in myself. I feel that I have failed those around me, and most of all, failed God.

It’s staggering to think how little I actually call out to God. Those prayers are too few and far between. It’s like I can’t walk with God, I just realize now and then that He’s way ahead of me on the trail and I yell out and run towards him for about 20 yards, then I slow down again, back to my own pace. A safe distance. There is so much for me to talk to God about, but I fail to say it.

My friend Steve once said that "just because God CAN bless us, it doesn’t mean He’ll do so. He wants to hear from us about our desires, our pain, our dreams. He wants to know that we are faithful, and then He will honor our faithfulness."

When he said that, something hit deep inside me. I have so many friends that I feel will never understand what it’s like to open up to God, our Creator, and journey with Him in the ugly/beautiful world. It’s like I don’t believe God can move towards them to bridge that gap.

I can throw up some wordy prayer towards God, but until I actually believe that He can do what seems impossible to me, He won’t accept my prayer. I call to God for change and blessing, but without the faith that He can provide them.....I might as well spit in His face. It’s nothing but an insult.

I have a long way to go. DFW to Sydney Australia looks like a stroll around the block from this starting point. But I AM faithful that God can help me get there.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Well, now I know what home ownership really feels like. My house got toilet papered on Saturday night.

I feel honored.

Some of the youth from the church thought that it would be a fun way of welcoming me into the neighborhood. I think they we're disappointed though...I had it cleaned in less than 15 minutes.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This thing sucks

Halloween must be on its way...

Walking through Target this afternoon minding my own business when this thing SCREAMS at me as I walk by it!! Before I knew what was happening all 30 of them were doing it.

Almost fell right into the diaper display behind me.

Not funny...

The Croc Hunter

Like the rest of the world, I was pretty shocked to hear about the death of the Croc Hunter. Being a guy with a degree in marine biology, I've been an avid Steve Irwin fan for years. I love the show. And you can't help but love the guy. Your heart breaks for his wife and kids!

It's sort of weird, but when a celebrity dies it makes you reflect on life. Maybe its because celebrities seem larger than life.

In one sense, the way Steve Irwin died was so tragic. Evidently, the barb from a sting ray punctured his heart. But I think the way he died is a reminder and a testament to something really powerful. I hope this comes across the right way. Every death is tragic no matter how someone dies. But Steve Irwin died doing what he loved to do. That doesn't lessen the grief. But he died the way he lived.

I know this sounds morbid, but I want to die doing what I love to do.

Some people live their lives as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. I don't have a death wish. I want to live a long life. But if I had to choose between a long life and a full life I'd choose a full life.